Puslapio vaizdai

was the sudden interest in politics which arose from his sympathy with the great French Revolution. His only political feeling had been hitherto a sentimental Jacobitism, not more or less respectable than that of Scott, Aytoun, and the rest of what George Burns has nicknamed the "Charlie-over-the-water" Scotchmen. It was a sentiment almost entirely literary and picturesque in its origin, built on ballads and the adventures of the Young Chevalier; and in Burns it is the more excusable, because he lay out of the way of active politics in his youth. With the great French Revolution, something living, practical, and feasible appeared to him for the first time in this realm of human action. The young plowman who had desired so earnestly to rise, now reached out his sympathies to a whole nation animated with the same desire. Already in 1788 we find the old Jacobitism hand in hand with the new popular doctrine, when, in a letter of indignation against the zeal of a Whig clergyman, he writes: "I dare say the American Congress in 1776 will be allowed to be as able and as enlightened as the English Convention was in 1688; and that their posterity will celebrate the centenary of their deliverance from us as duly and sincerely as we do ours from the oppressive measures of the wrong-headed house of Stewart." As time wore on, his sentiments grew more pronounced and even violent; but there was a basis of sense and generous feeling to his hottest excess. What he asked was a fair chance for the individual in life; an open road to success and distinction for all classes of men. It was in the same spirit that he had helped to found a public library in the parish where his farm was situated, and that he sang his fervent snatches against tyranny and tyrants. Witness, were it alone, this verse:

"Here's freedom to him that wad read,

Here's freedom to him that wad write;

of an armed smuggler, bought at the subsequent sale four carronades, and dispatched them with a letter to the French Assembly. Letter and guns were stopped at Dover by the English officials; there was trouble for Burns with his superiors; he was reminded firmly, however delicately, that, as a paid official, it was his duty to obey and to be silent; and all the blood of this poor, proud, and falling man must have rushed to his head at the humiliation. His letter to Mr. Erskine, subsequently Earl of Mar, testifies, in its turgid, turbulent phrases, to a perfect passion of alarmed self-respect and vanity. He had been muzzled, and muzzled, when all was said, by his paltry salary as an exciseman; alas! had he not a family to keep? Already, he wrote, he looked forward to some such judgment from a hackney scribbler as this: "Burns, notwithstanding the fanfaronnade of independence to be found in his works, and after having been held forth to view and to public estimation as a man of some genius, yet, quite destitute of resources within himself to support his borrowed dignity, he dwindled into a paltry exciseman, and shrunk out the rest of his insignificant existence in the meanest of pursuits, and among the vilest of mankind." And then on he goes, in a style of rodomontade, but filled with living indignation, to declare his right to a political opinion, and his willingness to shed his blood for the political birthright of his sons. Poor, perturbed spirit! he was indeed exercised in vain; those who share and those who differ from his sentiments about the Revolution, alike understand and sympathize with him in this painful strait; for poetry and human manhood are lasting like the race, and politics, which are but a wrongful striving after right, pass and change from year to year and age to age. The "Twa Dogs" has already outlasted the constitution of Siéyès and the policy of the Whigs; and Burns is better known among English-speak

There's nane ever feared that the truth should be ing races than either Pitt or Fox.


But them whom the truth wad indite."

Yet his enthusiasm for the cause was scarcely guided by wisdom. Many stories are preserved of the bitter and unwise words he used in country coteries; how he proposed Washington's health as an amendment to Pitt's, gave as a toast "the last verse of the last chapter of Kings," and celebrated Dumouriez in a doggerel impromptu full of ridicule and hate. Now his sympathies would inspire him with "Scots, wha hae"; now involve him in a drunken broil with a legal officer, and consequent apologies and explanations, hard to offer for a man of Burns's stomach. Nor was this the front of his offending. On February 27, 1792, he took part in the capture

