Puslapio vaizdai


Vol 116

June 1928

No 2



Of Special Importance to the United States
WILLIAM II-Former Emperor of Germany

EX applies not only to individuals, but to races and civilizations. There are distinctly "masculine" and "feminine" civilizations. The conflict between the two enlivens the sessions of the League of Nations. It was also at the root of the World War. The World War was so monstrous because it made enemies of nations that should have been allies, and it forced into partnership, representatives of cultures distinctly antagonistic. Hence the confusion that followed in the wake of the War. Hence also the possibility of new wars, still more confusing.

In English the words "culture" and "civilization" are used almost synonymously. In German we differentiate between the two. Culture is a living. organism subject to the same laws of life as the human race. Culture is born, has its babyhood, its childhood, its youth, its middle age, its decline, its senility and death.

Culture, "Kultur," is a wider term than civilization. It includes civilization. Civilization is a mechanical aspect of culture. North America,

with its immense mechanical development, is more highly "civilized" than Europe. Europe, with its associations and traditions, its arts and its scholarship, is more highly "cultured."

This does not imply that Europe is uncivilized, or that America is uncultured. North American civilization, as I shall point out, is largely Anglo-Saxon. The United States belongs, to a certain extent, to the Atlantic or Western group of nations. But its culture, like the culture of England, is largely Germanic. Fundamentally the United States is a Germanic nation. The Germans belong to the Eastern or Continental group.

In order to understand any system of culture or civilization we must study its primitive origins, and ponder the history of the race. Archeology, the science of antiquity, enriches our knowledge, but it tends to over-specialization. Its ramifications are so many that the student loses himself in the mazes, unless he analyzes consciously and systematically the general scope of those great

Copyright, 1928, by THE CENTURY Co. All rights reserved.


developments along which the progress of mankind expresses itself. The palm for having inaugurated a fundamentally new conception for a worldwide study of cultural developments belongs to my friend Professor Leo Frobenius, who explores dark continents and obscure biological problems, with equal intrepidity. He has charted culture's uncharted sea.

We are at the beginning of a new science. Even the beginning reveals its immense possibilities. It does not seem improbable to me that we shall eventually arrive at findings that will enable us to determine the general lines along which racial and national developments must progress. This will make it possible for us to avoid evolution in the wrong direction. It will also endow us with the facility to distinguish between homogeneous cultural elements that can be easily assimilated and heterogeneous elements that must remain forever at odds. This subject is of interest to all nations. It is of special importance to the United States.

Nations are, as it were, subject to definite cultural laws. Similar conditions produce similar results in their lives. We can never predicate the future from the past with absolute exactitude, but we can foretell certain developments with a measure of certainty. The climatic and geographical environment of a race determines its character and its characteristics. Barring other unexpected influences, the present is likely to be the reflection of the past. The future is sure to develop along analogous lines. This applies not only to physical characteristics, but to philosophical concepts. Insular

and seafaring nations necessarily develop other characteristics and other concepts of life than nations. dwelling in continental seclusion.

Naturally Nordic woodlands and mountains create a different people and engender a different conception of the Supreme Being, than the everlastingly blue skies of the south, the treeless steppes, the highlands, or seemingly interminable plains and deserts. Under specific climacteric conditions certain physical and psychical energies tend to relax. This is true especially of peoples dwelling in the valleys of great rivers. This softening of certain characteristics produces a feminine culture. Nations with feminine cultures usually possess decided creative gifts, but they are frequently lacking in warlike spirit.

Frobenius holds that the study of bygone, now closed, periods of ancient history serves to illustrate the meaning of this fact. He says:

"The races peopling the valleys of the Indus, Nile, Mesopotamia little by little succumbed to relaxing habits, thus becoming an easy prey to the highland or desert tribes who invaded these valleys and, after easily conquering their inhabitants, established their rule over them. These tribes composed of people accustomed to live amid the hardships of barren highlands and sandy deserts, were of course racially of much stronger and tougher stuff than the inhabitants of the fertile well cultivated valleys. As a rule they imposed their language on the conquered race.

"Hence the very remarkable fact that the great groups of languages of the world correspond each to a great

desert country, being idioms spoken by the hardy desert races, who transferred them from their original homes to the newly conquered valleys.

"The Mongolian tongue originated in the Gobi desert, the Indo-Germanic tongue comes from the Persian desert, the Semitic tongue has its origin in the Arabian desert, the Hamitic tongue comes from the Sahara."

In contrast to feminine culture are the more primitive masculine traditions, developed by peoples of the desert and of the mountains.

While nations belonging to the sphere of feminine culture eventually succumb to the greater strength of the nations embraced in the masculine circle, imbued with an inherent urge to press forward and conquer, once the conquerors obtain the upper hand, they often accept certain cultural elements of the vanquished.

Feminine France and Masculine Germany A predominant example of feminine culture is France. A chief exponent of masculine culture is Germany. I am indebted for my argument primarily to the researches of Professor Frobenius. I draw no invidious comparisons. I merely make a scientific distinction. Naturally I prefer the type of culture of my own country. This is hardly surprising in a German Emperor.

Every woman endowed with natural and strongly marked feelings, is gifted by nature with the power to form instinctive judgment. She possesses what we call intuition. Man, on the other hand, normally acquires his faculty of judgment from reflection and education, He is not

born with these faculties. He conquers them in the struggle to prepare himself for his career. He owes his attainments primarily to reason. The line of demarcation is not always discernible with absolute precision. Men may possess intuition. Women may conduct their affairs by ratiocination.

