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I don't know my letters, and what shall I do? For I've got a nice book, but I can't read it


O dear, how I wish that my letters I knew.
I think I had better begin them to-day,

"T is so like a dunce to be always at play: Mamma, if you please, will you teach me great A,

And then B and C, as they stand in the row, One after another, as far as they go?

For then I can read my new story, you know.



So do, mamma, tell me at once, and you'll see What a good, very good little child I shall be, To try and remember my A, B, C, D.



"Dear Mary," said the poor blind boy,
"That little bird sings very long;

Say, do you see him in his joy,
And is he pretty as his song?"

"Yes, Edward, yes," replied the maid,
"I see the bird on yonder tree;"

The poor boy sighed, and gently said,

'Sister, I wish that I could see.

"The flowers, you say, are very fair,

And bright green leaves are on the trees,
And pretty birds are singing there—
How beautiful for one who sees.

"Yet I the fragrant flowers can smell,
And I can feel the green leaf's shade,
And I can hear the notes that swell

From those dear birds that God has made.

"So, sister, God to me is kind,

Though sight to me he has not given;

But tell me, are there any blind
Among the children up in heaven?

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Come, come, mister peacock, you must not be proud,

Although you can boast such a train;

For many a bird far more highly endowed
Is not half so conceited and vain.

Let me tell you, gay bird, that a suit of fine clothes

Is a sorry distinction at most,

And seldom much valued, excepting by those Who such graces only can boast.



The nightingale certainly wears a plain coat, But she cheers and delights with her song; While you, though so vain, cannot utter a note To please by the use of your tongue.

The hawk cannot boast of a plumage so gay, But piercing and clear is her eye;

And while you are strutting about all the day, She gallantly soars in the sky.

The dove may be clad in a plainer attire,
But she is not so selfish and cold;

And her love and affection more pleasure inspire,

Than all your fine purple and gold.

So you see, mister peacock, you must not be proud,

Although you can boast such a train; For many a bird is more highly endowed, And not half so conceited and vain.


See me, I am a little boy,

Who loves to go to school;
And though I am not very old,
I'll prove I am no fool.

For I can count one, two, three, four,
Say one and two make three;
Take one away, then two remain,
As you may plainly see.

Twice one are two, twice two are four,
And six is three times two;

Twice four are eight, twice five are ten, And more than this I do :

For I have learned some little

About the dog and cat;


And sing them very sweetly too,
And to beat time I pat.

I know that A does stand for Ape,
For Apple, and for all ;
That B does for a Bottle stand,
A Baker, and a Ball.

C stands for Cake and Cooper too,
D for my pretty Dog;
E Eagle is, our country's arms,
And F it stands for Frog.

I know there are two sorts of things:
One sees, and feels, and loves;

The other only stands stock still,
Nor hears, nor sees, nor moves.

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