Puslapio vaizdai


I let us part.

you hither;






DBUS, and

In praising her: I tell thee, lord of Greec
She is as far high-foaring o'er thy praises,
As thou unworthy to be call'd her fervant
I charge thee, use her well, even for my c
For, by the dreadful Pluto, if thou dost n
Though the great bulk Achilles be thy gu
I'll cut thy throat.


O, be not mov'd, prin

Let me be privileg'd by my place, and met
To be a speaker free; when I am hence,
I'll answer to my lust: And know you, lo
I'll nothing do on charge: To her own w
She shall be priz'd; but that you fay-be'1
I'll speak it in my spirit and honour,-no
Tro. Come, to the port. I'll tell thee,
This brave shall oft make thee to hide thy
Lady, give me your hand; and, as we wa
To our own selves bend we our needful ta

Par. Hark! Hector's trumpet.


How have we spent

The prince must think me tardy and remit
That swore to ride before him to the field



Par. 'Tis Troilus' fault: Come, come, to field with


Dei. Let us make ready straight.

Æne. Yea, with a bridegroom's fresh alacrity,

Let us address to tend on Hector's heels:

The glory of our Troy doth this day lie

On his fair worth, and fingle chivalry.



The Grecian Camp. Lifts fet out.


Agam. Here art thou in appointment fresh and fair,
Anticipating time with starting courage.
Give with thy trumpet a loud note to Troy,
Thou dreadful Ajax; that the appalled air

May pierce the head of the great combatant,

And hale him hither.


Thou, trumpet, there's my purse.

Now crack thy lungs, and split thy brazen pipe:

Blow, villain, till thy sphered bias cheek

Out-swell the cholick of puff'd Aquilon :

Come, stretch thy chest, and let thy eyes spout blood;

Thou blow'st for Hector.

Ulyff. No trumpet answers.


[Trumpet Sounds

'Tis but early days.

Agam. Is not yon Diomed, with Calchas' daughter?

Ulyff. 'Tis he, I ken the manner of his gait;

He rises on the toe: that spirit of his

In aspiration lifts him from the earth.


[blocks in formation]

out blood; rumpet found

days. daughter?


Very courtly counsel: I'll b

So much for Neftor.

Achil. I'll take that winter from your li Achilles bids you welcome.

Men. I had good argument for kissing c Patr. But that's no argument for kissin For thus popp'd Paris in his hardiment; And parted thus you and your argument. Ulyf. O deadly gall, and theme of all ou For which we lose our heads, to gild his l Patr. The first was Menelaus' kiss;-th Patroclus kisses you.


O, this is trim!

Patr. Paris, and I, kiss evermore for h
Men. I'll have my kiss, fir:-Lady, by

Cref. In kiffing, do you render, or recei

Patr. Both take and give.


I'll make my

The kiss you take is better than you give;
Therefore no kiss.

Men. I'll give you boot, I'll give you th
Cref. You're an odd man; give even, or
Men. An odd man, lady? every man is
Cref. No, Paris is not; for, you know,
Enter That you are odd, and he is even with you

ever's my day, and then a kiss of you.
dy, a word;-I'll bring you to your father.


woman of quick sense.

Fie, fie upon her!

nguage in her eye, her cheek, her lip,
foot speaks; her wanton spirits look out
joint and motive of her body.
ncounterers, so glib of tongue,
a coafting welcome ere it comes,
unclasp the tables of their thoughts
ticklish reader! set them down

h spoils of opportunity,
hters of the game.
de Trojans' trumpet.

[Trumpet within.

Yonder comes the troop.

CTOR, arm'd; ENEAS, TROILUS, and other Trojans, with Attendants.

Hail, all the state of Greece! what shall be done mat victory commands? Or do you purpose,

hall be known? will you, the knights he edge of all extremity

Purfue Αθθ ιν.



Purfue each other; or shall they be divided
By any voice or order of the field?

Hector bade afk.


Which way would Hector have it?

Ane. He cares not, he'll obey conditions.

Achil. 'Tis done like Hector; but securely done,

A little proudly, and great deal misprizing

The knight oppos'd.


What is your name?


If not Achilles, fir,

If not Achilles, nothing.

Ene. Therefore Achilles: But, whate'er, know this ;In the extremity of great and little,

Valour and pride excel themselves in Hector;

The one almost as infinite as all,

The other blank as nothing. Weigh him well,
And that, which looks like pride, is courtesy.
This Ajax is half made of Hector's blood :
In love whereof, half Hector stays at home;
Half heart, half hand, half Hector comes to seek
This blended knight, half Trojan, and half Greek.
Achil. A maiden battle then?-O, I perceive you.

Re-enter DIOMED.

Agam. Here is fir Diomed :-Go, gentle knight,
Stand by our Ajax: as you and lord Æneas
Consent upon the order of their fight,
So be it; either to the uttermost,

Or else a breath: the combatants being kin,
Half stints their strife before their strokes begin.

[AJAX and HECTOR enter the lifts.

Ulyff. They are oppos'd already.

Agam. What Trojan is that same that looks so heavy?

[blocks in formation]
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