Meanwhile, whether as a man, a husband, or a poet, his steps led downward. He knew, knew bitterly, that the best was out of him; he refused to make another volume, for he felt that it would be a disappointment; he grew petulantly alive to criticism, unless he was sure it reached him from a friend. For his songs he would take nothing; they were all that he could do; the proposed Scotch play, the proposed series of Scotch tales in verse, all had gone to water; and in a fling of pain and disappointment, which is surely noble with the nobility of a viking, he would rather stoop to borrow than to accept money for these last and inadequate efforts of his muse. And this desperate abnegation rises at times near to the height of madness; as when he pretended that he had not written, but only found and pub

lished, his immortal "Auld Lang Syne." In the same spirit he became more scrupulous as an artist; he was doing so little, he would fain do that little well; and about two months before his death, he asked Thomson to send back all his manuscripts for revisal, saying that he would rather write five songs to his taste than twice that number otherwise. The battle of his life was lost; in forlorn efforts to do well, in desperate submissions to evil, the last years flow by. His temper is dark and explosive, launching epigrams, quarreling with his friends, jealous of young puppy officers. He tries to be a good father; he boasts himself a libertine. Sick, sad, and jaded, he can refuse no occasion of temporary pleasure, no opportunity to shine; and he who had once refused the invitations of lords and ladies, is now whistled to the inn by any curious stranger. His death (July 21, 1796), in his thirty-seventh year, was indeed a kindly dispensation. It is the fashion to say he died of drink; many a man has drunk more and yet lived with reputation and reached a good age. That drink and debauchery helped to destroy his constitution, and were the means of his unconscious suicide, is doubtless true; but he had failed in life, had lost his power of work, and was already married to the poor, unworthy, patient Jean, before he had shown his inclination to convivial nights, or at least before that inclination had become dangerous either to his health or his self-respect. He had trifled with life, and must pay the penalty. He had chosen to be Don Juan, he had grasped at temporary pleasures, and substantial happiness and solid industry had passed him by. He died of being Robert Burns, and there is no levity in such a statement of the case; for shall we not, one and all, deserve a similar epitaph? If you had put that man in Eden, with all his godlike qualities, with all his generous and noble traits, he would have made a desert around him as he went.


The somewhat cruel necessity which has lain upon me throughout this paper only to touch upon those points in the life of Burns where connection or amplification seemed desirable, leaves me little opportunity to speak of the works which have made his name so famous. Yet, even here, a few observations seem necessary.

At the time when the poet made his appearance and great first success, his work was remarkable in two ways. For, first, in an age when poetry had become abstract and conventional, instead of continuing to deal with shepherds, thunderstorms, and personifications, he dealt with the actual circumstances of his life, however matter-of-fact and sordid these might


And, second, in a time when English versification was particularly stiff, lame, and feeble, and words were used with ultra-academical timidity, he wrote verses that were easy, racy, graphic, and forcible, and used language with absolute tact and courage, as it seemed most fit to give a clear impression. If you take even those English authors whom we know Burns to have most admired and studied, you will see at once that he owed them nothing but a warning. Take Shenstone, for instance, and watch that elegant author as he tries to grapple with the facts of life. He has a description, I remember, of a gentleman engaged in sliding or walking on thin ice, which is a little miracle of incompetence. You see my memory fails me, and I positively can not recollect whether his hero was sliding or walking; as though a writer should describe a battle, and the reader, at the end, be still uncertain whether it were a charge of cavalry or a slow and stubborn advance of foot! There could be no such ambiguity in Burns; his work is at the opposite pole from such indefinite and stammering performances; and a whole lifetime passed in the study of Shenstone would only lead a man further and further from writing the 'Address to a Louse." Yet Burns, like most great artists, proceeded from a school and continued a tradition; only the school and tradition were Scotch, and not English. While the English language was becoming daily more pedantic and inflexible, and English letters more colorless and slack, there was another dialect in the sister country, and a different school of poetry tracing its descent, through King James I., from Chaucer. The dialect alone accounts for much; for it was then written colloquially, which kept it fresh and supple; and, although not shaped for heroic flights, it was a direct and vivid medium for all that had to do with social life. Hence, whenever Scotch poets left their laborious imitations of bad English verses, and fell back on their own dialect, their style would kindle, and they would write of their convivial and somewhat gross existences with pith and point. In Ramsay, and far more in the poor lad Fergusson, there were mettle, humor, literary pluck, and a power of saying what they wished to say definitely and brightly, which in the latter case should have justified great anticipations. Had Burns died at the same age as Fergusson, he would have left us literally nothing worth remark. To Ramsay and to Fergusson, then, he was indebted in a very uncommon degree, not only following their tradition and using their measures, but directly and avowedly imitating their pieces. The same tendency to borrow a hint, to work on some one else's foundation, is notable in Burns from first to last, in the period

of song-writing as well as in that of the early poems, and strikes one oddly in a man of such deep originality, who left so strong a print on all he touched, and whose work is so greatly distinguished by that character of "inevitability" which Wordsworth denied to Goethe.


