SCENE IX. To him enter Edgar. Edgar!and pat, he comes like the catastrophe of the old comedy; y my cue is villainous melancholy, with a figh like Tom o' Bedlam-O, thefe eclipfes a do portend thefe divifions. Edg. How now, brother Edmund, what serious contemplation are you in? Edm. I am thinking, brother, of a prediction I read this other day, what should follow thefe eclipses. Edg. Do you bufy yourself about that? Edm. I promised you, the effects, he writ of, fucceed unhappily; f as of unnaturalness between the child and the parent, death, dearth, diffolutions of ancient & amities, divifions in ftate, menaces and maledictions against king and nobles, needless diffidences, banishment of friends, dissipation of ↳ comforts, nuptial breaches, and I know not what. So the qu's; the reft omit Edgar!—and. * The qu's read out for pat. The qu's read mine for my cue. 2 The qu's read them of Bedlam. * Do is omitted by P. and all after him. After divifions, all but the qu's read fa, fol, la, me. So the qu's; the reft read with for about. The 2d, 3d, and 4th fo's omit you. So the qu's; the rest writes for writ. f What is in italic is omitted by all but the qu's; F. indeed puts part of it among his notes, and fays he thinks it ought to be inferted in the text, but neglects doing it. The ad q. reads armies for amities. The qu's read coborts; 7. reads courts. Edg i Edg. How long have you been a fectary astronomical? Edm. Come, come; when saw you my father last ? Edg. k Why, the night gone by. Edm. Spake you with him ? Edg. Ay, two hours together. Edm. Parted you in good terms? found you no difpleasure in him, by word, m or countenance? Edg. None at all. Edm. Bethink yourself wherein you may have offended him: and, at my intreaty, forbear his presence, until fome little time hath qualified the heat of his displeasure, which at this instant so rageth in him, that with the mischief of your ▸ person it would a scarcely allay. Edg. Some villain hath done me wrong. Edm. That's my fear. I pray you have a continent forbearance till the speed of his rage goes flower: and, as I fay, retire with me to my lodging, from whence I will fitly bring you to hear my lord speak. Pray you go, there's my key. If you do ftir abroad, go arm'd. Edg. Arm'd, brother? Edm. Brother, I advise you to the best, s go arm'd: I am no honest man, if there be any good meaning toward you : i J. takes no notice of the rest from hence. * All but the qu's omit why. The qu's omit ay. The fo's and R. read nor. The 3d and 4th fo's, and all after, omit may. • The qu's read till for until. The ist q. reads parfon. The qu's read scarce. What is in italic is omitted in the qu's. * All but the qu's omit go arm'd. I have told you what I have seen and heard but faintly; nothing like the image and horror of it. Edg. Shall I hear from you anon? Pray you, away. SCENE X. Edm. I do ferve you in this business. [Exit Edgar. A credulous father, and a brother noble, Gen. Did my father strike my gentleman for chiding of his fool? Gon. By day and night he wrongs me: every hour He flashes into one grofs crime or other, That fets us all at odds; I'll not endure it. P. and H. omit do. Heath would read I'll ferve you, &c. to make it proper answer to Edgar's question: but I am apt to think it is a proper anfwer already; by I do ferve you, &c. is meant I am your fervant in this bafinefs. "The fo's call this feena tertia. The 1st q. reads and gentleman; the ad and a gentleman. So the qu's: all the rest ay for yes. His knights grow riotous, and himself upbraids us Whose mind and mine, I know, in that are one, That still would manage those authorities, That he hath giv'n away. - Now, by my life, With checks, d by flatteries when they're seen abus'd. Stew. f Very well, madam. Gon. And let his knights have colder look among you; what grows of it, no matter; & advise your fellows fo. I'll write straight to my sister to hold my very course. The qu's read fellow-fervants. * The qu's read in for to. The qu's read diflike for diftaste. b These tines in italic were first restored from the old qu's by Theobald, and inferted by W. and J. But J. fays, that Shakespear perhaps threw these lines away, nor would thank the officiousness of his editors in restoring the patsage. So this pallage, that J. thinks hould pot stand in the text, he has put there; as, a while ago, he neglected to infert a passage which he thought should stand in the text. A very reasonable way of proceeding! This is W.'s emendation; the rest read fools for folks. d The qu's read as for by; to f.; W. reads not; T. reads like flatt'rers when they're seen t' abuse us. e So the qu's; the rest read I have faid for I tell you. f The fo's, R. and P. omit very, before advise H. inferts and. Kent. If but as well I other accents borrow, For which I raz'd my likeness. Now, banish'd Kent, Horns within. Enter Lear, knights, and attendants. -How now? what art thou? Kent. A man, fir. [To Kent. h The qu's add I would breed from hence occafions; and I shall that I mey Speak. i So the qu's; all the rest omit very. * All but the qu's and H. omit go; H. reads go and, not that he had seen the qu's, but to eke out the verse. 1 Before prepare H. reads and. mR. and all after him, read and for that. long. Merry Wives of Windfor. ■ The qu's and 3 fo's read defuse; the 4th f. diffuse; R. P. and J. difufe. To diffuse here signifies to diforder; to put out of a regular course. It is used in other places in this author; diffused attire, diffused founds. H.Let them forth from a faw pit rush at once with some diffused fong, i. e, wild Though perhaps Shakespear might here • The qu's omit so may it come. Lear |