Puslapio vaizdai

Re-vive', to return to life; to bring to life again; to quicken; to re


Sur-vive', v. to live after the death of another; to remain alive.
Sur-viv'or, n. one who outlives another.

Vivid, adj. lively; sprightly; bright; strong.


Vol'a-tile, adj. flying; evaporating quickly; lively. VOLVERE-TO roll; Volūtus, pt. rolled.

Ev-o-lution, n. any motion such as wheeling, by which a body of men change their arrangement.

In-volve, v. to roll in; to comprise; to entangle.

Rev-o-lution, n. motion round a centre; great change in the government of a country.


Contains words of Greek origin. The pupil will find the English word under its Greek root. The roots are arranged in alphabetical order, and printed, as in Section II, in capitals.

ACHOS-A continued pain.

Ache, v. to be in pain; to be distressed in body or mind. AGON-A combat; a contest.

Ag'o-nize, v. to be in extreme pain.

Ago-ny, n. violent pain; anguish of body or mind.

An-tag'o-nist, n. an adversary; an opponent.

AITHER-The upper and purer air.

E-the re-al, adj. heavenly; celestial; pure.

ALLELON-One another; each other.

Paral·lel, adj. extending in the same direction, and preserving always the same distance; like; similar.

ANGELOS-A messenger.

E-van gel-ist, n. (eu, well) one of the four writers of the history of our Saviour; a messenger of good tidings.

ASTER-A star.

As-tron'o-my, n. (nomos, a law) the science that teaches the knowledge of the heavenly bodies.

ATMOS-Breath; air.

Atmosphere, n. (sphaira, a globe) the air that encompasses the earth. BALSAMON-Balm; a fragrant ointment.

Em-balm, v. to impregnate with aromatics to prevent putrefaction; to preserve from decay.

BIBLOS-Inner bark of a Syrian shrub; a book.

Bible, n. the book; the name Bible is given emphatically to the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

Bussos-Bottom; depth.

A-byss', n. a depth without bottom; a great depth; a gulf.

CHARASSO-I carve; I grave.

Char'ac-ter-ize, v. to mark with a stamp or token; to distinguish. CHASMA A yawning; a hollow.

Chasm, n. a cleft; a gap; an opening.


Chron'i-cler, n. a historian; recorder of events. DEō-I bind; I surround.

Di'a dem, n. a crown; an ensign of royalty. DESPOTES-One who rules, as over slaves. Des'po-tism, n. absolute power; tyranny. DISKOS-A round dish; a quoit.

Disk, n. the face of the sun or a planet. DOTOS-Given.

An'ti-dote, n. a medicine to prevent the effects of poison; anything to counteract mischievous consequences.

DRUS-An oak.

Druid, n. the priest among the ancient Gauls and Britons, who performed worship under the oak tree.

DUNASTES-A ruler; sovereign.

Dyn'as-ty, sovereignty; a race or succession of rulers.

ELASIS-A driving away; a rebounding.

E-las-tic'i-ty, the property of springing back to its original state. EMBLEMA-Something inlaid.

Em-ble-mati-cal, adj. comprising an emblem or symbolical representa


ERGON-Work; severe exertion.

En'er-gy, n. power; force; vigour.

Exo-out; outside of; foreign.

Ex-otic, n. a foreign plant.

GE-The earth.

Ge-ol'o-gy, n. (logos, a speech) the science which treats of the struc- | ture of the earth.


Prognostic, n. a sign which foreshows; an omen.

HARMONIA-Musical concord.

Harmony, n. concord of sound; agreement.

HEROS-A brave man.

Hero'ic, adj. becoming a hero; brave; magnanimous. HIEROS-Sacred; holy.

Hierarch, n. (arche, a commanding) a chief or ruler of a sacred order; high priest.

. HIPPOSA horse.

Hip-po-pot'a-mus, n. (potamos, a river) the river horse, found in the


HOROS--A boundary; limit.

Hor-i-zon'tal, adj. parallel to the horizon; level.

HUMEN-The god of marriage.

Hy-me-ne'al, adj. pertaining to marriage.

HUMNOS-A sacred song.

Hymn, n. a song of praise; a divine song.

ICTHUS-A fish.

Ich-thy-oph'a-gite, n. (phago, I eat) a person who lives chiefly or altogether on fish.

ISTHмOS--A neck; a neck of land.

Isthmus, n. a neck of land joining two larger portions of land.
KONOS-A figure circular at the base and ending in a point.
Cone, n. a solid body in form of a sugar loaf.

KOPTO-I fell or cut down.

Copse, n. a wood of low trees.

KRINO-I judge; Kritēs, a judge; a critic.

