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Elements of Descriptive Astronomy.

By HERBERT A. Howe, A. M., Sc. D., Professor of Astronomy in the University of Denver, Col. 8vo, 362 pp., $1.36




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Jenner Medical College


(Formerly Harvard.) (School recognized by State Board.) Spring and Summer Session of 1897 begins March 2, and continues six months. Announcements containing requirements for admission and obtaining degree, sent upon application. Address

JENNER MEDICAL COLLEGE 385-397 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, III.

D. C. Heath & Co.


A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, by Allen C. Thomas (491 pp.; $1.10) comes in a revised edition with an additional chapter bringing the narrative down to the close of 1896. Some corrections and changes have been made in the text and the bibliography in the appendix has been considerably enlarged. The book has stood well the test of use, and may now be confidently pronounced the best text for the use of high schools now available. Two circumstances are clear indications of the author's conception of his work. First of the 418 pages of the text but eighty are used for the period preceding the Revolution. Thus it is the history of our national life which assumes the position of importance. Secondly, of the 349 pages from the French and Indian war to 1896, but 112, or less than one third, are devoted to the five great wars of the period, the French and Indian, the Revolution, the War of 1812, the Mexican and the Civil War. As most texts give onehalf the space to these conflicts it will be apparent that Prof. Thomas looks upon his theme as essentially the political, industrial and social development of the nation. We have examined carefully the narrative of the Revolution to see whether this condensation has resulted in unsatisfactory presentation of this struggle and we do not find the account meagre or defective, as compared with that in similar texts. It is clear and stripped of all needless appeals to passions. In fact the tone of the book is judicial, some will even say too chary of opinions and adjectives, but after all reflection will approve this caution in a school text. The task then seems to us rightly conceived and carried out in the right spirit. It is hardly to be expected that complete success should be attained in a treatment of history from so new a point of view. The difficulties of handling the development of our national life, politics, industries and ideals are very great, and perhaps for a time we must be content with the form of annals, divided into administrations. If the materials are well selected, and the general sequence of events is made clear, we must be satisfied with this. Sometime even school histories will escape from this cramping form, and give us a well articulated and vivid picture of a great people, entering into possession of a continent, subdividing it, developing its resources and at the same time working out in detail a marvelous scheme of popular self-government. Of that we have hints and glimpses at present, richer and better in this text than in any other we are familiar with.

Allyn & Bacon, Boston.

-CÆSAR'S GALLIC WAR, with an introduction, notes and vocabulary, by Francis W. Kelsey (576 pp.; $1.25) appears in an eighth edition, sufficient proof of its success as a textbook. It has been revised and considerably enriched. It is proof of the vitality of classical studies that a large mass of additional material for the study of the commentaries has been accumulated in the ten years which have elapsed since the first edition appeared, and this material has been used in revising the text, improving the notes and expanding the vocabulary. Two general changes attract attention: the text has been paragraphed according to the modern doctrine of the use of the paragraph, and perspicuity has been advanced thereby; and quantities have been indicated throughout the text. This has been done from a conviction of the importance of forming correct habits of pronunciation from the very beginning of Latin study. If pupils read the Latin, as they ought, and read it correctly, as they easily can with such help, much will be done to remedy one of the most annoying defects of present Latin teaching. The maps, plans, illustratlons and other helps of Kelsey's Cæsar are too well and favorably known by classical teachers to need restatement as very valuable features of this excellent work.

Silver, Burdett & Co.

ELEMENTS OF DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY, by Herbert A. Howe (362 pp.; $1.36), affords a gratifying example of a wise and sufficient use of modern illustrative resources in aid of scientific instruction. There are four beautiful full page colored pictures and a large number of process pic

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tures reproduced from fine lithographs and photographs especially for this work. The text also calls for strong commendation. It is obviously by a thoroughly competent and conscientious scholar, is clear, direct, and concise, not popularized to the extent of weakness but avoiding unnecessary techicalities, using mathematics sparingly and so that any intelligent student can easily deal with it, and bringing the latest discoveries to bear upon the subjects treated. Two things are especially noteworthy in the treatment: observation study is made prominent and directions given for conducting useful observations. The eyes of the pupils who use this book will be opened to look intelligently upon the heavens, and their imagination of geometric forms and relations will be cultivated, and without these things astronomy must be but a verbal study. The book is admirably equipped for right teaching in this respect. In the second place the historic element is never lost sight of by the author. This oldest of the sciences is especially interesting from this point of view, and in addition to the statements in the text we have in the appendix six pages of historic landmarks. Here too we find a useful bibliography, subjects for essays, questions for review, etc. It seems to us an admirable text-book.

D. Appleton & Co.

-THE STORY OF THE BIRDS, by James Newton Baskett (263 pp. 65c.), leads off in a new series known as "Appleton's Home Reading Books, "edited by William T. Harris, United States Commissioner of Education. It is marked "Division I, Natural History;" the second division is to relate to physics and chemistry, the third to history, biography and ethnology, and the fourth to literature and fine art. The outlook is thus a broad one, and the purpose especially to furnish home reading which shall be in character and aim "School extension." We shall watch with much interest the development of the series. This volume is certainly an excellent beginning. It is indeed a study in evolution, the story as yet only partially spelled out, how the birds arose and developed their peculiar organs, habits and endowments. This story is told very untechnically. In fact the author apologizes for his lively and informal plan of presentation. He makes an interesting narrative, is sometimes too dogmatic, sometimes perhaps too familiar, but always stimulating, always putting upon some notion full of suggestiveness. He says: "There is more stimulation to thot, more assistance to memory, more rousing of attention in an imperfect, or even an incorrect, hypothesis than in none at all." He is by no means a reckless or inaccurate guide. The book is beautifully and abundantly illustrated, and will not be called dull by any intelligent student. Ginn & Co.

