Play. Fear not, my Lord, we can contain ourselves ; Were he the veriest antick in the world. 2 Player. [to the other.] Go get a difhclout to make clean your fhoes, and I'll fpeak for the properties. [Exit Player. My Lord, we must have a shoulder of mutton for a property, and a little vinegar to make our devil roar. Lord. Go firrah, take them to the buttery. And give them friendly welcome, ev'ry one: Let them want nothing that the house affords. [Exit one with the Players. To fee her noble Lord reftor'd to health, No better than a poor and loathjum beggar.) I have ventur'd to alter a word here, against the authority of the printed copies; and hope, I fhall be juftified in it by two fubfequent paffages. That the poet defign'd, the tinker's fuppos'd lunacy fhould be of fourteen years standing at least, feems to me evident upon these teftimonies. Thefe fifteen years you have been in a dream, Or, when you wak'd, fo wak'd as if you flept. Sly. Thefe fifteen years! by my fay, a goodly nap. And, again, Sly afterwards fays to the Page, whom he takes to be his Lady.. Madam wife, they jay, that I have dream'd and flept above fome fifteen. years and more. No. No better than a poor and loathfom beggar: See this difpatch'd, with all the hafte thou canft; [Exit Servant. I long to hear him call the drunkard, husband; [Exit Lord. SCENE changes to a Bedchamber in the Enter Sly with attendants, fome with apparel, bafon and Sly. F OR God's fake, a pot of fmall ale. Serv. Will't please your Lordship drink a cup of fack? 2 Serv. Will't please your Honour tafte of thefe conferves? 3 Serv. What raiment will your Honour wear to-day? Sly. I am Chriftophero Sly, call not me Honour, nor Lordship: I ne'er drank fack in my life: And if you give me any conferves, give me conferves of beef: Ne'er afk me what raiment I'll wear, for I have no more doublets than backs, no more ftockings than legs, nor no more fhoes than feet; nay, fometimes, more feet than fhoes; or fuch fhoes as my toes look through the over-leather. Lord. Heav'n cease this idle humour in your Honour! Sly. Sly. What, would you make me mad? am not I Chriftophero Sly, old Sly's fon of Burton-heath, by birth a pedler, by education a card-maker, by tranfmutation a bearherd, and now by prefent profeffion a tinker? ask Marian Hacket, the fat ale-wife of Wincot, if the know me not; if she say, I am not fourteen pence on the score for fheer ale, fcore me up for the lying'ft knave in chrif tendom. What, I am not beftraught: here's 1 Man. Oh, this it is, that makes your Lady mourn. 2 Man. Oh, this it is, that makes your fervants droop. Lord. Hence comes it, that your kindred fhun your house, As beaten hence by your ftrange lunacy. Oh, noble Lord, bethink thee of thy birth, [Mufick Say, thou wilt walk, we will beftrow the ground: Thy hounds fhall make the welkin anfwer them, And fetch fhrill echoes from the hollow earth. 1 Man. Say, thou wilt courfe, thy greyhounds are as As breathed flags; ay, fleeter than the roe. [fwift 2 Man. Doft thou love pictures? we will fetch thee Adonis, painted by a running brook; [ftrait And Citherea all in fedges hid; Which feem to move, and wanton with her breath, Ev'n as the waving fedges play with wind. Lord. We'll fhew thee Io, as he was a maid, And how he was beguiled and furpris'd, 3 Man. Qr Daphne roaming through a thorny wood Scratching Scratching her legs, that, one fhall fwear, fhe bleeds; So workmanly the blood and tears are drawn. Lord. Thou art a Lord, and nothing but a Lord: Thou haft a Lady far more beautiful Than any woman in this waining age. 1 Man. And 'till the tears, that the hath fhed for thee, Like envious floods, o'er-ran her lovely face, She was the fairest creature in the world, And yet she is inferior to none. Sly. Am I a Lord, and have I such a Lady? 2 Man. Will't please your Mightiness to wash your hands? Sly. These fifteen years! by my fay, a goodly nap: But did I never speak of all that time? 1 Man. Oh, yes, my Lord, but very idle words. 3 Man. Why, Sir, you know no house; nor no fuch maid; Nor no fuch men, as you have reckon❜d up; (6) As Stephen Sly, and old John Naps of Greece, And (6) As Stephen Sly, and old John Naps of Greece,] An unknown correfpondent, (who figns himself L. H.) is pleas'd to propofe this very reafonable conjecture, and old John Naps o' th' Green. As And Peter Turf, and Henry Pimpernell, And twenty more fuch names and men as thefe, Sly. Now, Lord be thanked for my good amends ! Sly. By th' mafs, I think, I am a Lord indeed. What is thy name? Man. Sim, an't pleafe your Honour. Sly. Sim? that's as much as to fay, Simeon or Simon} put forth thy hand and fill the pot. [The Servant gives him drink. Enter Lady, with attendants. I thank thee;thou shalt not lofe by it. Sly. Marry, I fare well, for here is cheer enough. Lady. Here, noble Lord, what is thy will with her? Sly. Are you my wife, and will not call me husband? my men fhould call me Lord, I am your good man. Lady. My hufband and my Lord, my Lord and hufbands I am your wife in all obedience. Sly. I know it well: what must I call her? Lord. Madam. Sly. Alce madam, or Joan madam? Lord. Madam, and nothing else, so Lords call Ladies. Sly. Come, fit down on my knee. Sim, drink to her. Madam wife, they fay, that I have dream'd, and slept above fome fifteen years and more. Lady. Ay, and the time feems thirty unto me, Being all this time abandon'd from your bed. Sly. 'Tis much. Servants, leave me and her alone:Madam, undress you, and come now to bed. Sim, drink to her. As Sly fays, he's the fon of old Sly of Burton-beath, and talks of the fat alewife of Wincot; he thinks, he can with no propriety have any acquaintance in Greece. If, indeed, the province of Greece were to be here, understood, this obfervation must neceffarily take place; but I have not disturb'd the text, because I do not know, but that, in the neighbourhood of Wincot and Burton-beath, there may be fome village call'd Greece, or Greys, &c. Lady, |