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From the lights below to the lights aboveAnd wrote the one-word poem-Love. WALLACE BRUCE. -Blackwood's Magazine, November, 1889.



THE lictor slow unties his rod,

Lest the doomed man repent, But slower moves the will of God Unto man's punishment.


For pleasure do not swerve Aside, in thine employ; Content if thou deserve, Let other men enjoy.


He who sings never makes
No discord in his song;
He who speaks never speaks
The word that is not wrong.


All comes to him that waits,
If his desire be pure;
Master he will all fates,
His victory is sure.


Question not, but enjoy;
Scan not too curiously,
Lest thy close search destroy

The charm of sympathy.

MATTHEW RICHEY KNIGHT. -The Toronto Week, August 2, 1889.


A BOY named Simon sojourned in a dale;
Some said that he was simple, but I 'm sure
That he was nothing less than simon pure;
They thought him so because, forsooth, a whale
He tried to catch in Mother's water-pail.

Ah! little boy, timid, composed, demure,—
He had imagination. Yet endure
Defeat he could, for he of course did fail.
But there are Simons of a larger growth,
Who, too, in shallow waters fish for whales,
And when they fail they are "unfortunate."
If the small boy is simple, then are both,
And the big Simon more, who often rails
At what he calls ill-luck or unkind fate.

-St. Nicholas, October, 1889.


BOKER. Since the printing of the first forms of this magazine, and just as the last form goes to press, the announcement is made of the death of George H. Boker, at his home in Philadelphia, Pa.

IBID. Major-General Philip Kearney, U. S. V., was killed at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1, 1862. Edmund Clarence Stedman has written a famous poem on the same subject, entitled, "Kearney at | Seven Pines."

WATTS. The “Ode to Mother Carey's Chicken ' and all, or nearly all, the sonnets given, appeared originally in the London Athenæum.

UTTER. "The poem, 'The King's Daughter,' was written in October, 1870, and first published in the same year, in 'The Christmas Locket,' a Christmas supplement to Dr. Edward Everett Hale's magazine, Old and New, since discontinued. This, as you see, was long before the charitable organization of the same name was established. I think it was in May, 1886, that I received a letter from Mrs. Mary Lowe Dickinson, saying that having accidentally come upon the poem, and being struck with its suitableness for such use, they were glad to succeed at last in their efforts to find the author, and obtain permission to use it as a leaflet. Of course the permission was gladly granted, and I was very happy to learn that my verses were doing so good service. The same spring I received letters from several sources, telling of strength and courage for benevolent enterprises which had been inspired by the poem, and of good uses which it had served. I wrote it with a strong feeling in my mind that though in one sense it might be a castle in the air, in its ideal picture of the heights that human nature might attain, it yet has a solid foundation; it is the logical outcome of the doctrines of liberal Christianity-the fatherhood of God, and the brotherhood of man. With these doctrines I am very thoroughly identified, being the wife, daughter and grand-daughter of Unitarian ministers." R. P. U.

HIGGINSON. "Heirs of Time" was first published in The Nationalist, and is inscribed to Edward Bellamy MACKELLAR. A young man from Maine, hale and ruddy from his native hills, was seized by the yellow fever in New Orleans, and the tender care and nursing of the Howard Association failed to save his life. When the coffin was about being closed, "stop," cried an aged woman who was present, "let me kiss him for his mother." T. M. ALLMOND. "Deal Gently, Lord!" was written for the funeral of Dr. James P. Boyce, Louisville, Ky., January 20, 1889.

