Puslapio vaizdai
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Sale (of Koran Fame), anecdote of, 30.
Stallo, general principles of philosophy
of, 58.

unquestioned mysticism of the
work, 67.

Sanity of mind of Swift argued erro-
neously by Mr. Wilde, 366.
School for idiots at Boston, 404.
Schelling,his elementary metaphysics,65.
Schnitzer, Dr., on pathology and thera-
peutics of mental diseases, 134.

Scott, Sir Walter, memory, the source of
his fame, 290.

on personal appearance

of Stella, 357.
Scott, Sir Walter, and the poets con-
trasted, 278.

Seasons, influence of, in production of
insanity, 199.

Seclusion, in darkened apartments, in

certain cases of insanity advised, 259.
Sedative treatment of insanity, 319.
Seeds, remarkable vitality of, 74.
Seer gift, Mayo on, 525.
Senses, transference of, 527,
Selections, 143, 345.

Self-abuse, state of mind induced by de-
scribed by a sufferer, 27.
Self-reproach, natural result of self-
abuse, 26.

Separation from home and home scenes,

absolute in cases of insanity, 249, 250.
Serum, amount of in blood of the neu-
roses, 122.
Shakespeare, cause of his death, 290.
the successive seven ages
of, death of, in each individual, 77.
madness as treated by, 3.
Shelley, the poet, illusions of, 272.
Sheridan, Dr., describes interview be-
tween Swift and Stella on her death-
bed, 363.

Shock, mental, insanity from, 214.
Show-rooms, lunatic asylums formerly
used as such, 242.

Site of Bloomingdale asylum described,


Sleep, reflexions on, 378.

exhausting influence of want of, 208.
loss of, with excessive bodily ex-
ertion inducing insanity, 207.

and dying, distinction between, 79.
writing, 530.

Smee, definition of life by, 292.
on electro-biology, 292.

Society, medico-psychologique de Paris,
acknowledges the British Psycholo-
gical Journal, 344.

Socrates, his demon, 273.

Solitary confinement, effect of, on the
mind, by Dr. Winslow, 115.

Solitude, a desire for to, be looked on
with suspicion, 28.

Sonata, Devil's, in what state composed,

Song, the natural outburst of misplaced
and hapless affections, 14.

Sorcery, referred to disorders of the in-
tellect, 234.

its misdeeds in the fifteenth cen-

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Study, intense, a cause of insanity, 214.
excessive, bad effects of, 288.
of mental diseases, 174.

Suicides in France, 347.

peculiarities in character of,

minds disposed to, 216.

persons who threaten never
commit, 216.

cunning concealment in those
predisposed to, 216.

Sulphuric ether, effects of inhalation of,
in cases of insanity, 412.
Sumner, account of amelioration of
idiots in France, 403.
Superstitions, popular, letters on the
truths contained in, by Herbert Mayo,
M.D., 512.

among mankind, reflections

on, 512-514.
Surveillance in cases of plea of supposed
insanity proposed, with reasons there-
on, by the Editor 409.

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of wandering idiots, 392.

Tartar emetic ointment in nympho-
mania, 141.

Tartini, reverie of, 268.
Tasso, vision of, 267.

Taylor, anecdote of, 30.

Tetanus cured by intoxication, 173.
chloroform in, 168.

Theomania of Jeanne d'Arc, 225.
Theologians and surgeons, apparently
leagued together in preceding cen-
turies, 232.

Theology, natural, the connexion be-
tween, physiology, psychology, and
the sciences, 309.
Theory of life, 58.

Theories of pathology of insanity, 251.
Therapeutics and pathology of mental
diseases, 134.

Tobacco, use of, in insanity, 205.
soothing effects of, in insanity,

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Transmission, hereditary, of insanity,
Dr. Eade on, 405.

of most perfect forms of cere-
bral organization, seldom occur in
male line, 13.
Travelling commission of managers of
New York State Lunatic Asylum, in-
teresting extracts from report of, 413
Treatment, sedative, of insanity, 319.
Troubadours, their songs typify the in-
equalities of the sexual relations, 14.
Tubercular meningitis, vide acute hy-
drocephalus, 47.

Tuke, his exertions in forwarding the
mild treatment of insanity, 247.
Turk, the electrical theory of delirium,

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