REMARKABLE EVENTS OF THE YEAR 1801. January. This day being the commencement of the union with Ireland, a proclamation was issued by his Majesty, declaring his pleasure concerning the royal stile and titles appertaining to the imperal crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and its dependencies, and also the ensigns armorial, flags, and banners thereof. A sixth report from the committee of the house of commons appointed to consider of ide high price of provisions was published. A proclamation was issued for a general fast. An account was received, by the way of Paris, dfin armistice having been signed at Steyer, on the 25th of the preceding month, between genl Moreau, commanding the French army, nd the archduke Charles, commanding that of Austria, and by which the latter agreed to daver into the hands of the French certain frases, giving them the complete command the country. The details were received from Paris, of the operations of the French army which led to te dilemma in which the Austrians were chliged to sue to the French general for an rmistice. By these details it appears that the French were as ready to grant, as the Austrians to request, a cessation of hostilities, a their centre was much endangered by having pushed too far beyond their wings. How limited is the perception of man, and upon what trivial circumstances does sometimes the fare of empires depend! Had the Austrians attacked the French centre, how different night have been the circumstances of Europe. 14. An order of council was this day issued, for the detention of all Russian, Danish, and Swedish vessels in British ports. This measure was rendered necessary by a coalition entered into by those powers to resist, by force, the fight of search by the ships of Great Britain, a right established to us by ancient usage, and upon which must ever depend the naval supefority, the commercial interests, and the po[tical importance of the British nation! 15. Au account received from Paris, of the French army in Italy, under general Brune, having crossed the Adige, on the 1st instant, taining an account of the capture of two French frigates, viz.-La Concorde, of 44 guns, and 440 men, and La Medée, of 36 guns, and 315 men. 22. The imperial parliament met for the first time. It was opened by a commission from his Majesty. The commons having attended at the bar of the house of lords, by order of the lords commissioners, they were directed to proceed forthwith to the election of a speaker. The commons having returned to their own house, proceeded to such election, and the right hon. Henry Addington was unanimously elected to that high and important office. The clerks of the house of peers administered the oaths to the peers present, and the lord steward of the household attended in the house of commons, to administer the oaths to the members of that house. 23. The new speaker of the house of commons was presented at the bar of the house of lords, and the election received his Majesty's entire and perfect approbation, through the medium 25. An instance of the extravagance of the em of the lord chancellor. peror Paul, if not a decisive proof of his actual derangement of intellect, was this day received in an article contained in the Petersburgh court gazette, in which that sovereign proposed that all the belligerent potentates of Europe should meet at an appointed place, attended by their prime ministers, and terminate their differences by single combat. Nothing could be better calculated to dissipate the momentary alarm which the prospect of a war with the northern powers had excited in this country. 28. In the court of King's Bench, Mr. Waddington received sentence as a forestaller. The judgment was, that he should, in addition to the imprisonment he had before undergone, be imprisoned in the King's Bench prison for one month, that he should pay a fine of 5001. and be imprisoned until the fine was paid. 31. An account received through France of an armistice having been concluded in Italy, on the 16th, at Treviso. February. and of the evacuation of Verona, and the block-2. This day his Majesty went in the usual state ade of Mantua. 11. The Gazette contained a letter from capt. Rowley Bukeel, dated from Rio Janeiro, conVOL. I. to the house of peers, and addressed, for the first time, the imperial parliament, in a most gracious speech from the throne. Motions for addresses to his Majesty were moved in both houses of parliament, and amendments in both proposed, but the original motions were carried, in the house of peers, by a majority of 56, on a division, and in the house of commons, of 182. 6. An account received of the sailing of the -French squadron, under the command of admiral Gantheaume. 7. This day Mr. Pitt, Mr. Dundas, lord Grenville, and lord Spencer, sent in their resignations to the king.