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lections from the most approved authors, designed for Exercises in Reading, Singing, Parsing, Herme

neutics, Rhetoric and Punctuation ;

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Be it remembered, That on the sixteenth day of May, in the fifty-third year c L. S. the Independence of the United States of America, Joseph Emerson, of the sai District, hath deposited in this office the title of a Book, the right whereof h claims as Author and Compiler, in the words following, to wit :

"The Poetic Reader, containing selections from the most approved authors, designe for exercises in Reading, Singing, Parsing, Hermeneutics, Rhetoric and Punctuation; t which are prefixed, directions for reading. By Joseph Emerson, Principal of the Femal Seminary, Wethersfield."

In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States, entitled, "An act for th encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to th authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned."-And also the act, entitled, "An act supplementary to an act, entitled ' An act for the encourag ment of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors ar proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned,' and extending the benefi thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints."


A true copy of Record, examined and sealed by me,

Clerk of the District of Connecticut.
Clerk of the District of Connecticut.

NOTICE. The reader is requested to make the following corrections, In No. 1 line 19, after in insert the; in No. 14, line 22, erase every.


Poetry and music are nearly allied. They ree in their grand effects; and when propy united, the effect of each is heightened the other. The praise due to one, may be merally claimed by the other.

Music and poetry are reckoned among the e arts. Nothing can better deserve the me. No art is better suited to call forth e finest feelings of sensibility, to kindle and erish the tender, delicate, thrilling emotions taste, or to impart refinement, elegance and evation to our blest faculties. But this is t their highest, much less, their only praise. ney are useful arts, and of these among the ost useful. If rightly employed, they are culiarly fitted to mend the heart; to render e lessens of wisdom doubly efficacious; to cite, increase and prolong every holy affecon; to bring down heaven to earth; to raise e soul to heaven. For this, they were desned by the Author of nature; and for this, ey have been used from the beginning of Of the life-giving oracles, much was ritten in poetry, and much designed to be ing. By these sacred songs, the inhabitants Zion, in every age, have been consoled and meered, and borne upward in their course to lory. Many ten thousands, besides the weet psalmist of Israel, have confidently apealed to the Searcher of hearts, "Thy stattes have been my songs in the days of my ilgrimage," giving glory to Him, "that giv. th songs in their night."


The contemner of sacred song is the desiser of angels and of heaven. When the oundations of the earth were laid, the mornng stars sang together, and all the sons of tod shouted for joy. And the ransomed of he Lord shall return, and come to Zion, with ongs and everlasting joy upon their heads. Singing seems to be in a great measure, the usiness of heaven. The trophies of almighy Grace are a blessed company of musicians, i continually increasing choir, shouting forth he praises of Immanuel, Unto him that lovd us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests into God and his Father, to him, be glory and dominion forever and ever. While we seem listening to their exalted and ever rising strains, how can we but exclaim, "I would

begin the music here?" And here the music
we may begin. A few notes we may catch,
imperfect indeed; but a few notes we may
catch, of that enrapturing song. And here
the music we must begin, or never join the
chorus of the skies. We must at least, begin
to sing in spirit, if not in words; and in heart,
unite with those, who thus show forth the
praises of Him, who has called them out of
darkness into his marvellous light.

How important, that all who are sufficient-
ly gifted with musical powers, should here
commence the heavenly art, that they may
thus edify themselves and their fellow trav-
ellers to glory! How desirable, that from
every religious assembly, every school, every
collection, gathered together in the name of
the Lord, even though but two or three in
number-how desirable, that the incense of
praise, kindled by the voice of melody, should
be wafted to heaven !

Are you unwilling to make the attempt, without a bright prospect of excelling? Are you willing to do nothing, if you cannot do

more than others? How little would be done, if all should adopt such a principle. What if every star, except the very brightest, or those of the first magnitude, should fall from the spiritual firmament? If you have but one talent, must you needs hide it in a napkin? Should you not be very thankful for one talent; and if possible, make it ten? Would you not rather be a door-keeper in the house of the Lord, than to reign in the tents of wickedness? -to be the least in heaven, than the greatest on earth? But how does it appear, that you cannot excel? If you make the very utmost efforts, with ardent prayer and humble trust, how much better may God do for you, than you have dared to hope? How many has he placed among the chief singers, and long honored as the edifiers of his people, who once felt that their powers were nothing!

Some have contended, that all should sing -that all have been furnished with such musical talents, as might be improved, and used for the benefit of themselves and others. If this opinion is not perfectly correct, it is doubtless ten times nearer the truth, than the common opinion, that comparatively few can


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