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IBID. "During the early part of 1871 I was much impressed by the great prevalence of divorces, and would often stray into our court room and hear the testimony in the various cases. It was here that I heard and saw the domestic troubles of others, and they gave me the idea of the poem. The characters in the poem of 'Betsy and I' represent no one in particular, and are only intended to be typical of a class. I wrote the poem and it was published in the Toledo Blade. From this paper it was copied into hundreds of papers, among them Harper's Weekly, and I was surprised at one day receiving from the Harpers a request for a poem. The compliment was, of course, a high one, and I sat down and composed 'Over the Hill to the Poor-house,' 'Out of the Old House,' 'Gone with a Han'somer Man,' 'Uncle Sammy' and a number of others, which they published in the Weekly in the spring of 1871. Near the town of Hillsdale, Mich., was the county poorhouse. Between the town proper and this place there was a small hill. I often went to the poorhouse to see and talk with the unfortunate people there. On one of my visits I became acquainted with an old couple, husband and wife, who had been sent there by their children. They never chided their offspring for having sent them to the poorhouse, but it was not difficult to discover that they had not come there of their own free will. This case suggested the poem to me, I suppose, although, of course, its story is different from the incident. But I had be- | come impressed with the aged couple and they had fixed themselves on my mind. Mr. S. S. Conant, for many years editor of Harper's Weekly, sent me a check of $30 for it. For Betsy and I' I never received anything, as the Blade was not a distinctive literary paper and paid its contributors only in kind treatment and editorial encouragement." W. C.

BROOKS. The little poem, "Be a Woman," was written in 1857 by Dr. Edward Brooks, who was for many years president of the first Normal School of Pennsylvania. One of the Literary Societies connected with the institution published | a weekly paper called The Normal Review, to which contributions were made by the students and teachers. At one of these meetings a poem, “Be a

Man," was read, which attracted considerable attention. The following week, in response to a request of the editor for a contribution, the author sat down and dashed off a companion to the poem of the previous week, entitled "Be a Woman," which was read at the following meeting. It had been the custom to select some of the popular pieces of the Review for publication in a Lancaster newspaper called The Evening Express. This poem, "Be a Woman," was among those selected and published. The author thought no further of the poem until about two years after, when a friend, who had heard the poem read in the society, brought him a copy of Willis's Home Journal containing a copy of the poem and an editorial note complimenting it and inquiring for the author. The friend ask permission to write to Mr. Willis, giving the name of the author, but he preferred to let it float on the sea of literature, if it would, without a sponsor. It did float, and every now and then the author would meet it in some newspaper, or friends would bring him a copy of it cut out of some publication. In the course of a few years it crossed the ocean and began to appear in English publications, always, so far as is known, anonymously. Several interesting incidents associated with it are noted by the author and some of his friends, one of which may be mentioned. A few years ago the author visited a school in Jacksonville, Florida. As he entered one of the rooms the teacher informed him they were just going to have a literary exercise in which the young ladies were to read articles of their own selection. The third young lady called upon began reading the poem "Be a Woman." The author inquired from what book she was reading and found that she had cut the verses from some paper and pasted them in her literature book. It was a pleasant surprise to pupils and teacher to be told that the author of the poem was their visitor. Floating around through the newspapers the poem naturally became somewhat modified and even mutilated, so that in 1874 the author gave permission to his friend, Prof. J. Willis Westlake, to make a public acknowledgement of its authorship. While the author is widely known as an educator and has written many books which stand high in the teachers' profession, yet it is understood that he has a strong affection for this little poem, so hastily written in an hour of leisure, realizing that it may do more to perpetuate his memory than anything else he has done.

HUNTINGTON. Frederic Dan Huntington, LL.D., Bishop of Central New York, was born in Hadley, Mass., May 28, 1819. He says the only verses

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that he cares to have reprinted are those under the title of "A Supplication," issued in various forms at different times. "They were written at the beginning of a period of severe and long-continued mental suffering which attended my gradual transition from the Unitarian ministry in Boston, and the post of Preacher in Harvard College, to the service of the church in which I was afterwards, in 1869, made Bishop." F. D. H.

LINCOLN. "A Child's Laugh" was originally published in Good Housekeeping in the summer of 1888, over the author's nom de plume of "Asa Harlin."

CHARLES. Elizabeth Rundle Charles, an English author, born in 1828. Her best-known work is "Chronicles of the Schönberg Cotta Family."

