Puslapio vaizdai

American vessels. (See Vessels.)

American seamen.

(See Seamen.)

Appeal on behalf of the United States from the circuit to the
Supreme Court, in cases involving the construction of
the revenue laws, and as relates to the fees of the
clerks of the circuit and district courts. Report of the
Committee on the Judiciary on so much of the annual
report of the Secretary of the Treasury as relates
to the right of
Appropriations made during the 1st session of the 28th Con-
gress. Statement of
Armory, naval depot, and dock yard, at Memphis. Memo-
rial of the General Assembly of Tennessee, praying
the establishment of an

Armories at Harper's Ferry and Springfield, from 30th Sep-
tember, 1842, to 30th June, 1843.
penditures at the national


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Statement of ex-

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Statement of the

Arms to the militia for the year 1842.
apportionment of
Army, with tabular statements of its organization, general
return, distribution, and enlistments. Report of the
Major General commanding the
Arms, accoutrements, and ammunition, of the militia of the
several States and Territories. Abstract of the an-
nual returns of

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Arts. Report of the first examiner in the Patent Office on

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Astronomical observations. Catalogue of geographical posi-
tions determined by the engineer corps, from
Atlee. Report of the Committee on Revolutionary Claims
on the bill (H. R. 94) for the relief of William Au-
Attorney Generals Legare and Nelson, and New York dis-
trict attorney Hoffman, in relation to the private
express mail of Adams & Co. Opinions of -
Auditor, with statements of expenditures of the navy pen-
sion fund. Report of the Fourth

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Baker. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the peti
tion of Lydia

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Baldwin. Report of the Committee on Commerce on the
memorial of Enoch
Ball, executor of Samuel Ball, deceased. Report of the
Committee on Revolutionary Claims on the petition
of James H.

Bancroft. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the pe-
tition of John

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Banks. List of general and special deposite
Banks therein. Resolution of the common council of Alex-

andria, in favor of the recharter of the

Vol. No. Page.

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Bank of Potomac and the Farmers' Bank of Alexandria, in
the District of Columbia. Petition of citizens of Vir-
ginia, praying the recharter of the -

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Banks in the District of Columbia. Statements showing the
condition of the
Banker. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the peti-
tion of James

Barbour. Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims
on the petition of Philip C. S.
Barclay. Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims
on the petition of Robert

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Barker. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the bill
(H. R. 312) for the relief of Isaac
Barney. Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims
on the memorial of Hiram .
Barto. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the memo-
rial of Jonah
Batchelder. Report of the Committee of Claims on the me-
morial of Shadrach -
Bay. Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims on

the petition of the widow and heirs of Elihu Hall -
Beckham, daughter of Robert Lovell. Report of the Com-
mittee on Revolutionary Claims on the petition of

Belgium. Report of the changes in the commercial regula-
tions of

Bell. Report of the Committee on Revolutionary Claims on
the memorial of the heirs of James -

[ocr errors]

Benton, to provide for the termination of the 10th article of
the treaty with Great Britain. Motion by Mr.
Berrien, a Senator in Congress from that State. Resolutions
of the General Assembly of Georgia, approbatory of
the conduct of the Hon. John M. -
Biddle. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the petition
of Jesse

Bigham, heirs-at-law of Thomas Armor. Report of the
Committee on Revolutionary Claims on the petition
of Margaret and Agnes

Black Rock harbor. (See Harbor.)

Blodgett. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the bill

(H. R. 186) for the relief of Elijah

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Blood. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the petition
of the widow of Nathan

Boats from the operation of the law requiring licenses from

coasting vessels. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury, in relation to the exemption of canal
Bocanegra, Secretary of State, &c., of Mexico, to Mr.

[ocr errors]

Thompson, American minister to Mexico, in relation
to Texas. Letters of Mr. de

Bodley. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the bill
(H. R. 209) for the relief of A. D. W.

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Bosworth. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the pe-
tition of John
Boundaries, &c. Report of the chief of the bureau of To-
pographical Engineers, in relation to the surveys of 1
Boundary line of the State of Ohio, &c. Report of the
Committee on the Judiciary on the bill (S. 6.) to
amend an act to establish the northern

Bowen. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the peti-
tion of John

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Brazil, in the case of the schooner "John S. Bryan." Ad-
justment of the claim upon the Government of
Breakwater at Cape May. (See Cape May.)
Breedlove. Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs on
the petition of James W.


