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contends for the enactment of laws compelling legal guardianship for all drug-users, irrespective of the degree of their habit. The present system of waiting, until the addict commits an insane act before he is put under control, endangers the patient by allowing the habit to grow upon him, and endangers society because the first inordinate act may result in loss of life or property.

In addition to cocaine, heroin, and morphine the lords paramount of habit-forming narcotics, large quantities of acetanilid, antipyrin, phenacetine, caffein (a dangerous cerebrospinal stimulant) in soft drink preparations like Coca-Cola that are favorites with women and children, chloral (in Bromidia and Somnos), heroin (in a miscellany of cough mixtures), veronal (in Neuronidia) -all these have been or are sold without restriction and under names that do not indicate their presence.

One of the later addictions is the bromo-seltzer habit, extremely prevalent on the higher levels of society, and most demoralizing in its action on heart muscle and blood vessels, digestion, nervous poise, and moral expression.

The time will surely come, as civilization refines and knowledge advances, when the occurrence of a contagious disease in family or school will be regarded as a crime. So may we hope that in the fullness of the same time, the

unscrupulous vender who deals out death to his victims on the instalment plan, either through the medium of barroom favorites, insidious nostrums, or drug-bearing temperance drink, shall be adjudged as incontestably a murderer as the poisoner who takes the life of his fellow with a single dose of cyanide or the footpad who kills with one stiletto thrust.



What makes a "sensitive" or a genius seems to be ability, beyond that of people in general, to evoke the contents of the subliminal consciousness or Cosmic Soul into the vigilant or waking consciousness. This is imagination, inspiration, "possession." From On the Cosmic Relations.

To every man there come noble thoughts that pass across his heart like great white birds.


He giveth unto His beloved in sleep.

Psalm cxxvii.




HE value of psychic inspiration in educing


from the richly attributed subliminal consciousness exalted mental power independently of conventional training, has been most comprehensively dealt with in the companion volume to this work.1 Little may be added, beyond the confirmatory support of numerous additional experiences, to the exposition therein given of the evocation of ability, aptitude, endowment, and genius itself by clear-sighted propulsive suggestion to the sleeping subject. This psychic treatment may be applied along the lines of voice utterance and all musical expression, pulpit oratory, histrionic activity, authorship, pedagogy, business capacities, and in general to any gifts or natural bents discovered to their possessors. The task of the suggestionist here is not to create, but to evoke to bring out, in concrete available forms, lofty properties inhering in all 1 Hypnotic Therapeutics (Harper & Brothers, N. Y.).

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