No. 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT OF THE VALUE OF THE EXPORTS, OF THE GROWTH, PRODUCE, AND MANUFACTURE OF THE UNITED STATES, COMMENCING ON THE 1ST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1841, AND ENDING ON THE 30TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1842. i } No. 2. Summary statement of the value of the exports, of the growth, produce, Wheat L 916,616 Flour 7,375,356 Indian corn 345,150 Indian meal 617,817 Rye meal 124,396 Rye, oats, and other small grain and pulse 175,082 Biscuit or ship bread 323,759 Potatoes 85,844 Apples 32,245 Rice 1,907,387 Tobacco Cotton All other agricultural products- Flaxseed Hops Brown sugar Indigo 11,903,652 16,472,424 47,593,464 34,991 36,547 8,890 1,042 81,470 MANUFACTURES. Soap and tallow candles Leather, boots, and shoes 485, 128 |