| Edmund Burke - 1878 - 650 psl.
...1861, to 1867, and at London for a short time in 1869-70. Towards the close of 1874 he published " The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland; with a View of the Primary Causes of the Thirty Years' War." He was a member of the principal literary societies of Europe and the United... | |
| 1880 - 822 psl.
...Vol. II, pp. 563. Vol. Ill, pp. 599. Vol. IV, with Index, pp. 632. New York: Harper & Brothera. 1879. The Life and Death, of John of Barneveld, Advocate...Causes and Movements of the Thirty Years' War. By JOHN Lc,Titnop MOTLEY, DCL, LL.D. In two volumes. With Illustrations. (In a box.) Sro. Vol. I, pp. 389.... | |
| 1879 - 688 psl.
...Motley's prose epic. Spectator, London. This noble work. Westminster Beview. John of Barneveld. Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland....and Movements of the "Thirty Years' War." By JOHN LOTHBOP MOTLEY, LL. D., DCL Illustrated. Two volumes, 8vo. Vellum cloth with paper label, uncut edges... | |
| 1874 - 690 psl.
...française (Amérique septentrionale) de 1598 à 1755. In-8% xj-359 p. 'Paris. 115. MOTLEY (JL). The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, advocate of Holland. With a View of thé primary cause and Movements of thé Thirty Years' War. In-8', 880 p. Londres. 116. Nouvelles archives... | |
| Royal Society of Edinburgh - 1878 - 830 psl.
...though with visits to Holland, was devoted entirely to literary labour. In 1874, under the title of " The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate...Primary Causes and Movements of the Thirty Years' War," he added two volumes more of Dutch history to his former seven, and brought his narrative down to the... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1854 - 766 psl.
...Deathof William the Silent to the Twelve Years' Truce, 1609. Portraits. 4 Tola. Post Sro. 6». fach. Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland. With a Mew of the Primary Cans«-H and Movements of the Thirty Yearn' War. Illunuaiioos. £ Vols. Post... | |
| Benson John Lossing - 1890 - 312 psl.
...Truce, 1609. It was completed in 1867 in two additional volumes. This work was followed in 1874 by The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland, with a View of the Primary Causes of the Thirty Years' War, in two volumes. Mr. Motley was engaged in writing a History of tlis Thirty... | |
| 1874 - 792 psl.
...have the whole matter sifted to the bottom. i , i in :: PUBLICATIONS. Harper and Brothers, New York : The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate...of the Thirty Years' War. By John Lothrop Motley. In two vols. with illustrations. History, Essays, Orations, and other Documents of the Sixth General... | |
| Dinah Maria Mulock Craik - 1859 - 516 psl.
...Edition, 4 vols., 8vo, Cloth, $H 00. MOTLEY'S JOHN OF BARNEVELD. The Life nnd Death of John of Burncvel,l, Advocate of Holland. With a View of the Primary Causes...the " Thirty Years' War." By JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY, LL.D., DCL Illustrated. Cheap Edition, 2 vols., in a Box, 8vo, Cloth, with Paper Labels, Uncut Edges... | |
| George Poulett Scrope - 1858 - 362 psl.
...1609. Liyrary .Edition. Portraits. 4 Vols. Svo. 60*. Cabinet Edition. 4 Vols. Post Svo. 6». each. Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland....Primary Causes and Movements of the Thirty Years' War. Illustrations. 2 Vols. Svo. 28s. MOUHOT'S (HEHRI) Siam, Cambojia, and Lao; a Narrative of Travels and... | |
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