-The public mind was never more agitated than by this event. Under national circumstances the most critical, it was, with every thinking man, a ground of most serious regret and apprehension, that the country should be deprived of the directing genius of these ministers. The gloom that overspread the nation seemed to arise from a presentiment of what was to happen. The appointment of Mr. Addington as chancellor of the exchequer astonished every one. It was some days before people could credit the report. Unhappily for the nation, it finally proved to be well founded, and it afterwards appeared, that the very first act of Mr. Addington's administration was to obtain for himself a house belonging to his Majesty in Richmond Park. 9. Mr. Pitt sent notice to the bank that he should continue to transact public business as chancellor of the exchequer, until after the important business of the budget should be completed. A treaty of peace concluded at Luneville, between the emperor of Germany and the chief consul of France. 10. This day the right hon. Henry Addington resigned his office as speaker of the house of commons. The gazette contained an account of the taking of the Dedaigneuse of 36 guns and 300 men. 11. Sir John Mitford chosen speaker of the house of commons, in the room of Mr. Addington. northern powers, and vindicate the rights our country, a fleet was ordered to be assem bled at Yarmouth, to act in the Baltic as soc as that sea would permit an entrance into i To the command of this fleet Sir Hyde Pa ker was appointed, and lord Nelson w named as second in command. This day s Hyde Parker hoisted his flag at Portsmouth on board the London, of 98 guns, and lor Nelson, in the St. George, of 98 guns, arrive from the westward. Admiral Cornwallis appointed to the chi command of the channel fleet, in the room earl St. Vincent, made first lord of the ad miralty. 27. A member had given notice of a motion relative to the King's health, which he pro posed to bring forward this night. Mr. She ridan moved, that the house should adjourn. 2. 3. 5. 6. March. The gazette contained an account of the cap ture, among other vessels, of l'Unie Frenc frigate of 30 guns, and 250 men, by the Ar rogant, captain Osborn. Intelligence was received of the loss of th Kent East-Indiaman, which was taken by th Confiance French frigate in the East ndies after a most gallant resistance, in which capt Rivington of the Kent was unfortunatel killed. The fleet destined to act in the Baltic, assem bled in Yarmouth Roads. War declared by Portugal against Spain. Accounts were received of a rebellion havin broken out in Sierra Leone, which was sup pressed by the great exertions of lieut. Sherif of the navy. 8. A landing was effected by the troops unde the command of lieut-general sir Ralph Aber cromby, in the Bay of Aboukir, on the coas of Egypt. The landing was warmly oppose by the French; but our troops surmountin every obstacle, defeated the enemy, takin eight pieces of cannon, and firmly establishe themselves, 14. The arrangement of a part of the new ad-9. ministration was made public. 16. A loan contracted for to the amount of 28,000,0001. 18. An armistice concluded between the French general Murat, and the king of Naples, at Toligno. Mr. Pitt opened the budget in the house of This day the remainder of the army wer landed. 11. The last bulletin respecting his Majesty' health was this day published, announcing hi complete recovery, to the sincere joy of a anxious and loyal people. 12. The fleet under the command of sir Hyd Parker and lord Nelson, sailed from Yar mouth Roads, consisting of fifteen ships of th line, with a number of bombs, frigates, sloops gun-brigs, &c. The British army marched forward to with in twenty leagues of Alexandria, and withi one league of the enemy, advantageously post ed on the commanding ground. 13. The British army advanced to attack th enemy, who, not waiting for the attack, ad vanced at the same time. A very warm action ensued, in which British valour and discipline were eminently displayed, and completely vic torious. The enemy were forced back under the walls of Alexandria, the British occupying 14. Mr. Pitt resigned into his Majesty's hands, An account received of admiral Gan- 16. His Majesty's ship Invincible, of 74 guns, The ratification of the treaty of peace con- C. A motion was made in the house of peers tion. The Swedish island of St. Bartholomew, in A general attack made by the French forces 23. The emperor Paul of Russia died suddenly. The island of St. Martin surrendered to the 25. A motion made in the house of commons to 27. A dispatch received from Paris, by the 28. Sir Ralph Abercromby unfortunately died The island of St. Thomas surrendered to 30. The British fleet, commanded by sir Hyde 31. The island of St. Croix surrendered. April. 1. The Irish budget was opened in the house of 2. Lord Nelson, with twelve two-deck ships, 4. 7. 