Princes were born, and drums were banged; Now and then batches of Highwaymen hanged. "Glorious news!"-from the Spanish Main; PORTO-BELLO at last was ta'en. "Glorious news !"-for the liquor trade; Nobody dreamed of "BEAU BROCADE." People were thinking of Spanish Crowns ; Nobody dreamed of " BEAU BROCADE," (Only DOLLY the Chambermaid !) Blessings on VERNON! Fill up the cans; Money was coming in "Flys" and "Vans." Possibly, JOHN the Host had heard ; And DOLLY had possibly tidings, too, Plump as ever, but stern of eye, With a fixed intention to warn the "Fly." Lingering only at JOHN his door, Saddling the gray mare, Dumpling Star; (The old horse-pistol that, they say, Came from the battle of Malplaquet ;) Loading with powder that maids would use, Even in "Forty," to clear the flues; And a couple of silver buttons, the Squire These she wadded-for want of better With the B-SH-P of L-ND-N'S "Pastoral Letter"; Looked to the flint, and hung the whole, Ready to use, at her pocket-hole. Thus equipped and accoutred, DOLLY Such was the name of a ruined abode, Thence she thought she might safely try, But, as chance fell out, her rein she drew, By the light of the moon she could see him drest In his famous gold-sprigged tambour vest; And under his silver-gray surtout, The laced, historical coat of blue, That he wore when he went to London-Spaw, Out-spoke DOLLY the Chambermaid, (Trembling a little, but not afraid,) "Stand and Deliver, O 'BEAU BROCADE'!" But the BEAU rode nearer, and would not speak, For he saw by the moonlight a rosy cheek; And a spavined mare with a rusty hide; So never a word he spoke as yet, For he thought 'twas a freak of MEG or BET;— A freak of the "Rose" or the "Rummer" set. Out-spoke DOLLY the Chambermaid, (Tremulous now, and sore afraid,) "Stand and Deliver, O 'BEAU BROCADE'!"— Firing then, out of sheer alarm, Hit the BEAU in the bridle-arm. Button the first went none knows where, But it carried away his solitaire; Button the second a circuit made, Glanced in under the shoulder blade;— Down from the saddle fell "BEAU BROCADE"! Down from the saddle and never stirred!- Slipped not less from the mare, and bound Then, lest his Worship should rise and flee, Jumped on his chestnut, BET the fleet (Called after BET of Portugal Street); Came like the wind to the old Inn-door;- Vowed she 'd 'peach if he misbehaved. Staines and Windsor were all on fire:- But whether His M-J-STY saw her or not, And something of DOLLY one still may trace GEORGE the Guard fled over the sea: Turned King's evidence, sad to state;- As for the BEAU, he was duly tried, Served for a day-as the last of "sights," Went on his way to TYBURN TREE, |