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ROSINA VOKES COMPANY. At 8-The Old Musician.

Ferdinand Gottschalk ....Morton Selten

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Broadway, between Thirtieth and Thirty-first Streets. Evening at 8. Wed. and Sat. Matinee at 2.

MANNING'S YACHT AGENCY. Lessee and Manager..

Yachts of all descriptions for sale and charter.

Descriptive catalogue mailed free.

Office, 45 Beaver Street,


Mr. J.W. Rosenquest "A MIDNIGHT BELL."

$6, $8 and $12 | Dress Circle.. .$1.50, $1 $1.50 Balcony Reserved.. General Admission... $1 and 500.

Boxes.. Orchestra.

New York.


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Professional cards under this head 10c. a line per insertion.

GEORGE F. HILL, Teacher of the Philosophy of Expression according to Delsarte. Address 68 W. 37th St., N.Y.

EDGAR S. KELLEY Composer and Pianist. is prepared to receive pupils in Piano-forte Playing, Harmony and the higher branches of Musical Composition. Chickering Hall, New York.


Vocal Teacher of Italian School. Drawing Room, Oratorio, Church and Concert Singing, Operatic Acting and Finishing for the Stage.

217 Second Avenue, New York.

ADA DYAS, having on Feb. 2 relinquished her second season's engagement with Mr. A. M. Palmer's JIM THE PENMAN Co. (Western) on account of the exigencies of too constant travel, is now at liberty, for engagements in New York or Eastern cities. Letters, telegrams, Ledgewood, Norwald, Conn.

WAYNE ELLIS, Dramatist. Author of "Love and H. Law, Donny Brook,One of the Old Stock," "Love's Loyalty." Address care THE THEATRE, 42 W. 23d St., N. Y. WILL. F. SAGE, Plays for Sale or to Play on Royalty. All duly copyrighted.

DESTINY, a melodrama, in seven tableaux, successfully produced at McVickers Theatre, Jan. 1879.

HIS FORTUNE, a melodrama in five tableaux.
ACTRESS AND ARTIST, an ideal comedy in three acts.
ON THE SANDS, a specialty farce in three acts.
NATHAN PILLSBURY, a comedy drama in three acts.
WHAT COULD YOU EXPECT? a comedy extravaganza in
two acts

TIQ SETTLED AT LAST! a musical satire in two acts. MOROMI, a melodramatic musical satire in a prelude and two acts. Address 81 W. Fiftieth Street, New York.

PHILADELPHIA, PA. MRS. A. S. MORGAN, 251 South 8th Street. First-class Professional Boarding House. Terms moderate. Will contract for large companies.

E. F. BONAVENTURE, Rare English and Foreign Books.

Fine Editions in Choice Bindings.

Early Printed Books, Illuminated Missals, &c. Portraits for Illustrating. French Novels.

2 and 4 Barclay St., (Astor House) New York.




Every Lady desires to be considered handsome. The most important adjunct to perfect beauty is a clear, smooth, soft and beautiful skin. Ladies afflicted with Tan, Freckles, Rough or Discolored Skin and other Blemishes, should lose no time in applying this old established and delightful Toilet preparation.

It will immediately obliterate all such imperfections and is perfectly harmless. It has been chemically analysed by the Board of Health of New York City, and pronounced entirely free from any material injurious to the health or skin. Price, 75 Cents Per Bottle. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers Everywhere.

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Depot 39 Barclay St., N. Y.


The new and exquisite Toilet Soap which for perfect Purity and Permanency of Delicate fragrance is unequalled for either Toilet or Nursery use. No materials unless carefully selected and absolutely pure ever enter into its manufacture, hence this Soap is perfectly reliable for use in the Nursery and unrivalled for general Toilet use.

LAIRD'S WHITE LILAC TOILET SOAP is refreshing and soothing to the skin, leaving it beautifully clear soft and smooth. Price, 20c. per Cake. Box 3 Cakes 50c. Sent by Mail upon Receipt of Price. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers Everywhere.

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