9. Lord Nelson went on shore at Copenhagen, 10. The Hamburgh mail brought an account of 14 The account of the death of the emperor 16. The thanks. of bath houses of parliament | were voted to the commanders, officers, aud men of the Baltic fleet for their glorious services and brilliant victories in the action of the second instant. 17. Intelligence was received of a very gallant action performed by captain Connor of the brig Beaver. His ship having been captured by a French privateer, captain Connor and a little boy were left on board, and five Frenchmen to navigate her to France. Captain Connor attacked the whole of the French crew, threw one overboard, subdued the remainder, and brought his ship to England. 19. The town and castle of Rosetta surrendered to a British detachment under the command of colonel Spencer. 21. The island of St. Eustatius taken possession of by a British detachment. 25. Accounts were received of the capture of the French frigate L'Africane, of 44 guns, and 300 chosen troops on board, exclusive of her crew, by the Phoebe of 36 guns, commanded by captain Barlow. The French had 200 killed, and 184 wounded. There was but one man killed on board the Phoebe. 29. Advices received by government, that the rivers in the north of Europe, which had been shut against British commerce by the northern coalesced powers, were again opened by order of the courts of Berlin and Copenhagen. May. 6. Accounts received from several parts of France of great preparations going forward for the invasion of this country. "Measures promptly adopted by our government to repel this threatened attempt. 7. Lord St. Helen's set off as minister plenipotentiary for St. Petersburgh, to settle, definitively, the disputes with the northern powers, and establish, by treaty, the right of search, which the northern coalition was originated to resist. 10. The garrison of Rhamanie surrendered to a British force under the command of Gen. Hutchinson. 14. Mr. Baldwin arrived from Egypt with the official dispatches of the battle of the 21st of March, and brought with him the standard of a French corps taken in that battle, entitled The Invincible Legion of Buonaparté." This standard was taken by a soldier, named Antoine Lutz, (a French royalist born in Alsace) of the Queen's German regiment.- This honour has been claimed by the 42d. or Royal Highland regiment, but it in no wise belongs to them.-The Queen's German regiment bore the brunt of the battle, and, indeed, saved the 42d regiment from total destruction. 18. The thanks of both houses of parliament voted to the army in Egypt, for their gal lant and successful services in that country. 27. His excellency Marquis Cornwallis left Dub lin, and embarked on board the Dorset Yac on his return to England. 28. Lord St. Helen's, British plenipotentia reached St. Petersburgh, and was most gra ously received. June. 3. The pleasing intelligence received that Emperor Alexander had taken off the e bargo from all British ships in the Russ ports. 5. The embargo upon Russian and Danish v sels in the ports of England ordered to taken off. 6. A treaty of peace concluded between Sp and Portugal at Badajos, 7. A very gallant attack made by a small E tish squadron, under the command of C tain Newman, of La Loire frigate, o French flotilla anchored off the harbour Havre, in which Captain Wight, of the W verene, very particularly distinguished h self. Peace concluded between Spain and P tugal. 8. Accounts received by the way of Paris the entrance of the Spanish army into Por gal, and their capture of Olivenza. 9. His Royal Highness Frederick Duke York appointed commander in chief of His Majesty's land forces in the united ki dom of Great-Britain and Ireland. A most gallant attack made upon a Spar convoy anchored under the battery of Oro sa, by captain Pulling, in His Majes sloops of war the Kangaroo and the Spee captain Lord Cochrane, which comple succeeded, 12. His excellency Count Bernstorff, mini plenipotentiary from the court of Denma arrived in London. Another gallant attack made upon French force, in consequence of which enemy's flotilla was obliged to return the harbour of Havre, and in which the W verene again distinguished herself. 17. A convention signed at Petersburgh betw Lord St. Helen's and Count Panin. All differences between this country and F sia were amicably and satisfactorily adjuste 18. An account received from Lord Elgin Constantinople of the arrival of a Bri force at Suez, which had come from India the Red Sea. 24. The Swiftsure, of 74 guns, (but her low deck guns had been left at Egypt,) captu by Admiral Gantheaume's squadron, betw Egypt and Candia, on her passage down Mediterranean. 27. Grand Cairo surrendered by capitulation the combined British and Turkish army, der the command of Sir J. H. Hutchin The garrison consisted of upwards of 6 men. 29. Their Majesties and the Princesses set from Kew Palace for Weymouth. |