Puslapio vaizdai

into a convent-the Colonel marries Joneton-this C. was written by Mrs. Centlivre-it is on the whole a good play, but very inferiour to the first part.

Jan. 8. Mrs. Sullen Mrs. Oldfield :-she had not

acted for a considerable time.

9. Amorous Widow-11. Tender Husband.
12. Villain. Francibel Miss Willis.
15. Love's last Shift.

Narcissa - Mrs. Oldfield. 16. Venice Preserved. Jaffier Wilks: Pierre = Mills: Renault-Cibber: Priuli Boman: Antonio =Pinkethman: Belvidera Mrs. Rogers.

18. Othello. Othello Booth: Iago Cibber : Cassio Powell: Brabantio Keen: Roderigo = Bowen: Desdemona Mrs. Bradshaw: Emilia = Mrs. Saunders.

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19. Jovial Crew. Meriel Mrs. Santlow.

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20. Never acted, Generous Husband, or the Coffeehouse Politician. Veramant Booth: Flyblow (his servant--a pimp) Norris: Postscript (a coffeehouse politician) = Dogget: Dypthong (a critic)= Johnson: Carizales (a rich old man) Keen: Tortfil = Bullock: Secondine Mills: Fictitia, disguised as Philadel Mrs. Bradshaw: Viola her maid, disguised as Valentine = Mrs. Bicknell: Florida - Mrs. Porter: Lucia Mrs. Santlow:-to Doris there is no performer's name Mrs. Saunders probably acted the part-Tortfil is father to Fictitia, Florida and Lucia -he had married Lucia to Carizales, or rather sold her for a sum of money--Fictitia had eloped from him, being in love with Veramant-Florida is a female philosopher Carizales is jealous of Lucia, and confines her to the house-in the 1st act, Flyblow runs in with two letters-he thrusts one privately into


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Lucia's bosom, and gives the other into her handCarizales seizes the latter, which is merely a blind, but has no suspicion of the other, which comes from Veramant-Veramant is in love with Fictitia, but not knowing where she is, and (as he says) for the sake of keeping himself in exercise, he had formed a design on Lucia, whom he had not seen-Doris is an old woman and servant to Carizales-she is bribed by Veramant to betray her mistress-she persuades Lucia to run away from her husband-Fictitia, as Philadel, goes to the house of Carizales at the time when Veramant is expected-Carizales sees Fictitia and Lucia together--he becomes sensible of his folly in marrying a young wife, and determines to punish himself rather than her-Lucia is overcome by his generosity-Veramant marries Fictitia-Florida had intended to marry Dypthong-Tortfil receives two letters, which make him suppose that his fortune is ruined-Dypthong declines the match, and Florida gives her hand to Secondine-this C. was acted 3 times-it was written by Charles Johnson-on the whole it is a tolerable play-Flyblow and Doris are very good characters-Postscript, Dypthong and Florida say a good deal, but are not very entertainingthat part of the plot which concerns Carizales, is founded on a novel by Cervantes, called the Jealous Estremaduran.


25. Scornful Lady Mrs. Oldfield-26. Constant Couple.


27. Indian Emperour. Montezuma Keen: Cortez = Wilks: Guyomar Booth: Odmar Mills: Almeria = Mrs. Knight: Cydaria Mrs. Santlow: Alibech Mrs. Porter.

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29. Rehearsal. Thunder Johnson: Lightning

= Miss Younger.

Feb. 1. Rule a Wife.

Leon Powell: Perez =

Wilks: Cacafogo Bullock: Estifania = = Mrs. Oldfield: Margarita = Mrs. Knight: Old Woman Mr. Norris.

2. Confederacy. Clarissa Mrs. Knight.


3. Never acted there, Jew of Venice. Shylock= Dogget: Bassanio-Booth: Antonio Mills: Gratiano Bullock Junior: Lorenzo Ryan: Portia = Mrs. Bradshaw: Nerissa Mrs. Bignall.


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Rose Mrs. Saunders:

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9. Funeral. Lady Harriet Mrs. Oldfield.

10. Alchemist. Dol Common Mrs. Saunders. 12. Love for Love. Scandal Booth: Miss Prue

- Mrs. Santlow.


