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Systems of Rules for Pronunciation and Composition, are generally found connected with productions which are so large and expensive, that many of our youth often find it inconvenient to become possessed of them. Hence, utility and economy combine, to render this little compend acceptable, and, indeed, desirable, to no inconsiderable portion of the community.

The Compiler, however, is aware, that the Art of Oratory needs no encomium. But he is at the same time as well aware, that a great proportion of our youth, and some who are preparing to become public teachers, consider this an art of but inferior consequence. With a view to correct this mistake, and to diffuse the spirit of genuine Oratory among the youth of this vicinity, and excite them to cultivate the talents which God has given them, it may briefly be observed, that-Oratory, or the Art of Speaking and Reading eloquently, has been considered by the most distinguished characters of every age, to be the most important and ornamental of any ever possessed by man. The correctness of this sentiment will never be denied by intelligent and scientific men, until they shall have forgotten the blessed and glorious effects which eloquence has produced. It is this, Noble Art which has prepared the way for the civilization and refinement of the barbarian; it is this, which has emancipated mil

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lions from slavery; it is this, which has redeemed innumerable captives; it is this, which has brought re lief to the oppressed widow and injured orphan-and it is to this alone, that some are now indebted for their immortality! Should this little compend, produce a conviction, in some of the rising generation, of the importance of the compiler's object, and induce them to become correct and eloquent speakers-verily he will have his reward,-and to all the Patrons of genuine Eloquence it is here most humbly inscribed By the


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