When we remember Burns's obligations to his predecessors, we must never forget his immense advances on them. They had already discovered " nature; but Burns discovered poetry-a higher and more intense way of thinking of the things that go to make up nature, a higher and more ideal key of words in which to speak of them. Ramsay and Fergusson excelled at making a popular-or shall we say, vulgar?— sort of society verses, comical and prosaic, written, you would say, in taverns while a supperparty waited for its laureate's word; but on the appearance of Burns this coarse and laughing literature was touched to finer issues, and learned gravity of thought and natural pathos.

What he had gained from his predecessors was direct-speaking style, and to walk on his own feet instead of on academical stilts. There was never a man of letters with more absolute command of his means; and we may say of him, without excess, that his style was his slave. Hence that energy of epithet, so concise and telling, that a foreigner is tempted to explain it by some special richness or aptitude in the dialect he wrote. Hence that Homeric justice and completeness of description, which gives us the very physiognomy of nature, in body and detail as nature is. Hence, too, the unbroken literary quality of his best pieces, which keeps him from any slip into the weariful trade of word-painting, and presents everything, as everything should be presented by the art of words, in a clear, continuous medium of thought. Principal Shairp, for instance, gives us a paraphrase of one tough verse of the original; and for those who knew the Greek poets only by paraphrase this has the very quality they are accustomed to look for and admire in Greek. The contemporaries of Burns were surprised that he should visit so many celebrated mountains and waterfalls, and not seize the opportunity to make a poem. Indeed, it is not for those who have a true command of the art of words, but for peddling, professional amateurs that these pointed occasions are most useful and inspiring. As those who speak French imperfectly are glad to dwell on any topic they may have talked upon or heard others talk upon before, because they know appropriate words for it in French, so the dabbler in verse rejoices to behold a waterfall, because he has learned the sentiment and knows appropriate words for it in poetry. But the dialect of Burns was fit to deal with any subject; and whether it was a stormy

night, a shepherd's collie, a sheep struggling in the snow, the conduct of cowardly soldiers in the field, the gait and cogitations of a drunken man, or only a village cockcrow in the morning, he could find language to give it freshness, body, and relief. He was always ready to borrow the hint of a design, as though he had a difficulty in commencing-a difficulty, let us say, in choosing a subject out of a world which seemed all equally living and significant to him; but, once he had the subject chosen, he could cope with nature single-handed, and make every stroke a triumph. Again, his absolute mastery in his art enabled him to express each and all of his different humors, and to pass smoothly and congruously from one to another. Many men invent a dialect for only one side of their nature-perhaps their pathos or their humor, or the delicacy of their senses-and, for lack of a medium, leave all the others unexpressed. You meet such a one, and find him in conversation full of thought, feeling, and experience, which he has lacked the art to employ in his writings. But Burns was not thus hampered in the practice of the literary art ; he could throw the whole weight of his nature into his work, and impregnate it from end to end. If Dr. Johnson, that stilted and accomplished stylist, had lacked the sacred Boswell, what should we have known of him? and how should we have delighted in his acquaintance as we do? Those who spoke with Burns tell us how much we have lost who did not. But I think they exaggerate their privilege; I think we have the whole Burns in our possession set forth in his consummate verses.

It was by his style, and not by his matter, that he affected Wordsworth and the world. There is, indeed, only one merit worth considering in a man of letters-that he should write well; and only one damning fault-that he should write ill. We are little the better for the reflections of the sailor's parrot in the story. And so, if Burns helped to change the course of literary history, it was by his frank, direct, and masterly utterance, and not by his homely choice of subjects. That was imposed upon him, not chosen upon a principle. He wrote from his own experience, because it was his nature so to do, and the tradition of the school from which he proceeded was fortunately not opposed to homely subjects. But to these homely subjects he communicated the rich commentary of his nature; they were all steeped in Burns; and they interest us not in themselves, but because they have been passed through the spirit of so genuine and vigorous a man. Such is the stamp of living literature; and there was never any more alive than that of Burns.

