Nathaniel Butter, (without any direction to the place of fale) 1608. [Thefe two Quarto's, though of the fame date, appear to be different editions, not only as the one has not the place of fale fet down in the title page, which is fet down in the other; but as they have different readings; and the pages do not tally together. In the courfe of collating this play, I have had reafon to think that the quarto which I have marked the ft, is the older edition of the two. And it may be obferved, that the folio's read more after the ift than the 2d.] The four folio's; and the modern editions of Rowe, Pope, Theobald, Hanmer, Warburton, and Johnfon, to which references are made by the initial letters of the editors names. DRA LAY tches. Mufic and res them ik: to answer They conjure ad, which bids him arition of a bloody in born a child ball harm crowned, a, he fhal1 d fhal1 never come to Tacb. conjures the ther Bang.'s iffue in answer to this (fuppofed Bang's and Bang. order; ind, wherein apWitches dance, ells Macb. that . determines to nd to murder his Regan, Daughters to A&t I. Sc. 2, 3, 4. A& II. Sc. 4, 6, II, Cordelia, 12, 13. A& III. Sc. 10, 11. A&IV. At I. Sc. 2, 3, 4, 5. Act IV. Sc. 4, 10. Knights attending on the King, Officers, Messengers, Sol diers, and Attendants.. SCENE lies in BRITAIN. The qu's fpell this Gonorill. A SKETCH |