But there is come a meffenger before, Por. Go, Neriffa, Give order to my fervants, that they take Nor you, Lorenzo; Jeffica, nor you. [A Tucket founds. Lor. Your husband is at hand, I hear his trumpet: We are no tell-tales, madam, fear your not. Por. This night, methinks, is but the day-light fick; It looks a little paler; 'tis a day, Such as the day is when the fun is hid. Enter Baffanio, Anthonio, Gratiano, and their followers. Baff. We fhould hold day with the Antipodes, If you would walk in absence of the fun. Por. Let me give light, but let me not be light; But God fort all: you're welcome home, my Lord. To whom I am fo infinitely bound. Por. You should in all fenfe be much bound to him; For, as I hear, he was much bound for you. Anth. No more than I am well acquitted of. Por. Sir, you are very welcome to our houfe; It must appear in other ways than words ; Therefore I fcant this breathing courtesy. Gra. By yonder moon, 1 fwear, you do me wrong; In faith, I gave it to the judge's clerk. [To Neriffa. Would he were gelt that had it, for my part, Since you do take it, love, 'fo much at heart. Por. A quarrel, ho, already! what's the matter? That she did give me, whofe poefy was Ner. What talk you of the poefy, or the value? And And that it should lye with you in your grave: The clerk will ne'er wear hair on's face, that had it. Ner. Ay, if a woman live to be a man. No higher than thyfelf, the judge's clerk; I could not for my heart deny it him. Por. You were to blame, I must be plain with you, I gave my love a ring, and inade him swear Bal. Why, I were best to cut my left hand off, [Afide. Gra. My Lord Baffanio gave his ring away Por. What ring gave you, my Lord ? Not that, I hope, which you receiv'd of me, I would deny it, but you fee my finger Por. Even fo void is your false heart of truth. Ner. Nor I in yours, "Till I again fee mine. Baff. Sweet Portia, If you did know to whom I you gave the ring, If y did know for whom I gave the ring, I'll die for't, but fome woman had the ring, Ba. No, by mine honour, madam, by my foul," No woman had it, but a Civil Doctor, Who did refufe three thousand ducats of me, Ev'n he, that did uphold the very life Of my dear friend. What should I fay, fweet Lady? I was enforc'd to fend it after him; I was befet with fhame and courtesy; My honour would not let ingratitude So much befmear it. Pardon me, good Lady, Had you been there, I think, you would have begg'd The ring of me, to give the worthy Doctor. Por. Let not that Doctor e'er come near my house, Since he hath got the jewel that I lov'd, And that which you did fwear to keep for me: I'll not deny him any thing I have, No, not my body, nor my husband's bed; Lye not a night from home; watch me, like Argus: If If you do not, if I be left alone, Now, by mine honour, which is yet my own, Ner. And I his clerk; therefore be well advis'd, Gra. Well, do you fo; let me not take him then; For if I do, I'll mar the young clerk's 's pen. Ant. I am th' unhappy fubject of these quarrels. Baff. Portia, forgive me this enforced wrong. Por. Mark you but that! In both mine eyes he doubly fees himself; Ba. Nay, but hear me : Pardon this fault, and by my foul I fwear, Ant. I once did lend my body for his weal; (32) Por. Then you fhall be his furety; give him this, And bid him keep it better than the other. Ant. Here, Lord Baffanio, fwear to keep this ring. Baff. By heav'n, it is the fame I gave the Doctor. Por. I had it of him: pardon me, Bassanio; For by this ring the Doctor lay with me. Ner. And pardon me, my gentle Gratiano, (32) my body for his wealth;] I have ventur'd, against the authority of the copies, to fubftitute weal here; i. e. for his welfare, benefit. Wealth has a more confin'd fignification. Tho' I muft own, that weal and wealth in our author's time might be in fome measure fynonomous; as they are now in the words, common-zeal, and commonwealth. For |