Puslapio vaizdai
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No. 1.

Prospective Politics of "The Lion."-Prospective Discussion on Re-
ligion in ditto.-Statement of the Arguments on the Subject of Deity.-
Question, as to the Personal Existence of Jesus Christ; submitted to all
Christian Sects, and more particularly to the Catholic Association's pro-
jected Mission to England. Review of the Past Year, in relation to the
circumstances of Mr. Carlile.-The Will of Thomas Morrison, a Surgeon, of
Chelsea.-Notice of the Trial of the Reverend Robert Taylor.-Critique on
the Geological Theories of Buffon and the Bible.-Journal of Mr. Carlile's
Tour through the Country: Visits to Bath, Bristol, Romsey, Southampton,
Portsea, Gosport, and Birminghain.-Some Explanations about Mr. Cobbett's

Conduct towards Mr. Carlile.

No. 2.


New Plan of Reform: Treatment before Birth, after Birth, and general
Education. Superstition "under the superintendance of the Society for the
Diffusion of Useful Knowledge."-Notice of the expected Trials of the Rev.
Robert Taylor and others.-Of the Greeks, Turks, and European Allies;
with an Epitaph on the late George Canning, by R. T. Webb.-Philosophi-
cal and Epistolary Stanzas, written near the close of Life.-Phrenology of
Animals, an article copied from No. I, of" The Farrier and Naturalist."-
Equivocal Generation; Plants or Animals produced by Infusion.-Journal
of Mr. Carlile's Tour through the Country (continued from p. 32); Visit to
Liverpool; Notice of "Every Woman's Book;" Mr. Cobbett, Mr. Malthus,
"The British Almanac ;" the State of Reading in Liverpool; Mr. Mann,
Mr. Pegram, Mr. Horrocks the late M. P. for Preston, &c.-Memoir of John
Davies, the Antiquarian Bookseller of Liverpool.-Extract from the Letter
of G. H. of Liverpool.

No. 3.

Putting off of the Trials of the Rev. Robert Taylor and others.-Copy
of the Indictment for Conspiracy.-Journal of Mr. Carlile's Tour through the
Country (continued from p. 56): Visit to Manchester; Notices of Messrs.
Wroe, Elijah Ridings, John Gratrix, Archibald Prentice, Elijah Dixon, his
Ass and his Trinity; Address of the Working Classes of Manchester to his
Majesty; Notice of the Israelites of Ashton-under-Line; Letter on their
behalf addressed to Mr. Carlile by Edward Lees.-Notice of the Change of
Administration.-Religious Persecution, in the case of the Reverend Robert
Taylor.-Letter from Mr. Rowland Detrosier of Manchester, on the subject
of Designing and Intelligent Deity, with Notes by R. Carlile.-Fecundity of
Vegetables and of Animals; with important illustrations by the Political
Economists, Mr. Malthus, Mr. Owen, and others; Article on the subject,
copied from the Bolton Chronicle.-Extracts from Mr. Malthus's writings on
Checks to Population, Education, Love; with Observations by Mr. Carlile.
-Nonsense for want of something better: a Matrimonial Parody on the
Athanasian Creed.

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