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1 1 8


- 5 292


Breese, in relation to an examination and survey, near the
confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, for a

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naval depot and dock yard. Letter of Hon. Sidney 4 196 1
Bridge over the Ohio river at Wheeling. Resolutions of the
Legislature of Pennsylvania, adverse to the construc-
tion of a
Bridge over the Ohio river at Wheeling. Resolutions of the
General Assembly of Ohio, in favor of the construc-
tion of a
Bridges over the Anacostia or eastern branch of the Poto-
mac free of toll. Resolutions of the Legislature of
Maryland, in favor of making the
British dominions in North America. Tariff of duties in
the colonial -

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British authorities at Gibraltar, and commander, officers, &c.,
of the British ship "Malabar." Aid afforded the
officers and crew of the "Missouri" by the
British authorities of the Bahamas, respecting the surrender
of fugitive criminals. Correspondence with the 3 135
British colonial trade. Resolutions of the Legislature of
Maine, in relation to the
Brockway and others, pre-emptioners on the back lands in
fractional township 18, of range 13 east, in the dis-
trict north of Red river, in Louisiana. Report of
the Committee on Public Lands on the petition of

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Brown. Report of the Committee of Claims on the memo-
rial of William G. -

Brown. Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs on the
petition of William -

Brown and Edward J. Brown, heirs-at-law of Erastus
Brown. Report of the Committee on Private Land
Claims on the petition of William Tyler
Bruce. Report of the Committee of Claims on the memo-
rial of John

[blocks in formation]

Bryan and Harrison and Benjamin Young. Report of the
Committee on Indian Affairs on the petition of Joseph 3

[blocks in formation]

Buell. Proceedings of the court martial in the case of Sec-

ond Lieutenant D. C.


Buenos Ayres. Proposition to restore diplomatic relations
between the United States and

Bullion and specie exported annually, from 1821 to 1842.
Statement of

Bureau of Ordnance, accompanying the annual report of
the Secretary of War. Report of the

Bureau of Yards and Docks, accompanying the report of
the Secretary of the Navy. Report from the
Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography. Report and esti-
mates, in detail, from the

Bureau of Construction, Equipment, &c.

mates from the

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2 3 48

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Report and esti-

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4 280



Bureau of Provisions and Clothing. Report and estimates

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Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Report and estimates
from the
Burroughs. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the
petition of Esther A.

Butler, of Virginia. Report of the Committee on Pensions
on the bill (H. R. 175) for the relief of Samuel - 6 376


California. Correspondence with the Government of Mex-
ico, in relation to the expulsion of citizens of the
United States from Upper -

- 6 390 1

Campau. Report of the Committee on Public Lands on the
petition of Joseph
Campau, assignee of Angelique Coutant. Report of the
Committee on Public Lands on the petition of Joseph
Canal around the falls of St. Mary's river. Resolutions of
the General Assembly of Michigan, in favor of a ship
Canal through the island of Voome, in the province of
South Holland. Description, by Captain Hughes, of
the great
Canal around the falls of the Ohio, on the Indiana side.
Memorial of captains of Western steamboats, pray-
ing the construction of a
Canal to connect the Fox and Wisconsin rivers. Report of
the Committee on Public Lands in relation to a
Canal. Memorial of citizens of Indiana and others, pray-
ing a grant of land for the completion of the Wabash
and Erie

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the Legislature of Indiana, to obtain a grant of land
for the construction of a


Canal around the falls of St. Mary's river. Report of the
Secretary of War, communicating estimates of the
cost of constructing a ship -

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Canal around the Des Moines and Rock River rapids of the

Mississippi river. Resolutions of the General As-
sembly of Illinois, to obtain an appropriation for a
Canal boats from the operation of the laws requiring licen-
ses from coasting vessels. Letter from the Secretary
of the Treasury, in relation to the exemption of
Canal. Report of the Committee on Public Lands on the
resolutions of the Legislature of Indiana, and also
sundry memorials, asking grants of land to aid in
the extension, &c., of the Wabash and Erie
Canal around the falls of St. Mary's. Report of the Com-
mittee on Roads and Canals on sundry memorials of
citizens of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michi-
gan, and Wisconsin, in favor of a


Cape Florida. Correspondence in relation to fortifying the
keys and islands around

Cape May. Resolution of the Legislature of New Jersey,
in favor of a breakwater at -

Cardoza. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the pe-
tition of Sarah

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[blocks in formation]

Carnes. Report of the Committee on Military Affairs on
the memorial of Peter A.
Carr. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the bill
(H. R. 74) for the relief of Elizabeth Jones and other
children, if any, of John

Caswell. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the bill
(H. R. 114) for the relief of Simeon


[blocks in formation]

Chatfield a pension for meritorious conduct, &c. Report of
the Committee on Pensions on the expediency of al-
lowing to Lieutenant Silas -

- 6 389


Cheek and others, forward officers attached to the late ex-
ploring expedition. Report of the Committee on
Naval Affairs on the memorial of Amos

Cherokee Indians. (See Indians.)

Chief Engineer. (See Engineer.)

Chief Topographical Engineer. (See Engineer.)

Chili, in the case of the "Macedonian." Adjustment and
payment of the first instalment of the claim upon
Chippewa river. (See Rivers.)

Choctaw commission under the treaty of Dancing Rabbit
creek. Message of the President of the United States,
transmitting the correspondence in relation to the
proceedings and conduct of the

Chouteau and others, claiming as heirs-at-law of Auguste
Chouteau, deceased, and others. Report of the Com-
mittee on Private Land Claims on the petition of

Clapp and Betsey Clapp. Report of the Committee on
Pensions on the bill (H. R. 169) for the relief of

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Clay, in relation to preparing water-rotted hemp for market.
Letter of Hon. Henry

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