And what is so rare as a day in June?1 35 Then Heaven tries earth if it be in tune, 40 An instinct within it that reaches and towers, 50 With the deluge of summer it receives; His mate feels the eggs beneath her wings, And the heart in her dumb breast flutters and sings; 55 He sings to the wide world, and she to her nest, In the nice ear of Nature which song is the best? Now is the high-tide of the year, And whatever of life hath ebbed away 1 In this description of June, what lines move most smoothly? Notice how the first stanza of the description appeals to sight and the second to sound. 2 Compare with the third, fourth, and fifth stanzas of Bryant's "Robert of Lincoln." 3 In what sense is the word nice here used? What answer does the question imply? 4 Look up the exact significance of cheer. No matter how barren the past may have been, 65 We sit in the warm shade and feel right well The breeze comes whispering in our ear 70 That dandelions are blossoming near, That maize has sprouted, that streams are flowing, That the river is bluer than the sky, 75 For other couriers we should not lack; We could guess it all by yon heifer's lowing, — 80 Joy comes, grief goes, we know not how; Everything is happy now, 85 Everything is upward striving; 'Tis as easy now for the heart to be true As for the grass to be green or skies to be blue, 'Tis the natural way of living: Who knows whither the clouds have fled? In the unscarred heaven they leave no wake; And the eyes forget the tears they have shed, The heart forgets its sorrow and ache; 90 The soul partakes the season's youth, And the sulphurous rifts of passion and woe 1 What is the effect of the changing movement of these lines? How has Lowell secured his effects in this description-by the use of especially appropriate words, or by the selection of typical details? Lie deep 'neath a silence pure and smooth, PART FIRST 2 I. "My golden spurs now bring to me, 100 Shall never a bed for me be spread, Slowly Sir Launfal's eyes grew dim, II. The crows flapped over by twos and threes, 110 In the pool drowsed the cattle up to their knees, The little birds sang as if it were The one day of summer in all the year, And the very leaves seemed to sing on the trees: 1 Why does Lowell begin to speak of Sir Launfal suddenly, without telling us who and what he was? 2 Show how this section sustains the spirit of the prelude. 3 Golden spurs were the symbol of knighthood. When a knight disgraced himself his golden spurs were hacked off his heels by the cook's cleaver. 4 What is the significance of Sir Launfal's sleeping on the rushes ? * What is the purpose of this appeal to sounds dying into silence at the close of the stanza? The castle alone in the landscape lay 'Twas the proudest hall in the North Countree,1 120 But the churlish stone her assaults defied; 125 Though round it for leagues her pavilions tall Over the hills and out of sight; Green and broad was every tent, Till the breeze fell off at night. III. The drawbridge dropped with a surly clang, 130 Bearing Sir Launfal, the maiden knight, In his siege of three hundred summers long, IV. 140 It was morning on hill and stream and tree, And morning in the young knight's heart; 1 What rhyme of "The Ancient Mariner" is here recalled? 2 What is the idea of this and the few following lines? Cf. 11. 140-144. 3 What other notable instances of personification do you find in the poem ? 4 Point out some good examples of alliteration in this stanza. Only the castle moodily Rebuffed the gifts of the sunshine free, 145 The season brimmed all other things up Full as the rain fills the pitcher-plant's cup. 150 V. As Sir Launfal made morn through the darksome gate 155 For this man, so foul and bent of stature, VI. The leper raised not the gold from the dust: 160 "Better to me the poor man's crust, Better the blessing of the poor, 165 Though I turn me empty from his door; That is no true alms which the hand can hold; Who gives from a sense of duty; 2 But he who gives a slender mite,3 And gives to that which is out of sight, 1 How did Christ once receive a leper ? ? Do the gloomy castle and the brilliant Sir Launfal stand for the same thing in the poet's mind? What biblical story is here suggested? |