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Century E

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How Would You Select the Best Car?

If you were not limited by price, prejudice, or time, how would you choose it, and what would it be?

A St. Louis man recently investigated the matter in a logical, conclusive


His method was to question Chauffeurs. He would step to the curb and ask the driver of a waiting motor car which particular make ranked the highest, and why. Many chauffeurs, in charge of all kinds of cars, readily answered his questions.

As a result of his inquiries, he purchased a Locomobile. He bought it on account of its standing among well-informed and unprejudiced men.

The practical automobile driver recommends the Locomobile because it is safe to drive at speed. It is economical in fuel consumption. It is well-balanced and easy on tires. It is reliablelittle trouble to maintain.

Chauffeurs like an up-to-date car as much as the owner. They like four speeds instead of three, just as they like six cylinders instead of four; they like the disc clutch better than the cone clutch once used everywhere; most of them like left drive and center control instead of right drive.

Analyze Style as a most important matter. The best car will be in the best taste, and without conspicuous features. Have you ever considered style in this way?

There is no label on the Locomobile. It is designed for the Owner, and the usual conspicuous features tending to advertise the manufacturer at the expense of the owner are omitted.

Look for yacht-like effects, smooth body surfaces without external door hinges or door handles. Spare tires should be carried at the rear to leave the running boards clear.

Investigate comfort personally. Never take the riding qualities of any car for granted. The Locomobile has been given preference in recent years because of its deep, soft upholstery, and easy riding.

Look into Safety. Give us the opportunity to show you why our car is particularly safe.

Do not overlook Service. The Locomobile idea is: Service Above Sales. Our chain of sixteen branch houses gives direct Locomobile Service throughout the country. Our limited output (not more than Four Cars a Day) enables us to build a better car by watching it more carefully during its construction. It also enables us to give more personal attention to owners.

Select your car because it has the most good points and the fewest bad ones. The best car must have the best chassis. Its comfort must be proven superior by comparison with other cars. Its appearance must be modish, but refined, to rank highest.

The more carefully you make your selection, the better it will satisfy us. We have such faith in the Locomobile that the more thorough you are in choosing the car, the more likely we will be to secure the order.

Our car is at your disposal to examine, test, and compare with all other cars.

The Locomobile Company of America,

Bridgeport, Conn.



Century E

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