Delusive Ideas of the Union.-Administration of John Adams.-The "Strict Con structionists."-The "State Rights" Men in the North.-The Missouri Restriction.--General Jackson and the Nullification Question.-The Compromise Measures of 1850. -History of the Anti-Slavery Party.-The "Pinckney Resolutions."-The Twentyfirst Rule.-The Abolitionists in the Presidential Canvass of 1852.-The KansasNebraska Bill.-The Rise and Growth of the Republican Party.-The Election of President Buchanan.-The Kansas Controversy." Lecompton" and "Anti-Lecompton."-Results of the Kansas Controversy.-The John Brown Raid. "Helper's Book."-Demoralization of the Northern Democratic Party.-The Faction of Stephen A. Douglas.-The Alabama Resolutions.-The Political Platforms of 1860.-Election of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.-Analysis of the Vote.-Political Condition of the North.-Secession of South Carolina.-Events in Charleston Harbor --Disagreements in Mr. Buchanan's Cabinet.-The Secession Movement in Progress -Peace Measures in Congress.-The Crittenden Resolutions.-The Peace Congress.— Policy of the Border Slave States.-Organization of the Confederate States Government.-President Buchanan.-Incoming of the Administration of Abraham Lincoln. -Strength of the Revolution.
THE American people of the present generation were born in the belief that the Union of the States was destined to be perpetual. A few minds rose superior to this natal delusion; the early history of the Union itself was not without premonitions of decay and weakness; and yet it may be said that the belief in its permanency was, in the early part of the present generation, a popular and obstinate delusion, that embraced the masses of the country.
The foundations of this delusion had been deeply laid in the early history of the country, and had been sustained by a false, but ingenious prejudice. It was busily represented, especially by demagogues in the North, that the Union was the fruit of the Kevolution of 1776, and had been purchased by the blood of our forefathers. No fallacy could have been more erroneous in fact more insidious in its display, or more effective in