Hyp'o-crite, n. (hupo) a pretender; a dissembler, generally in religion. LEGO-I speak; I discourse.

Di'a-lect, n. a diversity or variety in the form of a language.

LEIPO-I leave; I am deficient.

E-clipse', n. the darkening of one heavenly body by the shadow of another; darkness.

LUO-I loose; I explain.

An'a-lyze, v. (ana) to resolve a compound into its first principles or constituent parts.

MARTUR-A witness.

Martyr, n. one who dies for the truth he maintains. MECHANE-A contrivance; a machine.

Me-chan'ics, n. the science of moving forces.

MELOS-A Song or poem; a tune.

Mel'o-dy, n. an agreeable succession of sounds; music. MELAN-Black.

Mel'an-chol-y, n. (chole, bile) a disease formerly supposed to proceed from a redundancy of black bile.-adj. gloomy; dismal.

MIKROS-Little; small.

Micro-scope, n. (skopeo, I view) an optical instrument for viewing small objects.

MONOS-Alone; solitary.

Monarch, n. (arche, a commanding) a sovereign; a king.

Monopoly, n (poleo, I sell) the exclusive privilege of dealing in anything.

MURIAS-Ten thousand.

Myr'i-ad, n. ten thousand; any large number. MUSTERION-Something shut up or hidden.

Mys-teri-ous, adj. obscure; beyond human comprehension. NARKE--Numbness; deadness.

Nar-cotic, adj. stupifying; causing sleep.

ODE-A song; a poem.

Ode, n. a song; a lyric poem.

OIKOS-A house; a dwelling.

E-con'o-mist, n. (nomos, a law) one that is thrifty or frugal.
E-con'o-my, n. wise regulation; system; thrifty management.
ONOMA-A name.

Sy-non'y-mous, adj. of the same signification or meaning.
OPTOMAI-I see; I behold.

Op'tic, adj. relating to vision or sight; helping the view.

PATHOS-Feeling; sensibility.

Ap'a-thy, n. (a) want of sensibility or feeling; dullness.

PHAINO-I show; Phainomai, I appear.

Fan-tas'ti-cal-ly, adv. in a whimsical manner; fancifully; oddly.

Phantom, n. a spectre; a fancied vision; an apparition.

Phe-nom'e-non, n. any extraordinary appearance in nature; any thing


PHEMI-I tell; I speak.

Proph'e-cy, a prediction; a declaration of something to come.
Prophetic, adj. foretelling; unfolding future events.

PHILOS-A lover.

Philosopher, n. (sophos, wise) a man deep in knowledge, either moral or natural.

PHOS-Light; fire.

Phosphoric, adj. (phero, I bring) pertaining to phosphorus, which is a chemical substance that air sets on fire.

Phos-phor-es'cent, adj. shining with a faint light.

PLANAO-I wander; I move about.

Plan'et, n. one of the heavenly bodies that revolve round the sun. POLIS-A city; a walled town.

Poli-cy, n. art or manner of government; method of acting. PRASSO-I do; I make.

Practise, v. to do habitually; to exercise a profession.

PTOMA-A fall; that which happens.

Symptom, n. a sign; an indication, generally of disease.

RAKTOS-A precipice; a headlong steep.

Cat'a-ract, n. a water-fall.

RAIN-The nose.

Rhi-node-ros, n. (keras, a horn) a large beast of the East Indies, with

a horn on its nose.

SKENE-A tent; a stage for actors.

Scen'e-ry, n. the appearance of places or objects.

SOPHOS-Wise; Sophia, wisdom.

Soph'is-ter, n. a fallacious reasoner.

SPHAIRA--A globe.

Hem'i-sphere, n. (hemi, half) the half of the globe or earth.

Spher'i-cal, adj. round; globular.

SPHINGO-I draw close together.

Sphincter, n. a muscle that contracts or shuts.

STASIS-A standing or placing; state; condition.

Ec'sta-sy, n. (ek) excessive joy; enthusiasm; delight.

STELLO-I send; I despatch.

A-postle, n. one sent to preach the gospel by Christ himself. TEMNO-I cut; Tomē, a cutting.

Atom, n. an extremely small particle.

E-pit'o-me, n. an abridgment; a representation in miniature or little. THEOS-A god.

En-thu'si-asm, n. heat of imagination; the belief of a person that God is making special revelations to him.

En-thu-si-as'tic, adj. ardently zealous; warm.

THESAUROS-A store laid up; a place for valuables.

Treasury, n. a place where anything valuable is kept.

THESIS-A placing or laying down.

Hy-poth'e-sis, n. a system formed upon some principle not proved.

TROPOS-A turning back again.

Tropic, n. the line at which the sun apparently turns back; the

centre regions of the earth.


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