other bereaved parents, to Carlisle; but alas! her child had become a stranger to her; Regina had acquired the appearance and manner, as well as the language of the natives. The poor mother went up and down amongst the young persons assembled, but by no efforts could she discover her daughters. She wept in bitter grief and disappointment. Colonel Bouquet said, "Do you recollect nothing by which your children might be discovered?" She answered that she recollected nothing but a hymn, which she used to sing with them, and which was as follows: The colonel desired her to sing this hymn. Scarcely had the mother sung two lines of it, when Regina rushed from the crowd, began to sing it also, and threw herself into her mother's arms. They both wept for joy, and the colonel restored the daughter to her mother. But there were no parents or friends in search of the other little girl; it is supposed they were all murdered; and now the child clung to Regina, and would not let her go; and Regina's mother, though very poor, took her home with her. Regina repeatedly asked after "the book in which God speaks to us. But her mother did not possess a Bible; she had lost everything when the natives burnt her house. 1. What know you of Canada, of Pennsylvania, of Wirtemberg? 2. On whose side were the Indians in this war? 3. To what nation did the poor family belong? 4. What are those called who leave their native country for a distant land? 5. Which of the family were at home when the Indians fell upon them? 6. Where were the mother and the other son? 7. Whom did the Indians murder? 8. What did they do with Barbara and Regina? 9. State the ages of the poor captive girls? 10. What became of poor Barbara? 11. Who was given along with Regina to the Indian widow? 12. Was she kind to them? 13 How long did they remain in slavery? 14. What words and what hope cheered them in captivity? 15. Who. in God's merciful providence conquered the Indians? 16. How many captives were brought to Colonel Bouquet? 17. Who came to the town of Carlisle seeking her children? 18. Like one of whom had Regina become? 19. Could her mother know her by sight? 20. What did the Colonel say to the weeping mother? 21. Repeat the hymn she used to sing with the children. 22. Describe the affecting scene that followed the singing of the hymn? 23. What became of her captive companion? 24. After what book did Regina often ask? 25. Had her mother a bible? 26. Is it not our duty to send God's word to those who possess it not? VIII. THE OLD PHILOSOPHER AND THE YOUNG LADY. "ALAS!" exclaimed a silver-headed sage, "how narrow is the utmost extent of human knowledge! I have spent my life in acquiring knowledge, but how little do I know! The farther I attempt to penetrate the secrets of nature, the more I am bewildered and benighted. Beyond a certain limit all is but conjecture: so that the advantage of the learned over the ignorant consists greatly in having ascertained how little is to be known. "It is true that I can measure the sun, and compute the distances of the planets; I can calculate their periodical movements, and even ascertain the laws by which they perform their sublime revolutions; but with regard to their construction to the beings which inhabit them, their condition and circumstances, what do I know more than the clown? -Delighting to examine the economy of nature in our own world, I have analyzed the elements, and given names to their component parts. And yet, should I not be as much at a loss to explain the burning of fire, or to account for the liquid quality of water, as the vulgar, who use and enjoy them without thought or examination?-I remark, that all bodies, unsupported fall to the ground, and I am taught to account for this by the law of gravitation. But what have I gained here more than a term? Does it convey to my mind any idea of the nature of that mysterious and invisible chain which draws all things to a common centre ?-Pursuing the track of the naturalist, I have learned to distinguish the animal, the vegetable, and the mineral kingdoms, and to divide these into their distinct tribes and families;-but can I tell, after all this toil, whence a single blade of grass derives its vitality? Could the most minute researches, enable me to discover the exquisite pencil that paints the flower of the field? and have I ever detected the secret that gives their brilliant dye to the ruby and the emerald, or the art that enamels the delicate shell?—I observe the sagacity of animals-I call it instinct, and speculate upon its various degrees of approximation to the reason of man; but, after all, I know as little of the cogitations of the brute as he does of mine. When I see a flight of birds overhead, performing their evolutions, or steering their course to some distant settlement, their signals and cries are as unintelligible to me as are the learned languages to an unlettered mechanic: I understand as little of their policy and laws as they do of Blackstone's Commentaries.1 "Alas! then, what have I gained by my laborious researches but an humbling conviction of my weakness and ignorance! Of how little has man, at his best estate, to boast! What folly in him to glory in his contracted powers, or to value himself upon his imperfect acquisitions!" "Well!" exclaimed a young lady, just returned from school, "my education is at last finished: indeed it would be strange if, after five years' hard application, anything were left incomplete. Happily, it is all over now, and I have nothing to do but exercise my various accomplishments. "Let me see !