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ISTORICAL PICTURES of the MIDDL AGES, in BLACK AND WHITE. Made on th spot by a Wandering Artist. 2 Vols. Price 18s. (Long man and Co.)



« This is a delightful book; to read it is to tak glimpses of history by sunshine. The authoress say that prefaces are seldom read;' we read hers, and recommend others to do so; it is an excellent, and ar honest one. * The work deal with Switzerland and its traditions; it is a delightfu production by a charming woman, for such must the Wandering Artist be, if she talks one-half as well a she writes. Blended with facts and a great deal of interesting information are some of the most interesting papers we have read of late. » Sunday Times

May 10th, 1846.


«It is the result of much research and carefulinquiry. Though all the leading events which constitute the subjects of the work are familiar to those whoare acquainted with the annals of the middle ages,the writer has collected a large amount of new infornation, of a very interesting nature, illustrative of those events. The subjects of the first volume are the wellknown 'Nuns' War,' which lasted from 1480 to 184 and the still better known War of the two Abbts, which commenced in 1076, and ended in 1094. The War of the Abbots' is continued in the second volume the remainder of which is occupied with The Fas sage of the Grand St. Bernard,' and 'Bertha, Queen of Transjurane Burgundy.' The work is well writen and will become a great favourite with all who are partial to inquiries into the most interesting occurrences of the middle ages. To such persons we could hardly imagine two more attractive volumes. » Observer, May 10, 1846.

« We have devoted so much space to the Nun of Klingenthal, that we have none left for the other chief historic sketches-yet they are well worthpe. rusal. They are graphie, animated, interesting; and

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* *

though sometimes overcharged by the author's fer-
tile imagination, generally true. She has drunk lar-
gely at the springs of chivalric romance.
This we suspect, if her first will not prove her last
effort. She has a pen formed for popularity. Her book
will be read with the interest inseparable from truth.
No romance was ever more agreeable than thes? re-
cords of personages who once lived, and once influen-
ced the destinies of Swiss society. » — Athenæum,
June 6, 1846.

« A few striking historical episodes, worked up with much dramatic power, though adhering literally to fact. The author has visited the localities of the events described, and mingles the narratives of the old chroniclers with forcible details of situation, and touches of the traditional lore that yet lingers amid the peasantry of Basle, Provence, and Burgundy. The Nuns' War, so celebrated in the annals of Switzerland in the fifteenth century, and a sketch of the life of Bertha, Queen of Little Burgundy, are the principal papers, Both have the spirit of romantic fiction, and are so narrated as to make good the title of the work, and exhibit singular Pictures of the Middle Ages' in manners, incident, and thought. The notion is ingenious, and wrought out with much care and integrity. Some passages are extracted that will show the curious matter introduced into the book. » Britan nia, May 9th, 1846.

<< Want of closeness, both to the subject and in the style, is the great fault of this elegantly written and, in parts, curious and interesting publication. » — Spectator, July 4th, 1846.

«They are evidently the production of an amiable and intelligent woman.»-Examiner, July 11th. 1846. << This is a pleasing and popular production. ** From this quotation the nature of these historical pictures may be surmised; and we need hardly repeat, that it is(as we have said) of an agreeable and instructive kind,» Literary Gazette, July 25th, 1846.

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