The distinction existing between men and women exists also in a larger sense between feminine and masculine nations. Feminine cultures and countries are governed to a large extent by instinctive general opinions swaying the masses. Where masculine culture prevails the leader takes the place of the masses. Here single personalities assume control.

French history gives us a clear conception of this theory. French culture within clearly defined bounds, is governed by centripetal tendencies, directed toward Paris, at once the brain and the heart of France. German history, on the other hand, reveals the development of clearly marked centrifugal tendencies. This development logically leads to the federation of a great number of individual states, with innumerable separate communal entities.

France is a single community. Its spirit and its cravings blossom forth in Paris. Germany has produced numberless smaller nucleuses, each possessing a marked individuality. This holds true everywhere, from the great cities, where reigning princes resided, such as Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Stuttgart, to the tiniest town of Kraehwinkel or Katzenellenbogen.

The Frenchman ordinarily is reluctant to leave France. This illustrates the centripetal character of

French culture. The Frenchman looks upon a sojourn in the French colonies only as a last refuge. The Germans, on the other hand, under the influence of their centrifugal culture are ever ready to migrate to any part of the globe.

The difference between the masculine and feminine culture can be best explained by comparing them to the structure of a flower. The feminine part of the flower, the socalled gynoecium-is immobile and unique. Each flower possesses only one gynoecium. But many flowers possess a large number of stamens. The stamens generate the pollen. The grains of pollen are centrifugal. They fly away from the center to fulfil their biological mission. The gynoecium is centripetal. It attracts the pollen of other flowers.

France plays the part of the feminine gynæcium. It attracts foreign elements gifted with fructifying qualities. It attracts the Hebrew. It attracts and assimilates, to a certain extent, even the colored races. Germany, on the other hand, never assimilates or absorbs any race, originating without its sphere of culture. Alien races remain isolated within her as a foreign caste. It is not only comprehensible but natural that such fundamental divergent cultures should produce fundamentally divergent conceptions of gov


In the centripetal or feminine sphere of culture, leadership lies in the hands of the masses. In the centrifugal or masculine sphere of culture, the differentiated or single personalities rise, assert themselves, and become recognized leaders.

The mass influence in a centripetal

or feminine culture produces a horizontal structure and gives rise to castes or classes. The centrifugal or masculine culture erects a vertical system, based on commonwealths, guilds and so on.

Historical symptoms fitly illustrate this difference. The King of France says, "I am the state." The King of Prussia says, "I am the first servant of the state." Occupation, calling, profession, trade has precedence in a masculine state. The position or rank attained by individual leaders, risen to office by virtue of inherent qualities, does not differentiate them as a class. They remain individuals. The King of Prussia was the head representative of a profession, the King of France of a caste or class.

The Why of Princes

Centripetal or feminine states necessarily develop a parliamentary government representing the classes. The right wing is composed of the members of the upper classes. The left wing represents the lower classes. The members of such a parliament will be chosen naturally and lawfully by the instincts of the masses grouped according to classes or castes.

Leadership in a masculine centrifugal state is based on an orderly structure. His community and his occupation (trade, profession, calling, guild affiliation) are instrumental in helping the best man to rise to the top. They open a free path to merit. Hence the German slogan: "Freie Bahn dem Tuechtigen.” The leader is not elected by the choice of the masses. Leadership represents an individual organic growth, an evolution of personality.

As a consequence the government of a masculine state is composed of individuals, sprung from this natural growth. They are responsible to the community and to the state as a whole. They are not responsible to a class or caste.

Caste corresponds to class. Caste may be best studied in the social structure of ancient cultures, as of the inhabitants of British India, the natives in the Caucasus, the population of the Sahel in Africa. The latest example of introduction of caste in Europe is to be observed in the French Revolution by the creation of the "Tiers État."

This represents a horizontal layer or structure dividing the French people into a higher stratum comprising the nobility and the clergy and a lower one formed by the


The structure of the guilds on the other hand as compared to that of the caste or class-shows quite a different principle, it is vertical.

The professional spirit is the same in the head man as in the apprentice. It combines both as members of the same group. Here we have the principle of the vertical structure and not-as in the division of the classes or castes-the horizontal; that is, in the professional organization one profession is fundamentally and as a whole separated from the other. The Chairman of the Guild remains in direct communication with the youngest apprentice, and the proprietor of a farm or a large estate communicates with his youngest plowboy. The chiefs or heads of the Guilds combined, compose the Ting.

In bygone centuries, before we

absorbed alien and indigestible constitutional forms, leaders in Germany were able men who rose to their high estate by the development of the community in which they played a part.

The masculine Germanic system was submerged by the enormous influence of feminine French class parliamentarism. This feminine centripetal conception is antagonistic to the centrifugal structure of the German state. It gives rise to confusion in German hearts and creates governmental forms incompatible with the genius of the German people. Such forms are necessarily transient. A non-German system cannot prevail indefinitely in Germany, if Germany is to live.


In the light of this explanation, the rôle assigned by Providence to kings, princes and dukes, in Germany becomes unmistakably clear. These princes were personalities functioning in their occupation or profession. Government was their career, their trade, their calling. was a guild of princes, trained and equipped for a highly specialized task. In France, on the other hand, princes, kings and dukes, were only representatives of a class or caste. In France, monarchy annexed all the states governed by autonomous princes and abolished their rule. They were reduced to a caste and became servants of the King at his court, in his army and navy or as ambassadors.

The influx of centripetal or feminine institutions, alien to our soil, lead to a bastardization of our form of government. This bastardization was accentuated by the elimination of the groups who practised govern

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