-as to French I am mistress of that, and speak it, if possible, with more fluency than English; Italian I can read with ease, and pronounce very well, as well at least, and better than any of my friends; and that is all one need wish for in Italian. Music I have learned till I am perfectly sick of it. But, now that we have a grand piano, it will be delightful to play when we have company. And then there are my Italian songs, which every body allows I 1 W. Blackstone, a distinguished lawyer, author of " Commentaries on the laws of England," born in London, 1723, died 1780. sing with taste, and as it is what so few people can pretend to, I am particularly glad that I can. My drawings are universally admired, especially the shells and flowers, which are beautiful, certainly besides this, I have a decided taste in all kinds of fancy ornaments. And then, my dancing and waltzing, in which our master himself owned that he could take me no farther ;-just the figure for it certainly! it would be unpardonable if I did not excel. As to common things, geography, and history, and poetry, and philosophy, thank my stars, I have got through them all! so that I may consider myself not only perfectly accomplished, but also thoroughly well informed. "Well to be sure, how much I have fagged through; the only wonder is that one head can contain it all!" 1. Name the characters here contrasted. 2. What were the wise man's attain ments in astronomy? 3. In Chemistry? 4. In Natural Philosophy? 5. In Natural History? 6. Of what matters in each of the sciences was he still ignorant? 7. In what respects were the clown and he upon a level? 8. What did he not know any more than the plain mechanic? 9. In saying so does our venerable sage mean to undervalue human knowledge? 10. What made him then so humble? 11. What know you of Blackstone's Commentaries? JANE TAYLOR. 12. How long had the young lady spent in her education? 13. How long the sage? 14. In what state was her education in her own eyes? 15. What of her French, Italian, Music, Drawing, Dancing? 16. Name the common things which she had got through. 17. Was it ignorance or knowledge that gave rise to her self-satisfied state of mind? 18. Which of these persons do you admire, and wish to imitate? 19. Does this lesson bring any anecdote of Sir Isaac Newton to your mind? 20. Which of you will relate it to me? A-shamed', adj. Wist, v. In-trench', v. En-trust'ed, v. Lowly, adj. WHEN Jesus was a child of twelve years of age, it is particu larly recorded of him, that he was subject or obedient to his parents, his real mother and reputed father. It is true, he knew at that time that God himself was his Father, for, said he, "Wist ye not that I must be about my father's business?"2 And knowing God to be his Father, he could not but know likewise that he was infinitely above his mother; yea, that she could never have borne him, had not himself first made and supported her. Yet, howsoever, though as God he was Father to her, yet as man she was mother to him, and therefore he honoured and obeyed both her and him to whom she was espoused. Neither did he only respect his mother whilst he was here, but he took care of her, too, when he was going hence. Yea, all the pains he suffered upon the cross could not make him forget his duty to her that bore him: but seeing her standing by the cross, as himself hung on it, he committed her to the care of his beloved disciple, who "took her to his own home."3 Now as our Saviour did, so are we bound to carry ourselves to our earthly parents, whatsoever their temper or condition be in this world. Though God hath blessed some of us perhaps with greater estates than ever he blessed them, yet we must not think ourselves above them, nor be at all the less respectful to them. Christ, we see, was infinitely above his mother, yet as she was his mother he was both subject and respectful to her. He was not ashamed to own her as she stood by the cross, but in the view and hearing of all there present, gave his disciple a charge to take care of her, leaving us an example, that such amongst us as have parents provide for them if they need it, as for our children, both while we live and when we come to die. And as he was to his natural so was he too to his civil parents, the magistrates under which he lived, submissive and faithful; for though, as he was God, he was infinitely above them in heaven, yet, as he was man, he was below them on earth, having committed all civil power into their hands, without reserving any at all for himself. So that, though 1 Luke, ii, 51. 2 Luke, ii 49. C John, xix. 27. |