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EHOVAH reigns;
Jeus, our Lord,
Jesus shall reign where'er 146]
Joy to the world! the
Judge me, O'Lord,
Judges, who rule the
Just are thy ways,

LET all the earth






227 AKER and sovereign Mercy and judgment 2 Lord198 Mine eyes and my desire 61 My God, accept my early 2 120 My God, consider 42 My God, how many

Let all the heathen
Let children hear
Let every creature join
Let every tongue
Let God arise
Let God the Father,
Let smners take their
ies Ziva and her sons

Zion in her King


My God, in whom 195 My God, my everlasting 248 My God, my King, 159 My God, permit my 308 My God, the steps of pious 298 My God, what inward 135 My heart rejoices 311 My never ceasing song 117 My refuge is the God 205 My righteous Judge,

99 My Saviour and my King






O sleep nor slumber 275 Save me, of,

ALVATION is forever172

Not to ourselves

Not to our names, thou

Now be my heart inspir'd

Now from the roaring
Now I'm convinc'd the

234 Save me, O Lord,

235 See what a living stone










15 The earth forever

115 Thee will I love, O Lord, 40

190 The God Jehovah reigns 199

270 The God of glory sends





72 The God of mercy be
247 The God of our salvation
14 The heavens declare thy
20 The King of saints, how
22 The Lord appears my 239

252 The Lord, how wondrous 208

256 The Lord is come,

13 The Lord Jehovah reigns 189
264 The Lord my shepherd is 56
118 The Lord of glory is my 62
180 The Lord of glory reigns, 188
50 The Lord, the Judge, 105

272 The Lord, the Judge, his 107

159 The Lord, the sovereign 211


The Lord, the sovereign
The man is ever blest
The praise of Zion waits
The wonders Lord, thy
Think, mighty God,
This is the day the Lord
This spacious earth
Thou art my portion,
Thou God of love,
Thrice happy man,
Through every age,
Thus I resolv'd before
Thus saith the Lord, the
Thus saith the Lord, your
Thus the eternal Father
Thus the great Lord
Thy mercies fill the
Thy name, Almighty
Thy works of glory,
"Tis by thy strength
To God I cried
To God I made my
To God the Father,
To God the Father's
To God the great,
To heaven I lift my
To our Almighty Maker,
To thee, before the
To thee, most holy
To thine Almighty arm
'Twas for our sake,
'Twas from thy hand,
'Twas in the watches of


108 When God, provok'd
8 When God restor'd
127 When God reveal'd
90 When Israel, freed
179 When Israel sins, the
241 When I with pleasing




59 When man grows bold 245 When, overwhelm'd 259 When pain and anguish 230 When the great Judge, 179 Where shall the man 86 Where shall we go to 106 While I keep silence. 89 While men grow bold 226 Who shall ascend 226 Who shall inhabit in thy 250 Who will arise and plead 1 238 Why did the Jews 222 Why did the nations join 131 Why do the proud insult 1 156 Why do the wealthy 292 Why doth the Lord stand 311 Why doth the man of 312 Why has my God my soul 218 Why should I vex my 261 Will God forever cast us 1 198 With all my powers of 2 244 With earnest longings 154 With my whole heart I'll 43 With my whole heart 142 With reverence let the 17 287 With songs and honours 30 124 Would you behold





VAIN man, on foolisa 221 E angels round the 31

Unshaken as the
Up from my youth,
Up to the hills I lift
Upward I lift mine eyes


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270 Ye

260 Ye

Ye holy souls, in God 7 islands of the


nations of the earth, 20

262 Ye servants of


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SALM 1. C. M.


The way and end of the righteous and the wicked.



LEST is the man who shuns the place
Where sinners love to meet;

Who fears to tread their wicked ways,

And hates the scoffer's seat:

2 But in the statutes of the Lord
Has plac'd his chief delight;
By day he reads or hears the word,
And meditates by night.

3 [He, like a plant of generous kind,
By living waters set,

Safe from the storms and blasting wind,
Enjoys a peaceful state.]

Green as the leaf, and ever fair

Shall his professions shine;
While fruits of holiness appear
Like clusters on the vine.

5 Not so th' impious and unjust;
What vain designs they form!

Their hopes are blown away, like dust,
Or chaff before the storm

6 Sinners in judgment shall not stand Amongst the sons of grace,

When Christ the Judge, at his right hand
Appoints his saints a place.

7 His eye beholds the path they tread,
His heart approves it well;
But crooked ways of sinners lead
Down to the gates of hell.


PSALM 1. S. M.

The saint happy, the sinner miserable.

THE man is ever blest


Who shuns the sinners' ways, Amongst their councils never stands, Nor takes the scorner's place:

But makes the law of God His study and delight, Amidst the labours of the day, And watches of the night.

He like a tree shall thrive,

With waters near the root;

Fresh as the leaf his name shall live,

His works are heavenly fruit.

Not so th' ungodly race,

They no such blessings find:

Their hopes shall flee like empty chaff
Before the driving wind.

5 How will they bear to stand
Before that judgment seat,

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Where all the saints at Christ's right hand
In full assembly meet?

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