Puslapio vaizdai

"I knew 'twas a trumpet's note !

And I see my brethren's lances gleam,

And their pennons wave by the mountain stream, And their plumes to the glad wind float! " Cease awhile, clarion! Clarion, wild and shrill, Cease! let them hear the captive's voice-be still!

"I am here, with my heavy chain ! And I look on a torrent sweeping by, And an eagle rushing to the sky,

And a host, to its battle-plain !

Cease awhile, clarion!

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Clarion wild and shrill,

Cease! let them hear the captive's voice-be still!

"Must I pine in my fetters here?

With the wild wave's foam, and the free bird's flight, And the tall spears glancing on my sight,

And the trumpet in mine ear?"

Cease awhile, clarion! Clarion, wild and shrill,

Cease! let them hear the captive's voice-be still!

"They are gone! they have all pass'd by ! They in whose wars I had borne my part, They that I lov'd with a brother's heart,

They have left me here to die!"

Sound again, clarion! Clarion, pour thy blast! Sound! for the captive's dream of hope is past.


Louis, Emperor of Germany, having put his brother, the Palsgrave Rodolphus, under the ban of the empire, (in the 12th century,) that unfortunate Prince fled to England, where he died in neglect and poverty. "After his decease, his mother, Matilda, privately invited his children to return to Germany; and by her mediation, during a season of festivity, when Louis kept wassail in the Castle of Heidelberg, the family of his brother presented themselves before him in the garb of suppliants, imploring pity and forgiveness. To this appeal the victor softened."-Miss BENGER'S Memoirs of the Queen of Bohemia.

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