COOKE. The son of an eminent lawyer, Philip Pendleton Cooke (1816-1850) was a native of Martinsburgh, Va. He entered Princeton College at fifteen, studied law with his father, and before he was of age had married and begun practice. He was extravagantly fond of field sports and grew to be the most famous hunter of the Shenandoah Valley. He published a volume of "Froissart Ballads" in 1847, in which his "Florence Vane" is introduced; wrote novels and tales for the Southern Literary Messenger, when it was edited by Poe; and also for Graham's Magazine, and became an accomplished man of letters instead of a busy lawyer. He died young, of pneumonia, got in a hunting expedition; leaving one son and several daughters. .. Impulsive and chivalrous, he once galloped twenty miles to throw a bouquet into the window of his cousin, the "Florence Vane" of his graceful little lyric, which, it is interesting to know, was the offspring of a genuine passion, and not of mere fancy. E. S.

CLEPHANE. "The Ninety and Nine" was written for a friend who edited The Children's Hour. It was copied into various publications, but it was comparatively little noticed until Mr. Sankey discovered the words accidentally, in a religious newspaper, while riding on the train between Glasgow and Edinburgh, and, uniting them to his own talent, so rendered them that they have become, perhaps, the most widely-known sacred song which he sings. It is with deep gratitude to him that the friends of the author can say, "She being dead, yet speaketh." A. M. C.

MACKAY. The late Hon. Charles Sumner wrote of "Clear the Way," that it "stirred his heart with generous enthusiasm, and was prophetic of the abolition of slavery." It was first published in 1846.



BOKER, GEORGE H. Plays and Poems. In two volumes. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1856. 12mo, pp. 8+474, 6+450. Volume one contains, "Calaynos: a Tragedy," ""Anne Boleyn: a Tragedy," "Leonor de Guzman: a Tragedy," and "Francesca da Rimini: a Tragedy." Volume two contains, "The Bethrothal: a Play," "The Widow's Marriage: a Comedy," "Poems," "Songs" and "Sonnets."

IBID. Königsmark, The Legend of the Hounds, and Other Poems. Philadelphia; J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1869. 12mo.

IBID. Poems of the War. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co. 12mo.

IBID. The Book of the Dead. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1882. 16mo, pp. 214.

LINTON, W. J. Poems and Translations. New York: Scribner and Welford, 1889. Small 4to, pp. 202. Limited edition, 780 copies.

IBID. Love-Lore. New Haven: Appledore Private Press (1887). Limited edition, 50 copies. IBID. Wind-Falls, Two Hundred and Odd. No date, publisher, or paging.

IBID. Pot-Pourri. New York: Printed by S. W. Green, 1875. 12mo, pp. 24.

IBID. The American Odyssey. Adventures of Ulysses (so much as may interest the present time) exposed in modest Hudibrastic measure, by Abel Reid and A. N. Broome. To which is appended an allegory of King Angeas. Washington: In our Centennial year, 1876. 16mo, pp. 24.

IBID. England to America, 1876. A New-Year's Greeting. Cambridge, Mass. Printed by Welch, Bigelow and Co. 12mo, pp. 8.

IBID. Ireland for the Irish: Rhyme and Reasons against Landlordism, with a Preface on Fenianism and Republicanism. New York: The American News Co., 1867. 16mo.

WATTS, THEODORE. Miscellaneous poems.

BARNES, MARY MATHEWS. Epithalamium. With drawings, by Dora Wheeler. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1889.

IBID. Miscellaneous poems.

UTTER, REBECCA PALFREY. The King's Daughter, and Other Poems. Boston: J. Stilman Smith and Co., 1888. 16mo, pp. 64.

MAHANEY, ROWLAND B. Miscellaneous poems. BURDETTE, ROBERT JONES. Miscellaneous poems.

BOYNTON, JULIA P. Lines and Interlines. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1887. 16mo, pp. 7+ 103.

IBID. Miscellaneous poems.

COLLIER, THOMAS S. Miscellaneous poems. AVERILL, ANNA BOYNTON. Miscellaneous poems. PERRY, CARLOTTA. Poems. Chicago: Belford Clarke and Co., 1888. 12mo.

