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[ocr errors]

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Foster, "The Delegation of Legislative Power to Administrative Officers," in Illinois Law Review, vol. vii, p. 397.

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Garner, "Judicial Control of Administrative and Legislative Acts in France," in American Political Science Review, vol. ix, p. 637.

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Goodnow, "The Administrative Law of the United States," in Political Science Quarterly, vol. xix, p. 112.

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Guggenheimer, "The Development of the Executive Depart-

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Hankin, "Validity and Constitutionality of the Federal Trade Commission Act," in Illinois Law Review, vol. xix, p. 17. Hart, Emergency Ordinance: A Note on Executive Power," in Columbia Law Review, vol. xxiii, p. 528.

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[ocr errors]

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Paxton, "The American War Government, 1917-1918," in American Historical Review, vol. xxvi, p. 54.

Penfield, "The Recognition of a New State-Is it an Executive Function?" in American Law Review, vol. xxxii, p. 390. Pierson, "The Committee on the Conduct of the Civil War," in American Historical Review, vol. xxiii, p. 550.

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Rogers, "Presidential Dictatorship in the United States," in Quarterly Review, vol. ccxxxi, p. 127.

Shepard, "The German Doctrine of the Budget," in American Political Science Review, vol. iv, p. 52.

Signorel "Le pouvoir exécutif en temps de guerre: Étude de législation comparée," dans la Revue générale d'administration, tome xliii, partie 2, p. 129, and partie 3, p. 5. Smith, "War Legislation," in Central Law Journal, vol. lxxxvi, p. 116.

Turner, "Democracy in Administration," in American Political Science Review, vol. xvii, p. 216.

Walsh, "War Powers of the President" in Case and Comment, vol. xxiv, p. 279.

Walton, "The French Administrative Courts and the Modern French Law as to the Responsibility of the State for the Faults of Its Officials: Comparison with the Common Law," in Illinois Law Review, vol. xiii, p. 211.

White, "The Growth and Future of State Boards and Commissions," in Political Science Quarterly, vol. xviii, p. 631. Whitfield, "Legislative Power That May Not Be Delegated," in Yale Law Journal, vol. xx, p. 87.

Whitney, "Another Philippine Constitutional Question-Delegation of Legislative Power to the President," in Columbia Law Review, vol. i, p. 33.

Willoughby," The Juristic Conception of the State," in American Political Science Review, vol. xii, p. 192.

Willoughby, "The Study of the Law," Virginia Law Review, vol. vi, p. 461.

Wilson, "The Study of Administration," in Political Science Quarterly, vol. ii, p. 197.

Wood, "Military Government of Cuba," in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. xxi, p. 153. Woolsey, "The Beginnings of War," in Proceedings, American Political Science Association, vol. i, p. 54.

Wyman, "Jurisdictional Limitations Upon Commission Action," in Harvard Law Review, vol. xxvii, p. 545.

[blocks in formation]


Administrative control, 192, 193,
194-196, 226.
defined, 31, 37.
Administrative reform, 272-273.
Administrative regulations, rela-
tive advantages of, 275-279;
relative disadvantages of, 279-
Administrative tribunals, 271-

Advisory function, 278, 281, 288,
289, 293.

Affolter, F. X., quoted, 24.
Alaskan railroad, act relating to,
1914, 97.

Alien Act, 1798, 82.

Alien Enemy Act, 1798, 83.
Amendment of ordinances, 321.
Amnesties, 316.

Amnesty, power of, 216-217;
proclamations of, 211.
Analytical jurisprudence, 25 ff.,


[blocks in formation]

Blackstone, quoted, 134, 203.
Blanket delegations, 102-103.
Blockade, proclamations


quoted, 213-214.
Brown, Jethro, cited, 37.
Bryce, James, quoted, 110, 270.
Budget and Accounting Act,
1921, 107-108, 273, 290.
Budgetary laws, control of ad-
ministration through, 293.
Bulletin, Official, needed, 321.

[blocks in formation]

Codes of regulations, 319.
Coke, Sir E., quoted, 47, 110, 206.
Co-law, defined, 37.

Co-legislation, 21, 33-35, 56 ff.,
71, 131, 216, 265-291; political
aspects of, 265-291; growth of,
265-275; reasons for its slow
development in the United
States, 265-268; common in
continental Europe, 267; as
means of adjustment of repre-
sentative government to new
conditions, 274-275; justifica-
tions of, 281-282; implications
of, for democracy, 283-284;
bearing of, upon relation of
Executive to legislation, 284-
285; problem of responsibility
for, 286-287; its organization,

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