One had my Father's face; All of them bent to me,— Bent down and smiled!” (He is asleep!) M. VIEUXBOIS (almost inaudibly). "How I forget!" "I am so old !"..." Good-night, Babette!" EPILOGUE. HEIGHO! how chill the evenings get! Good-night, NINON!-good-night, NINETTE! Your little Play is played and finished ;Go back, then, to your Cabinet! LOYAL, L'ÉTOILE ! no more to-day! THE DRAMA OF THE DOCTOR'S WINDOW. IN THREE ACTS, WITH A PROLOGUE. A tedious brief scene of young Pyramus, "WELL, MIDSUMMER-NIGHT'S DREAM. PROLOGUE. I must wait!" The Doctor's room, Where I used this expression, Wore the severe official gloom Attached to that profession; And skinless Gladiator, The entering spectator. No one would call "The Lancet" gay,- That Jones, "On Muscular Decay," Is, as a rule, depressing : |