13. Northern Lass.

Bulfinch = Estcourt.

17. Timon of Athens. Timon Powell: Apemantus Keen: Alcibiades Booth: Senators= Johnson, Norris, Bullock and Leigh: Poet Pinkethman: Evandra = Mrs. Knight: Melissa Mrs. Bradshaw.


19. Careless Husband. Lady Easy Mrs. Knight. 22. Man of the Mode. Harriet Mrs. Santlow. 24. Aurenge-Zebe Powell: Emperour is omitted: Nourmahal Mrs. Knight: Indamora Mrs. Bradshaw.



26. Spanish Fryar. Queen Mrs. Knight.


27. Orphan. Castalio = Powell: Chamont Keen: Polydore = Booth: Acasto is omitted: Chaplain Pack Page Miss Younger :


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8. Bartholemew Fair. Edgeworth Bullock Junior. 10. Not acted 6 years, Albion Queens. Norfolk = Wilks: Cecil Elrington: Morton Mills: Davison

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Booth: Queen Mary Mrs. Oldfield: Queen Elizabeth = Mrs. Knight: Dowglass Miss Sherburn. 17. Caius Marius. Old Marius Powell: Young Marius = Booth: Sulpitius is omitted: Metullus = Boman Granius Ryan: Sylla = Bullock Junior: Citizens Pinkethman, Norris and Leigh: Lavinia - Mrs. Bradshaw: Nurse Mr. Bullock.

20. Abra-Mulé. Mahomet Keen: Pyrrhus= Powell: Solyman = Booth: Abra-Mulé = Mrs. Bradshaw.

24. Hamlet. Ghost=Boman: Queen Mrs. Knight. April 2. Beaux Strategem. Sullen = Keen.



7. Never acted, Injured Love, or the Lady's Satisfaction. Young Scrape Dogget: Snuffle (his tutor -a pretender to sanctity) = Johnson: Rashlove = Wilks: Thrivemore Mills: Capt. Cruize = Cibber: Sir Bookish Outside Bullock: Sir Saveall Scrape Norris: Tipple (servant to Thrivemore) = Pinkethman: Surefriend Elrington: Fidelia, disguised as Ogle Mrs. Oldfield: Lucie, disguised as Frolick

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Mrs. Bicknell Lady Outside (sister to Fidelia)= Mrs. Knight: Widow Richlove Mrs. Bradshaw : Charmilla (daughter to Rashlove and Fidelia)=Mrs. Santlow: Wrinkle Mrs. Willis: Pomade = Mrs. Saunders-acted 6 times--Rashlove, on his return from the Indies, had in a fit of jealousy left his wife Fidelia, and her companion Lucie, on a desert island --Thrivemore had been shipwrecked on the same

island-Capt. Cruize, on seeing their signals of distress, had gone to their relief, and had brought them safe to England-the women, before they met with Thrivemore, had put themselves into men's clothesThrivemore had been in love with Amabella, and had gone out to the Indies to make his fortune-during his absence Amabella had married an old man, and had become the Widow Richlove-here the play begins in the course of it, Fidelia convinces Rashlove of her innocence-he is very sorry for the injury which he had done to her she discovers herself and forgives him-Thrivemore, in the 4th act, sees Ogle kiss the Widow-he challenges Ogle-Ogle promises to give him satisfaction-Ogle, as Fidelia, in a soliloquy observes, that as the men call her to an account for their offended honour, and the women for their honour not offended, she can only give each sex satisfaction by resuming her petticoats-Lady Outside had made love to her supposing her to be a man -Sir Saveall intends his son to marry Charmilla— Young Scrape gets Thrivemore to write a letter of introduction to Sir Bookish as from his father-the contents of the letter are such, that Sir Bookish turns Scrape out of doors-the scene is a good one, but must not be particularly described in the 5th act Scrape enters disguised as a woman-Snuffle picks him up as such-Sir Saveall promotes his son's marriage with Lucie, whom from her dress he supposes to be a man-he does not know his sonThrivemore and Capt. Cruize marry the Widow and Charmilla-this is a good C. by an unknown author. April 19. Mrs. Porter acted Amanda for her bt.

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