ARMSTRONG, GEORGE FRANCIS. Poems: Lyrical and Dramatic. A new edition. London: Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1873, F cap 8vo, pp. 7+217.

IBID. Ugone: a Tragedy. A new edition. London: Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1872. F cap 8vo, pp. 11+251.

IBID. The Tragedy of Israel. Part I. King Saul. London: Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1872. F cap, 8vo, pp. 156.

IBID. The Tragedy of Israel. Part II. King David. London: Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1874. F caps 8vo, pp. 274.

IBID. The Tragedy of Israel. Part III. King Solomon. London: Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1876. F cap 8vo, pp. 240.

IBID. A Garland from Greece. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1882. F cap 8vo, pp. 6+361. IBID. Stories of Wicklow. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1886. F cap 8vo, pp. 12+431.

CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH. Poems. With a Memoir. Third edition. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1871. 12mo, pp. 24+350.

VENABLE, W. H. Melodies of the Heart, Songs of Freedom, and Other Poems. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Co., 1885. 16mo, pp. 132.

IBID. June on the Miami and Other Poems. Second edition. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Co. 18mo.

IBID. The Teacher's Dream and Other Songs of School Days. Cincinnati: McDonald and Eick, 1889. 8vo.

RITTENHOUSE, LAURA J. Miscellaneous poems. IBID. Out of the Depths. Brattleboro: Frank E. Housh.

HIGGINSON, THOMAS WENTWORTH. The Afternoon Landscape. Poems and Translations. New York and London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1889. 12mo, pp. 106.

HILDRETH, CHARLES LOTIN. The Masque of Death, and Other Poems. New York: Belford, Clarke and Co., 1889. 12mo, pp. 168.

MACKELLAR, THOMAS. Rhymes Atween-Times. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1872. 16mo, pp. 336.

IBID. Hymns and a Few Metrical Psalms. Philadelphia: Porter and Coats, 1883. 16mo, pp. 169. BROWNE, LEWIS C. Miscellaneous poems.

ALLMOND, MARCUS BLAKEY. Estelle, an Idyl of Old Virginia, and Other Poems. Second edition. Louisville, Ky.: John P. Morton and Co., 1884. 16mo, pp. 79.

IBID. Agricola, an Idyl. Louisville, Ky.: John P. Morton and Co., 1885. 18mo, pp. 16.

CARLETON, WILL. Farm Ballads. Illustrated. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1889. (c 1873) 8vo, pp. 159.

IBID. Farm Legends. Illustrated. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1889 (c1875). 8vo, pp. 187.

IBID. Young Folk's Centennial Rhymes. Illustrated. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1889 (c 1876).

IBID. Farm Festivals. Illustrated. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1889 (c1881). 8vo, pp. 167. IBID. City Ballads. Illustrated. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1889 (c1885). 8vo, pp. 180. IBID. City Legends. Illustrated. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1890. 8vo, pp. 170.

PIERCE, GRACE ADELE. Miscellaneous poems. STRUTHERS, WILLIAM. Miscellaneous poems. MACHAR, AGNES MAULE. Miscellaneous poems. SMITH, WILLIAM WYE. Poems. Toronto: Printed by Dudley and Burns, 1888. 12mo, pp. 265. SMITH, J. LUELLA DOWD. Wind-Flowers. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr and Co., 1887. 16mo, pp. 235. IBID. Wayside Leaves. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1879. 16mo, pp. 7+201.

SHEA, JOHN J. Miscellaneous poems. EGAN, MAURICE FRANCIS. Songs and Sonnets. London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Co.

IBID. Preludes. Philadelphia: P. F. Cunningham.

STORY, WILLIAM WETMORE. Parchments and Portraits. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1886.

SARGENT, EPES. Cyclopaedia of British and American Poetry. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1882.

CLEPHANE, ELIZABETH C. The Ninety and Nine. Designs by Robert Lewis, engraved by William C. Dana. Boston: D. Lothrop and Co.

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