O what a miracle to man is man,
Triumphantly distress'd! what joy, what dread! Alternately transported, and alarm'd !
What can preserve my life? or what destroy? An angel's arm can't snatch me from the grave; Legions of angels can't confine me there.
"Tis past conjecture; all things rise in proof: While o'er my limbs sleep's soft deminion spread : What though my soul fantastic measures trod O'er fairy fields! or mourn'd along the gloom Of pathless woods! or down the craggy steep Hurl'd headlong, swam with pain the mantled pool; Or scal'd the cliff; or danc'd on hollow winds, With antic shapes, wild natives of the brain? Her ceaseless flight, tho' devious, speaks her nature Of subtler essence than the trodden clod; Active, aërial, tow'ring, unconfin'd, Unfetter'd with her gross companion's fall. Ev'n silent night proclaims my soul immortal: Ev'n silent night proclaims eternal day. For human weal, heav'n husbands all events; Dull sleep instructs, nor sport vain dreams in vain. Why then their loss deplore, that are not lost? Why wanders wretched thought their tombs around, In infidel distress? Are angels there?
Slumbers, rak'd up in dust, ethereal fire?
They live! they greatly live a life on earth Unkindled, unconceiv'd; and from an eye Of tenderness let heav'nly pity fall
On me, more justly number'd with the dead. This is the desert, this the solitude: How populous, how vital, is the grave! This is creation's melancholy vault, The vale funereal, the sad cypress gloom; The land of apparitions, empty shades! All, all on earth, is shadow, all beyond
Is substance; the reverse is folly's creed: How solid all, where change shall be no more! This is the bud of being, the dim dawn, The twilight of our day, the vestibule; Life's theatre as yet is shut, and death, Strong death, alone can heave the massy This gross impediment of clay remove, And make us embryos of existence free. From real life, but little more remote Is he, not yet a candidate for light, The future embryo, slumb'ring in his sire. Embryos we must be, till we burst the shell, Yon ambient azure shell, and spring to life, The life of gods, O transport! and of man.
Yet man, fool man! here buries all his thoughts; Inters celestial hopes without one sigh. Prisoner of earth, and pent beneath the moon, Here pinions all his wishes; wing'd by heav'n To fly at infinite; and reach it there, Where seraphs gather immortality,
On life's fair tree, fast by the throne of God. What golden joys ambrosial clust'ring glow, In HIS full beam, and ripen for the just, Where momentary ages are no more!
Where time, and pain, and chance, and degh expire! And is it in the flight of threescore years, To push eternity from human thought, And smother souls immortal in the dust? A soul immortal spending all her fires, Wasting her strength in strenuous idleness, Thrown into tumult, raptur'd, or alarm'd, At aught this scene can threaten or indulg Resembles ocean into tempest wrought, To waft a feather or to drown a fly.
Where falls this censure? It o'erwhelms myse How was my heart incrusted by the world!
O how self-fetter'd was my grov'ling soul! How, like a worm, was I wrapt round and round In silken thought, which reptile Fancy spun, Till darken'd reason lay quite clouded o'er With soft conceit of emtless comfort here, Nor yet put forth her wings to reach the skies! Night-visions may befriend (as sung above:) Our waking dreams are fatal. How I dreamt Of things impossible! (Could sleep do more?) Of joys perpetual in perpetual change! Of stable pleasures on the tossing wave! Eternal sunshine in the storms of life! How richly were my noon-tide trances hung With gorgeous tapestries of pictur'd joys! Joy behind joy, in endless perspective; Till at death's toll, whose restless iron tongue Calls daily for his millions at a meal, Starting I woke, and found myself undone. Where now my frenzy's pompous furniture? The cobweb'd cottage, with its ragged wall Of mould'ring mud, is royalty to me! The spider's most attenuated thread Is cord, is cable, to man's tender tie On earthly bliss; it breaks at every breeze. 0 ye blest scenes of permanent delight! Full above measure; lasting beyond bound! A perpetuity of bliss is bliss.
Could you, so rich in rapture, fear an end, That ghastly thought would drink up all your joy, And quite unparadise the realms of light. Safe are you lodg'd above these ruling spheres; The baleful influence of whose giddy dance Sheds sad vicissitude on all beneath. Here teems with revolutions every hour; And rarely for the better; or the best, More mortal than the common births of fate.
Each Moment has its sickle, emulous
Of Time's enormous scythe, whose ample sweep Strikes empires from the root; each Moment plays His little weapon in the narrower sphere
Of sweet domestic comfort, and cuts down The fairest bloom of sublunary bliss.
Bliss! sublunary bliss!-proud words and vain! Implicit treason to divine degree!
A bold invasion of the rights of heav'n! I clasp'd the phantoms, and I found them air. O had I weigh'd it ere my fond embrace! What darts of agony had miss'd my heart! Death! great proprietor of all! 'tis thine To tread out empire, and to quench the stars. The sun himself by thy permission shines; And, one day, thou shalt pluck him from his sphere. Amid such mighty plunder, why exhaust Thy partial quiver on a mark so mean? Why thy peculiar rancour wreak'd on me? Insatiate archer! could not one suffice?
Thy shaft flew thrice; and thrice my peace was slain; And thrice, ere thrice you moon had fill'd her hora. O Cynthia! why so pale? Dost thou lament Thy wretched neighbour? Grieve to see thy wheel Of ceaseless change outwhirl'd in human life? How wanes my borrow'd bliss from fortune's smile, Precarious courtesy; not virtue's sure, Self-given, solar ray of sound delight.
In ev'ry posture, place, and hour, How widow'd ev'ry thought of ev'ry joy! Thought, busy thought! too busy for my peace! Through the dark postern of time long laps'd, Led softly, by the stillness of the night, Led, like a murderer, and such it proves! Strays (wretched rover) o'er the pleasing past; In quest of wretchedness perversely strays; james
And finds all desert now; and meets the ghosts Of my departed joys; a num'rous train! I rue the riches of my former fate;
Sweet comfort's blasted clusters I lament; I tremble at the blessings once so dear; And every pleasure pains me to the heart. Yet why complain? or why complain for one? Hangs out the sun his lustre but for me, The single man? Are angels all beside? I mourn for millions: "Tis the common lot; In this shape, or in that, has fate entail'd The mother's throes on all of woman born, Not more the children, than sure heirs, of pain. War, Famine, Pest, Volcano, Storm and Fire, Intestine broils, Oppression, with her heart Wrapt up in treble brass, besiege mankind. God's image disinherited of day,
Here, plung'd in mines, forgets a sun was made. There beings, deathless as their haughty lord, Are hammer'd to the galling oar for life; And plow the winter's wave, and reap despair. Some, for hard masters, broken under arms, In battle lopt away, with half their limbs, Beg bitter bread through realins their valour sav'd, If so the tyrant, or his minion doom. Want, and incurable disease, (fell pair!) On hopeless multitudes remorseless seize At once; and make a refuge of the grave. How groaning hospitals eject their dead! What numbers groan for sad admission there! What numbers, once in fortune's lap high fed, Solicit the cold hand of charity!
To shock us more, solicit it in vain!
Ye silken sons of pleasure! since in pains You rue more modish visits, visit here,
And breathe from your debauch: Give, and reduce
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