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Published by Bradford Inskop. Philadelphia:
and Inskeep & Bradford, New York

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On the nature and proper use of EMPHASIS, by which the truth and force of sentiment is conveyed.


THE subject to which I shall solicit your attention this evening is that important principle of correct elocution, Emphasis, by which the truth and force of sentiment is conveyed; and without the just observance of which, no reader or speaker can properly impress the minds, or engage the attention of his hearers.

The word Emphasis, etymologically considered, means signification or force. It is a Greek word, and when applied to speech, imports the marking by the voice any word or words in a phrase or sentence, as more important than the rest.

The purpose of Emphasis may be effected in several ways; by increase of force, by variation of tone, by extension of time in enunciation, or by any two or all of these together. In the first way, Emphasis operates by simple vociferation; in the second, by accent; in the third, by quantity.

Wherever Emphasis rests it combines itself with the eminent accent of the word, commonly adding to its force, often altering its tone, never removing it from its place, and only sometimes where some opposition is to be marked within the word, holding any very striking connexion with any other syllable. Though a similarity of operation VOL. II.


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