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Addison (Joseph) quoted, 112.

"ADELPHOS," M.D., Author of Essay, The Popular Doctrine of
Hell, in the Prospect of Immediate Death, 105.

Altruism, 39.

BATHGATE (HERBERT J.), Author of Essay, Walt Whitman, 155.
BRIMFIELD (H.), Author of Essay, Cremation, 65.

Browning (Robert) quoted, 153.

Burial and Cremation, 67.

Carlyle (Thomas) compared with Emerson, 119; his definition of
"Transcendental," 123.

Certainty, the intuition of the impossibility of a Contradictory,


Compensation, here and hereafter, 133, 139.

Comte (Auguste): Law of the Three Stages, 20, 21; Classification
of the Sciences, 26; opinion of Roman Catholicism, 30; view
of Religion, 37.

Cremation, 67; in Rome and Greece, 70; bearing of English
law on Cremation, 78.

Democracy, 51; not identical with any one form of government
54; a spiritual influence and tendency, 54; an irresistible
force, 59; definition, 61.

Disinterestedness, the highest form of Individualism, 39.
Divine Right, 52.

Emerson (Ralph Waldo) compared with Carlyle, 120; the Evolu-
tion Hypothesis, 125; Essays on


Compensation" and

"Spiritual Laws," 137; quoted, 126, 127, 131, 137.

Faith, to be practical, must be real, 3.
Fetichism, 22.

FROTHINGHAM (O. B.), Author of Essay, The Real God, 1.

God, becomes unreal when life ceases to be simple, 4; Pagan and
Christian efforts to realize God, 5-9; God in Nature, 11-13;
God in Circumstance, 13; Transcendental notions of God,
Goethe quoted, 12.

Happiness is Virtue, 135; the Happiness of Martyrs, 141.
Health, its preservation, 167.

Hell, the popular doctrine, 107; not compatible with the idea of
a merciful God, 109; testimony of Christ, 113.

Humanity Positivism in relation to Humanity, 40, 43; progress
of Humanity irresistible, 59.

Hume (David) quoted, 181.

Idealism, 123.

Idolatry, an effort to realize God, 5.

Incarnation, Christian doctrine of, 7.

Individualism best attained by Disinterestedness, 39.

Jesus, and upholder of the Rights and Liberties of the Soul, 55.
Justice inequality of Circumstance counted to be unjust, 132;
higher conceptions of Justice, 136.

KAINES (Dr. J.), Author of Essays, Positivism, its Intellectual
Character, 17; Positivism, its Religious Character, 33.

Lewes (George Henry) and Berkeley, 182.

Lewins, M.D. (Robert) quoted, 185.

LEWIN (WALTER), Author of Essays, Emerson and the Transcen-
dentalists, 117; Compensation: Mr. Emerson's Essay, 129.
Locke (John) on Innate Principles, 97.

Materialism and Spiritualism, 184.

Mill (John Stuart) on the Positivist Calendar of Comte, 42.
M. M., Author of Essay, Hints concerning Old Age, 165.

O'BYRNE (M. C.), Author of Essay, The Eschatological Mania, 179.
Old Age Influences of Constitution, 171; of Education, 171;
of Employment, 171; of Temperament, 175.

Parker (Theodore): Anecdote about him and Emerson, 120.
Philosophy its progressiveness, 87; a unifier of Thought, 88;
objections, 86, 89; Philosophy and Science compared, 91.
Phrenology, 149.

Polytheism, 22.

Pope (Alexander) quoted, 188.

Positivism Comte's Law of the Three Stages, 21; his Classifica-
tion of the Sciences, 26; the three Laws of Social Life, 28;
Positivism as a Religion, 35; the Positivist Calendar, 42;
Humanity, 40, 43; Positivism, a Religion for the Poor and
Destitute, 47-

Prayer difficulties about Prayer, 145; the Scientists and Prayer,
147; Self-surrender in Prayer, 154.

Punishment of Sin, 139.

Religion of Humanity, 37, 46.

Salgues (Dr.) on Old Age, 107.

Scientists not always friends of freedom and progress, 189.
S. H., Author of Essay, On Prayer, 145.

Shakespeare quoted, 12.

Sin and Punishment, 139.

Soul grows by Virtue, 141.

Success in Life, 131.

Tennyson (Alfred) quoted, 108, 110, 115, 182.
Theologism, 23.

Transcendentalism in New England, 121; what Transcendentalism
is, 123; its bearing on Morality and Conduct, 124.

Truth, criterion of, 95.

Virtue, identical with Happiness, 135; Virtue, the growth of the
Soul, 141.

WALTERS (FRANK W.), Author of Essay, The True Democracy, 49.
WHITELEY (J.), Author of Essays, Philosophy, its Purpose and
Place, 81; and Locke on Innate Ideas, 93.

Whitman (Walt), the great Poet of Democracy, 158; his spiritual-
ity, 159; his literary style, 163; quoted, 58, 151, 158, 162.






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