Certain Relations Between Poetic Style and Characterization in Elizabethan DramaStanford University, 1957 - 172 psl. |
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24 psl.
... Cassius , in Act IV , scenes ii and iii . These divisions are made on the basis of the other major characters with or against whom Brutus speaks at length , for it is in these episodes that stylistic variations are most likely to ...
... Cassius , in Act IV , scenes ii and iii . These divisions are made on the basis of the other major characters with or against whom Brutus speaks at length , for it is in these episodes that stylistic variations are most likely to ...
27 psl.
... Cassius , as against forty - six for Brutus , cant : omitting the interruptions . It is true that Cassius is not debating a moral issue or deciding upon a course of action , as Brutus is . But this simply indicates that he is more a man ...
... Cassius , as against forty - six for Brutus , cant : omitting the interruptions . It is true that Cassius is not debating a moral issue or deciding upon a course of action , as Brutus is . But this simply indicates that he is more a man ...
38 psl.
... Cassius on the other . Although the two categories mingle partially in Antony and Cassius ( both using some structural figures and some figures related to individual words ) , they are epitomized in the speech of Brutus and Caesar . To ...
... Cassius on the other . Although the two categories mingle partially in Antony and Cassius ( both using some structural figures and some figures related to individual words ) , they are epitomized in the speech of Brutus and Caesar . To ...
Nerodoma skirsnių: 1
Pagrindiniai terminai ir frazės
action alliteration anaphora antanaclasis antonomasia Antony appears argument attitude basic becomes blank verse Bosola caesurae Cassius characterization clauses Clemen comedy concise couplets Desdemona detail dialogue diction dignified discourse Doctor Faustus doth dramatic personalities dramatist Duchess of Malfi Edward Edward II effective elements Elizabethan drama emotional enjambment erotema euphuistic style example exsufflicate feature Ferdinand following passage Gaveston hath haue honourable Iago imagery indicate individual involved isocolon Jonson and Webster Julius Caesar king language lines major characters manner of speaking manner of speech Marlowe mature moral Mortimer noble Othello particular passion pattern play poetic style poetry polyptoton presentation of character Prof prose qualities reason repetition reveal rhetorical figures rhetorical question rhythm Rome scene Sejanus sentence and phrase sententiae set speeches Shakespeare shows significant soliloquy sophisticated structural figures stylistic devices synonymia thee thou thought in different tragedy variations in style various White Devil whore words