Puslapio vaizdai

find you both food and clothing, and the Pope's blessing to boot.'. With that he led us straight to Avignon. They refused us admittance; but Bertrand was no talker; so he pulled down his visor, couched his lance, and cantered through the streets to the Pope's palace, where he demanded an audience with his Holiness. He told him that he was about to undertake an expedition on the side of justice, and for the better chances of success he craved his blessing, and a couple of hundred thousand crowns. His Holiness made no scruple about the blessing, but would hear nothing about the crowns. 'That is most unlucky,' replied our leader; for I believe my comrades may manage to march without the blessing, but without the crowns they will not stir a step.' The Pope, beginning to get alarmed, extorted a hundred thousand crowns from the inhabitants of the town, and offered it to our commander. 'Nay, nay,' replied Du Guesclin, ‘I have no wish to oppress the good citizens of Avignon; and I insist that this money be instantly restored to its lawful owners, else I will myself compel you to make restitution. The Pope and

his Cardinals have sufficient money in their coffers for my purpose.' His Holiness, finding that Bertrand was in earnest, was obliged to comply. And off we set to Castile, with the Pope's blessing, and his crowns to boot."

The veteran rose, and left the room as he concluded; and Alfred, though he would fain have questioned Juan regarding one who, in spite of all his other cares, remained uppermost in his thoughts, retired to his chamber.


Marall. Sir, the man of honor's come newly alighted. Overreach. In without reply, and do as I command. Is the loud music I gave order for ready to receive him?


THERE were brilliant preparations made that evening at the palace for the banquet. The largest apartment in the building was fitted up for the purpose, with a degree of splendour which Visconti well knew how to display when occasion required. The frescoed walls were hung with festoons of fresh flowers; the room was adorned with the rarest works of art, and the most elegant articles of furniture of Genoese, Venetian, and Greek workmanship; and

seats stood ready placed for the guests around a table glittering with services of silver and gold. The hall displayed at one end a lofty Gothic window, and at the other a crimson curtain, extending its whole breadth, on which the arms of the Lords of Milan were emblazoned in golden tissue. There was no one present as yet but the master of the palace and his lady.

Visconti was pacing the room in silence, and his wife was engaged in surveying the decorations of the walls, when a domestic entered and whispered a few words in his master's ear. The latter nodded, glanced at the farther end of the room, and again relapsed into his reverie.

"Methinks you are more than usually silent to-night," said the lady at length, to her husband.

"No," he replied, carelessly; "I expect some friends to sup with me to-night, some of whom I may never see again. That is all.”

"Indeed! but you have not yet told me how you like my new furniture. Those couches arrived only to-day from Venice; are they not beautiful?"

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Very," replied her lord, with his eyes fixed upon the floor.

"And those festoons; are they not tastefully

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"And my new candelabras-did

anything so exquisitely wrought?”

you ever see

"I wish all may be right," said Visconti, anxiously; "I expected them full half an hour ago."


So, so, my lord, I have seldom seen you in so restless a humour. But what have we yonder? Why is the curtain placed at the end of the room? Is it to conceal your uncle's picture that hangs there?"

"Go to, Catharine; why should I conceal my uncle's picture?"


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Why should you conceal himself?"

My own safety requires it, girl."

"I dare say you are right; but I must see what is behind it."

She advanced briskly forwards as she spoke; but Visconti stepped before her: "Pardon me, love," he said, " you cannot raise it now-it is

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