And still they row'd amidst the roar Lord Ullin reach'd that fatal shore, His wrath was chang'd to wailing. For sore dismay'd, through storm and shade His child he did discover : One lovely hand she stretch'd for aid, And one was round her lover. • Come back! come back!' he cried in grief, Across this stormy water: • And I'll forgive your Highland chief, • My daughter!-oh my daughter!' C5 'Twas vain: the loud waves lash'd the shore, Return or aid preventing: The waters wild went o'er his child And he was left lamenting. LINES ON THE GRAVE OF A SUICIDE. By strangers left upon a lonely shore, Unknown, unhonour'd, was the friendless dead : For child to weep, or widow to deplore, There never came to his unburied head All from his dreary habitation fled. Nor will the lantern'd fisherman at eve Launch on that water by the witches' tow'r, Where hellebore and hemlock seem to weave Round its dark vaults a melancholy bow'r, For spirits of the dead at night's enchanted hour. They dread to meet thee, poor unfortunate ! That smote its kindred heart, might yet be prone |