-FIRST PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, by A. E. Dolbear (318 pp.; $1.10), comes from an author already well-known by his writings in this field. The point of view of the book is clearly indicated by the opening sentence of the preface: "The growth of physical science has rendered it more and more certain that phenomena of all kinds and in all places are due to the qualities and activities of the ultimate atoms of matter." The physics of molecules is therefore the central idea of the book, which aims constantly to help the student 'to carry the mechanical principles gained by the study of visible bodies to their ultimate particles." Thus the phenomena of heat, light and electricity and sound become the most significant of all, and actually occupy four-fifths of the volume. He has great skill in presentation, and this little book full of theory, compact, well articulated and well illustrated has an attractiveness unusual in elementary texts. The return to the old name, Natural Philosophy, is therefore not accidental, for it is the philosophy in which the interest centers. "Astronomy, geology, chemistry and physiology are each easily reducible to the same factors (i. e., to molecular physics), and hence these sciences may be properly classed as departments of physical science."

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A Progressive State

No other State in the Union offers greater inducements for the location of Industries and Manufacturing Plants than Wisconsin, with its limitless Iron Ore deposits, abundance of Hardwood Timber, numerous Clay, Kaolin and Marl Beds, and other advantages.

The Wisconsin Central Lines penetrate the Center of the State, and Manufacturers can find excellent locations for Plants, with facilities for reaching markets everywhere. Reliable information will be cheerfully furnished upon application to W. H. Killen, Industrial Commissioner, Milwaukee, Wis.


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Teachers change positions, (a) because they desire to do so, (b) because the "other fellow' desires to have them do so, (c) none of our business why you seek new fields, (d) do you hear? We will bet you twenty" that we have correct information of more changes and vacancies and can give more substantial assistance to teachers in getting positions than all other agencies combined, while our charges never exceed $2.00 in any case. We get information (a) from fifteen or more educators in each state, (b) a liberal use of the mails, (c) personal effort. Over 7000 positions now to offer (and list growing rapidly) over 200 in Wisconsin, over 100 in every state. For free list to exactly fit your case, send us a stamp.

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Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, $3.00 a year; $1.50 six months. Address, MUNN & CO PUBLISHERS, 361 Broadway, New York City.

Merrill & Co., N. Y.; 148 pp.; 24c.), contains seven of the tales, with a good biographical sketch and a bunch of critical opinions, put up in the attractive form of the English Classic Series issued by this house.


-NOTES ON CHILDREN'S DRAWINGS, edited by Elmer E. Brown, belongs to the University of California studies. is a very handsomely printed pamphlet of seventy-five pages, well supplied with illustrations of children's drawings. The conclusions drawn from the studies are carefully summarized at the end of the monograph, and are certainly interesting and suggestive pedagogically. A list of publications referred to in the text makes a convenient if somewhat incomplete bibliograhy of the subject, one of the most interesting of those yet developed in the line of child study.

-CURRENT HISTORY, (Garretson, Cox & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.) for the fourth quarter of 1896 is a welcome volume for its interest and permanent value. What with the elections, the Cuban and Venezuelan questions, the Armenian troubles, the wars in Africa, the revolt in the Philippines, etc., there is no lack of material for this issue. The parts of the issue devoted to the progress of science, art, education, archæology and religion deserve especial notice. There is no better summary of the history of our own times than this quarterly.

-SHELDON'S NEW SYSTEM OF STANDARD WRITING, with manual for teachers, and Sheldon's NEW SYSTEM Of VertiCAL WRITING with Manual, present the latest phase of penmanship. Both series have been most carefully prepared and are very attractive to the eye. The plan is simple, the movement exercises well developed and the business forms well worked out.

-From the White-Smith-Music Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, we have received several new songs by Adam Geibel. Two Sea Songs; A Little Dutch Garden; The Cakes of Pan; There was a Man; and Lullaby. Also Moonlight and Music, a serenade for four voices, by Pinsuti.


-Progress, the organ of the University Association, has this year been furnishing an exceedingly interesting series of studies in the world's literatures, Egyptian, Babylonian, Hindu, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, etc. These are conducted by leading scholars, and consist of history and extracts in English translation. Side lights and archæological notes of recent discoveries add to the value of each number. The last issue is occupied with Russian and English literatures. Published by the University Association, Association Building, Chicago. $3.75 per year.

-The Journal of School Geography, a monthly journal devoted to the interests of the common school teacher of geography, published at Lancaster, Pa., by Richard E. Dodge, claims attention as promising usefulness. It is a thirty-two page monthly published at $1.00 a year, with Professors Davis, Kummel, Hayes and McMurray as associate editors. The first two numbers have reached us and have varied and interesting contents.

-The monthly magazine numbers of The Outlook, in the new magazine form, are full of attractions. The April issue contains Gen. James Grant Wilson's Historical Utterances of General Grant, with several unique fac-simile illustrations and portraits, Walter Besant's "The Higher Life of London," richly illustrated, and other interesting matter. -The sterling health monthly, published at Battle Creek, Mich., by Dr. J. H. Kellogg, Good Health, is more than ever attractive in its new form, well illustrated and always instructive.

-The March Atlantic was a great success, three editions having been exhausted by the popular call for it on account of Woodrow Wilson's article on Mr. Cleveland as President, and John Fiske's on The Arbitration Treaty. The April issue also has two specially noteworthy papers, Prof. Turner's on Civilization in the Northwest and Mr. Godkin's on the Practical Working of Democracy in the United States. We cannot omit mention also of Mr. Sedgwick's critical study of William Cullen Bryant.

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Ginn & Company, Publishers

Address 378-388 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO

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