What a gust of sympathy there is in him,

sometimes flowing out in by-ways hitherto unused, upon mice, and flowers, and the devil himself; sometimes speaking plainly between human hearts; sometimes ringing out in merry exultation like a peal of bells! When we compare "The Farmer's Salutation to his Auld Mare Maggie" with the clever and inhuman production of half a century earlier, "The Auld Man's Mare's dead," we see in a nutshell the spirit of the change introduced by Burns. And as to its manner, who that has read it can forget how the collie Luath, in “The Twa Dogs," describes and enters into the merry-making in the cottage?

"The luntin' pipe an' sneeshin' mill,

Are handed round wi' richt guid will;
The canty auld folks crackin' crouse,
The young anes rantin' through the house-
My heart has been sae fain to see them
That I for joy hae barkit wi' them."

It was this ardent power of sympathy that was fatal to so many women, and, through Jean Armour, to himself at last. His humor comes from him in a stream so deep and easy that I will venture to call him the best of humorous poets. He turns about in the midst to utter a noble sentiment or a trenchant remark on human life, and the style changes and rises to the occasion. I think it is Principal Shairp who says, happily, that Burns would have been no Scotchman if he had not loved to moralize; neither, may we add, would he have been his father's son; but (what is worthy of note) his moralizings are to a large extent the moral of his own career. He was among the least impersonal of artists. Except in "The Jolly Beggars," he shows no gleam of dramatic instinct. Mr. Carlyle has complained

that "Tam o' Shanter" is, from the absence of this quality, only a picturesque and external piece of work; and I may add that in "The Twa Dogs" it is precisely in the infringement of dramatic propriety that a great deal of the humor of the speeches depends for its existence and effect. Indeed, Burns was so full of his identity, that it breaks forth on every page; and there is scarce an appropriate remark either in praise or blame of his own conduct, but he has put it himself into verse. Alas for the tenor of these remarks! They are, indeed, his own pitiful apology for such a marred existence and talents so misused and stunted; and they seem to prove for ever how small a part is played by reason in the conduct of man's affairs. Here was one, at least, who with unfailing judgment predicted his own fate; yet his knowledge could not avail him, and with open eyes he must fulfill his tragic destiny. Ten years before the end, he had written his epitaph; and neither subsequent events, nor the critical eyes of posterity, have shown us a word in it to alter. And, lastly, has he not put in fa himself the last, unanswerable plea ?—

"Then gently scan your brother man,

Still gentler sister woman;

Though they may gang a kennin wrang,
To step aside is human:

One point must still be greatly dark-"

One? Alas! I fear every man and woman of us is "greatly dark" to all their neighbors, from the day of birth until death removes them, in their greatest virtues as well as in their saddest faults; and we, who have been trying to read the character of Burns, may take home the lesson and be gentle in our thoughts.

R. L. S. (Cornhill Magazine.)





No other than Uncle Anthony

When the boy, recovering from the first shock, had made up his mind, by much staring, that it really was his deceased uncle come to life again, only without his beard, he tried to pull himself together, and to assume, with indifferent success, his usual air of importance.

"This," he said, with a little stammer and a natural quiver in the voice, "is a pretty Go! A very pretty Go, it is!"

Anthony Hamblin stared blankly at the boy, with reddened cheeks. No criminal, caught in flagrante delicto, red-handed, knife in fist, with the spoil under his arm, actually lifting the swag, ever showed so hang-dog a countenance. He said nothing.

"Now, Uncle Anthony," the boy continued, feeling every moment firmer as to head and legs, and awakened to the comprehension that this was the noblest opportunity that ever came to mortal boy, "considering that a public coffeehouse is not the best place to discuss family secrets, and that I at least am accustomed to more respectable places of appointment, we had better

go to your own house or lodgings, if you have any, and talk things over there. If you are ready, we will go at once. If not, I will wait. As for waiting, I don't care how long I wait. I can send a telegram to relieve the old lady. And as for that, the ice is melted long ago, and she won't think I've followed your example. Bah! You and your ice. Oh, the cunning! For such an oh-be-joyful occasion as the present I could wait all night, and go home with my eyes skinned in the morning, with Alison to tell the news to."

