THE ENGLISH REVIEW. VOL. XIII. DECEMBER-JUNE. LONDON: FRANCIS & JOHN RIVINGTON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, & WATERLOO PLACE. 1850. OF BOOKS REVIEWED. For remarkable Passages in the Criticisms, Extracts, Notices, and Intelligence, see the Index at the end of the Volume. Bennett-The Church, the Crown, and the Bowlby-The Resurrection of the Flesh. Cabramatta and Woodleigh Farm. By Mrs. Vidal, 1. Caswall-The City of the Mormons; or, three days at Nauvoo, in 1842. By the Rev. H. Caswall, M.A., 399. Caswall-The Prophet of the Nineteenth Century; or, the Rise, Progress, and present State of the Mormons, or LatterDay Saints. By the Rev. H. Caswall, 399. Cathedral Music, Practical Remarks on the Reformation of, 221. cor Cavendish Letter to Archdeacon Hare on the Judgment of the Gorham Case, from the Hon. R. Cavendish, 374. Chevalier-An Exposition of the Creed of Bishop Pearson. Revised and rected by the Rev. Temple Chevalier, 476. Chronological Catena of ancient Fathers and Councils, together with the Teaching of more recent Divines of our Church, on the Doctrine of Spiritual Regeneration in Holy Baptism, 449. Church Guilds, Prayers, and Rules, for the Ordering and Use of a Church Guild, 481. City of God, the, a Symbolical History of the Church of all Ages, 231. Clough Poems. By Arthur H. Clough, 207. Cook-The Acts of the Apostles, with a Darling-The Scripture Grounds of the Prohibition against Marriage with a deceased Wife's Sister. By John Darling, M.A., 197. De Haviland-Outline of the History of Ancient and Modern Rome. By Mr. Charles De Haviland, 227. a |