comes Beatrice: by this day, fhe's a fair lady; I do fpy fome marks of love in her. Enter Beatrice. Beat. Against my will, I am fent to bid you come in to dinner. Bene. Fair Beatrice, I thank you for your pains. Beat. I took no more pains for thofe thanks, than you take pains to thank me; if it had been painful, I would not have come. Bene. You take pleasure then in the meffage. Beat. Yea, juft fo much as you may take upon a knife's point, and choak a daw withal: you have no ftomach, Signior; fare you well. [Exit. Bene. Ha! against my will I am fent to bid you come in to dinner :- -there's a double meaning in that. I took no more pains for thofe thanks, than you took pains to thank me; that's as much as to fay, any pains that I take for you is as easy as thanks. If I do not take pity of her, I am a villain; if I do not love her, I am a Jew; I will go get her Picture. [Exit. ACT III. SCENE continues in the Orchard. Enter Hero, Margaret and Urfula. HERO. OOD Margaret, run thee into the parlour, Forbid the Sun to enter; like to Favourites, Bear thee well in it, and leave us alone. Marg. I'll make her come, I warrant, prefently. [Exit. Our Talk muft only be of Benedick; That only wounds by hear-fay: now begin. Enter Beatrice, running towards the Arbour. Hero. Then go we near her, that her ear lofe nothing I know, her fpirits are as coy and wild, Urjula. But are you fure, That Benedick loves Beatrice fo intirely? Hero. So fays the Prince, and my new-trothed lord. Urfu. And did they bid you tell her of it, Madam ? Hero. They did intreat me to acquaint her of it; But I perfuaded them, if they lov'd Benedick, To with him wraftle with affection, And never to let Beatrice know it. Urfu. Why did you fo? doth not the Gentleman Deferve as full, as fortunate a bed, As As ever Beatrice fhall couch upon; Hero. O God of love! I know, he doth deferve But nature never fram'd a woman's heart All matter else feems weak; fhe cannot love, Urfu. Sure, I think fo; And therefore certainly it were not good Hero. Why, you speak truth. I never yet faw man, How wife, how noble, young, how rarely featur'd, But she would fpel him backward; if fair-fac'd, (12) She'd fwear, the gentleman fhould be her fifter; If black, why, Nature, drawing of an antick, Made a foul blot; if tall, a launce ill-headed; If low, an Aglet very vilely cut; (13) (12) if fair-fac'd, She'd fwear, the gentleman should be ber fifter; Made a foul blet; if tall, a lance ill-headed; &c. If Some of the editors have pretended, that our author never imitates any paffages of the ancients. Methinks, this is fo very like a remarkable defcription in Lucretius; (lib. iv. verf. 1154, &c.) that I can't help fufpecting, Shakespeare had it in view; the only difference feems to be, that the Latin poet's characteristics turn upon Praife; our countryman's, upon the hinge of Derogation. Nigra uenixpo eft; immunda & fœtida, änosμ• Parvola, pumilio, xapirav mía, tota merum Sal: Magna atque immanis, naláπrnğıs, plenaque bonoris. (13) If low, an Ágat very vilely cut; ] But why an Agat, if low? And what fhadow of likeness between a little man and an Agat? The ancients, indeed, ufed this ftone to cut in, and upon; but most exquifitely. I make no queftion, but the poet wrote; an Aglet very vilely cut; An Aglet was the tagg of those points, formerly fo much in fashion. These taggs were either of gold, filver, or brafs, according to the quality If fpeaking, why, a vane blown with all winds; Urfu. Sure, fure, fuch carping is not commendable. Hero. No; for to be fo odd, and from all fashions, As Beatrice is, cannot be commendable, But who dare tell her fo? if I should speak, Urfu. O, do not do your Cousin fuch a wrong, quality of the wearer; and were commonly in the fhape of little images; or at least had a head cut at the extremity, as is feen at the end of the ftart of old-fashion'd spoons. And as a tall man is before compar'd to a Launce ill-beaded; fo, by the fame figure, a little man is very aptly liken'd to an Aglet ill-cut. Mr. Warburton. I'll fubjoin a few paffages in confirmation of my friend's beautiful conjecture. Taming of the Shrew. Why, give him Gold enough, and marry bim to a Puppet, or an Aglet-baby, &c. The Two Noble Kinmen of Beaumont and Fletcher; I'm very cold; and all the stars are out too, The little fars, and all; that look like Aglets. And Sir John Harrington, in his tranflation of Ariofio's Orlando Furiofo. Book V. St. 47. The gown I ware was white, and richly fet With Aglets, pearl, and lace of gold well garnish'd: Of beaten gold, most pure and brightly varnish'd, &c. As As she is priz'd to have) as to refuse Urfu. I pray you, be not angry with me, Madam, Speaking my fancy; Signior Benedick, For fhape, for bearing, argument and valour, Hero. Indeed, he hath an excellent good name. Hero. Why, every day; to-morrow; come, go in, I'll fhew thee fome attires, and have thy counfel Which is the beft to furnish me to-morrow. Urfu. She's lim'd, I warrant you; we have caught her, Madam. Hero. If it prove fo, then loving goes by haps; Some Cupids kill with arrows, fome with traps. [Exeunt. Beatrice, advancing. Beat. What fire is in my ears ? can this be true? Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand; I SCENE, Leonato's Houfe. [Exit. Enter Don Pedro, Claudio, Benedick and Leonato. Pedro. Do but ftay 'till your marriage be confummate, and then go I toward Arragon. Claud. I'll bring you thither my lord, if you'll vouchfafe me. Pedro. Nay, That would be as great a foil in the new glofs of your marriage, as to fhew a child his new coat and |