Baltimore. November 5 1866. CB. Richardon, Ag Dear Sir, 540. Broadway. Run York. I have received an instatement of froh, stuk and rebum hem arrestil with the guatet freible diefalet. I thank you for the attention, and reparti that you will let me har the r hat you remamdır as soon ap Memphis bia tathe I am about having for Member A most Interesting and Valuable Work. SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE WAR, BY EDWARD A. POLLARD, Late Editor of the Richmond Examiner. Cloth, $5.00. Half Calf, library binding, $7.50 Jefferson Davis, WITH SPLENDID STEEL PORTRAITS OF Alex. H. Stephens, Gen. Braxton Bragg, Gen. John P. Hood, A recent statement of Mr. POLLARD having been so misunderstood as to give rise, in some quarters, to the extraordinary impression that he (Mr. POLLARD) is not the author of "THE SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE WAR," now published by me, or had not authorized its publication, the inclosed extracts from one of his recent letters to me are published, as being sufficient to set the matter at rest. The proof-sheets he refers to are those of the last year of the war-his concluding chapters. The Press everywhere speak in the highest terms of this admirable and interesting history, and its immense sale in every section of the country attests its universal popularity. It is for sale by canvassing agents everywhere. C. B. RICHARDSON, Publisher, 540 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. |