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instantly contract and produce the action. Thus, if we wish to speak-the brain conveys, through the medium of the voluntary nerves, an influence (probably some kind of electric fluid) to the muscles of the tongue, throat, lips, &c., and instantly they contract, producing the requisite sounds.

THIRD, The brain or phrenological nerves. The consideration of this division of the nervous system, constitutes the science of Phrenology in its most limited sense.

FOURTH, The nerves of the five senses convey impressions to the brain from the external world: the optic nerve conveys impressions of light; the auditory nerve, of sound; the gustatory nerve, of savors; and the olfactory nerve, of odors; while the nerves of touch extend from all parts of the body and head, an infinite number of exceedingly minute branches, conveying to the brain impressions of cold, heat, pain, and mechanical pressure.

Thus we have seen that the bones cannot move unless acted upon by the power of the muscles; and that the muscles are incapable of acting until they are excited by the nerves; while the nerves are dependent upon the brain; and the brain is excited by the five senses; which in their turn are stimulated to action by the external world.

These three classes of organs, the bones, the muscles, and the nerves, constitute the most essential part of the human constitution. All the other systems of organs are merely auxiliary to these, and conducive to their nourishment and support. They may be divided into the


that receives the food and manufactures into blood; the


that conveys the blood to every part of the constitution; and the


that returns it again to the lungs.



WHEN all the systems which compose the constitution are perfect in form, and size, and vigour, the individual may be said to possess


But this perfect proportion of parts is rarely found, except in the imagination of the poetical. The Apollo Belvidere, and the Venus de Medicis, and many other statues, have been executed with the intention of representing the perfection of all the parts of the human constitution combined in one subject. Shakespeare makes Hamlet represent his father as being endowed with such perfection; a constitution "whereon every god* had set his seal, to give the world assurance of a man.”

When one system of organs predominates over the rest, *The ancients believed that a particular Deity presided over each part of the body.

its influence may be observed in every part--producing a modification of the form, size, texture, or complexion, and varying the degree of activity and energy with which the organs of the brain perform their functions.

Each temperament is named after the system of organs, the predominance of which produces it; thus the


exists when the muscular system is developed in a greater degree than the other systems. This temperament is known by the firmness which it imparts to the flesh, the harshness to the expression of the countenance, and the strength, to the body generally.

The oseous or bony system is frequently large, while the muscular is small, and the contrary; but since they both tend to the same result, and combine to produce strength, I shall associate the two systems under the head of muscular temperament.

Hercules, Ajax, Wallace, and Ethan Allen, are fine illustrations of it. We find it in the inhabitants of the rough and mountainous districts oftener than in those of the cultivated valleys and plains. It is also seen in the majority of labourers who exert themselves to operate by arduous muscular strength. Washington Irving remarks: "There seems to be races of men, as there is of animals, destined by nature to bear burdens": their large bony frames, and thick firm muscles admirably qualify them for usefulness where personal strength and brute force is necessary.

Women seldom are endowed with the muscular temperament, and when they are it gives them a masculine appearance. Catherine, Empress of Russia, is an instance of this. But the majority of the female sex have the oseous and

muscular system small; this is true of animals generally, and cannot therefore be attributed to the delicate habits of women.


When that class of organs which constitutes the nervous system predominates, in accordance with the well established principle that size is a measure of power, (all other things being equal,) it will have an influence over the other systems in an exact proportion to its superiority in comparative size.


The Involuntary Nerves, the office of which is to excite certain muscles to action independently of the mind, will certainly have more effect if those muscles are small. nerves do not however give strength, but only activity. The strength of the muscles depends upon their size, but their activity depends upon the nervous apparatus that excites them. The same remarks are true of

The Voluntary: Nerves; and persons of this temperament speak, walk, and perform all their actions with great rapidity. They are well adapted to situations that require great celerity, but where little muscular strength is neces sary. When we consider that the voluntary nerves act upon muscles in obedience to the organs of the brain, it is plain that the smaller the muscles are, compared to the exciting power, the more rapid must be their action. And this is actually the case-when the bones and muscles are small, and the nervous system powerful, the limbs and the features (which are composed principally of muscles) move quickly, and are easily excited to sudden actions.

The Brain or Phrenological Nerves also act more power. fully when the muscular system is comparatively small..

The mind never manifests itself but through the muscles; of course, the larger the organs of the brain, and the smaller and more delicate the bones and muscles, the greater will be the effect of the mind upon them.

The same principle explains the activity of the senses. The muscles surround the nerves of the senses, and protect them from external injury; but when the muscles are delicate, and the nervous system powerful, the senses are easily impressed, and rapidly convey impressions to the brain.

The signs of the nervous temperament are, small muscles, and generally small bones; the features delicate and sharp, the eyes small, and the head rather large. This is when the nervous temperament is so far predominant as to be pure.

The mixture of temperaments is the cause of great difficulty in ascertaining the true temperament; but much confusion may be avoided by making a broad distinction between the three essential systems of organs--the oseous, muscular and nervous--and the three nourishing systems→→ the digestive, arterial and venous; the nourishing systems being important only as they affect the essential systems and modify their power and activity. I deem this a point of great importance, and shall therefore endeavour to state it distinctly and illustrate it clearly.

Were it not for the necessity of nourishment, we should have no need of the three nourishing systems, and the human constitution would be a much more simple machine than it is now. It would then be composed only of three systems. There would still be a necessity for the same bony frame, or oseous system, and of the same contractile muscles, and also of a nervous system to direct the muscles; but all the numerous and complicated organs which conduce to nourishment might be spared. There would then be but

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