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reference-book was ever printed and bound with the care which has been given to this new revision of The Century Dictionary, Cyclopedia, and Atlas.

THE CENTURY DICTIONARY originally was issued in six volumes. Later, and with the addition of The Century Cyclopedia of Names and The Century Atlas, the set became ten volumes. The additions to the new revised and enlarged edition have increased this

One of the illustrations in the group of Dogs. Boston Terrier. Medium height, 14 inches (to top of shoulder); weight, 18 pounds.

to twelve volumes. As already
stated, the cost of the editorial
work and plates has been about
a million and a quarter of dol-
lars. When asked whether so
great an expenditure has been
justified by the financial re-
turn, we reply in the affirma-
tive. Up to date two hundred
thousand sets of the work, in
its various editions, have been
sold, for which the public has
paid many millions of dollars.
Even when the large cost of
production, manufacture, ad-
vertising, selling, and distribu-
tion is deducted, the result is
gratifying. But beyond any

money profit is the consciousness that The Century is an achievement -the greatest reference-book ever made and the most useful book in the world.

We want you who read this page to own it.


The growth of The Century


A SPECIAL EXCHANGE OFFER LIMITED TO FEBRUARY 28, 1914 An out of date reference work is about as useful as an out of date directory. But it has a purchasing power, depending upon the binding now selected, of from $11.25 to $25.20 as applied toward the price of the new revised and enlarged Century Dictionary, Cyclopedia, and Atlas.

We will buy from you any reference work in your possession, of whatever date, if your order for the New Edition of The Century is received before the above expiration date.

Transportation charges will be paid by us. Payment may be made in monthly instalments; or, we will allow a further discount for full cash payment.

See the annexed coupon-it will bring prompt reply, giving exact prices at which you may secure the new Century under this offer.

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