Anthony Hamblin moved one foot. Nicolas interpreted the motion, wrongly and hastily, as indicative of a desire for flight.

"What is it?"

“My knife—left it at the coffee-house. Now, then, right about. You go first. A new knife three blades-real buck's-horn."

They observed the same order in returning to the coffee-house, where the knife was found on the floor; and, in coming back again, the boy prepared, by turning up cuffs and squaring his shoulders, for precipitate action, if necessary.

About half way down the Cannon Street Road, which was the name of this retreat, and next door to a small Dissenting chapel, Anthony Hamblin stopped and pulled out a latch-key. The house was, like all its neighbors, small, having four or six rooms only. The door was painted a rich, a flaunting red. In the window of the ground-floor was a large card, on which Nicolas read the following announcement:


hand Drawing.

"No," he said firmly, "you don't. Give up that idea. You've bolted enough already. You know me, Uncle Anthony, and my character for determination. If you run, I run too. And if I run after you, there may be—I don't say there will-but there may be such a crowd, and such a Teacher of Writing, Arithmetic, and Freehowling, and such a diving after a middle-aged, elderly bolter and a younger man, with white eyebrows, as you never heard of before in all your life. Besides, if you were to get away, I've only got to go to the House and tell the partners that you're not drowned at all, but living at the far-end of Cable Road, which leads to the west extremity of nowhere. Then they will just come over and catch you somewhere or other in the very act, as I did. Think of that. Because you must eat, Uncle Anthony."

Anthony Hamblin, with pale and shame-faced cheek, sighed, rose, and led the way. Nicolas followed closely at his heels.

Anthony turned to the left, and walked slowly along the pavement. Nicolas saw that he looked older. His shoulders stooped; his hair had gone grayer; his beard, as we have seen, was quite gone. Also he was very shabby in his dress-his hat was rusty at the edges; his boots were down at heel.

Notwithstanding these symptoms of distress, the boy felt inclined to the most rapturous joy. He was fain to give outward and visible expression to it by a double-shuffle, a wild contortion of the limbs, a cracking of the fingers, as he followed his prisoner, so that he looked like some grim old caricature of the devil, as carved on a cathedral-wall, capering behind a victim. No victim, even under the melancholy circumstances imagined by mediæval Freemasons, could have looked more miserable than Anthony, who walked on with hanging head and downcast demeanor, as if he were going-anywhere-where those victims were going. Suddenly the boy stopped, and began feeling in his pockets.

"Stop, Uncle Anthony!" he cried. "Stop, I say. We've got to turn back."

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Below this legend, and on either side of it, was drawn, with many an artful flourish and crafty curve, in free-hand, and apparently with a quill-pen, gigantic quills, whose feathers were like the branches of a palm for richness and redundancy. Nicolas recollected, all at once, that his uncle had often, in the old days, delighted himself with such caligraphic exercises.

Anthony Hamblin, crestfallen and shamefaced, opened the door, and led the way into the ground-floor front. Arrived there, he sat down before the window in a hopeless, resigned sort of way, as if he would do no more, but must, unresisting, let Fate go on.

"Upon my word," said the boy, looking round -“upon-my-word, this is a very pretty sort of lodging for the head of the House! Gone a writing-mastering, too."

"I am no longer head of the House," said Anthony humbly; "I am a dead man.”

It certainly was not such a room as once sheltered the head partner in the firm. It was only about twelve feet square. Its furniture consisted of one arm-chair and two cane-bottomed chairs, of which one had lost a leg; there was a table and a sort of sideboard pratiqué in the wall beside the fireplace; on it stood half a dozen books, the whole of Anthony Hamblin's library. There was a cupboard on the other side of the fireplace. Nothing else. No pictures on the wall, no decorations of any kind, except a couple of wooden pipes on the mantel-shelf, and a tobaccopouch. There were no curtains, but only a clean white blind.

"This is my one room," Anthony explained, while the boy curiously examined every article of

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