Puslapio vaizdai

Divine Majesty, thro' Jesus |jeryn oc liorish dty Ard-ooash Christ our Lord. Amen.



ley Flaunyssagh, trooid Yeeley Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen.



VERY well ll - disposed TEE dy chooilley Chreef Christian, after he has tee mie-chreeagh, tra thus far prepared himself for t'eh choud fhoh er n'gheddyn this Sacrament, will endea-eh-hene aarloo fon y Chreefvour to keep the Thoughts tiaght, e Phaart y yannoo dy of his Duty, and the Bleffings he hopes for, warm in his Heart until the Time of Receiving.

Some of the following Scriptures, and Meditations upon them, may, thro' God's Grace, answer that End; nor will they take up too much Time, because fome or more of them, as Occafion offers, may be devoutly ufed in the midst of Business.

And this Method of Devotion is here proposed to lead Christians to make proper Reflections upon other Parts of Scripture, which they read or hear.

Rev. iii. 17. Thou fayest, I am rich, and have need of nothing: and knowest not that thou art wretched, and


reayll Smooinaghtyn jeh e Clıurrym, as jeh ny Bannaghtyn t'eh treishteil er nyn fon, jeean ayns e Chree derrey yn Traa t'eh goaill yn Chreeftiaght.

Foddee Paart jeh ny Scriptyryn ver-ym reue, as Smooinaghtyn dowin orroo, trooid Grayse Yee, ganfoor gys yn Ymmyd shen; ny chamoo ghoys ad feofe mooarane Traa, fon foddee Ayrn ny'n flane, rere y Traa, ve dy crauee er nyn ufal ayns Mean eer Obbyr seihltagh.

As ta'n Aght shoh dy Chraueeaght currit royd dy leeideil Creesteenyn dy Chliaghtaghey ad hene gys Smooinaghtyn crauee er Ayrnyn elley jeh Goo Yee, t'ad dy Thaih ny dy chlashtyn.

Afhlish iii. 17. T'ou gra, Ta mee berchagh as er vishaghey ayns Cooid, as nagh vel mee feme Nhee erbee : as cha vel 00 goaill bood bene, dy vel oo treib, miferable,

miferable, and poor, and blind, as feaghnit, as boght, as doal, as and naked. rooisht.

This is the fad Condition Shoh yn Stayd hrimshagh ta to which, as Sinners, we shin, myr Peccee, aarloo dy are subject : and it is thy huittym fo: as she dty VyghMercy, O God, that any of in's eh, O Yee, dy vel unnane us are sensible of it.-Pre- erbee j'in tushtagh jeh.-Freill serve me, I beseech Thee, mish, ta mee guee ort, veih'n from that Blindness which Deiilid shen yinnagh my lhietwould hinder me from fee- tal veih fakin my Hreihys ing my own Mifery, and hene, as veih'n Voyrn shen, yinfrom that Pride, which would nagh my lhiettal veih goaillkeep me from acknowledg- rish kiongoyrt Rhyt's, oddys ing it before Thee, who a- ynrycan cooney lhiam, O cur lone canst help me. O give Ennaghtyn firrinagh dou jeh me a true Senfe of the Ma-ny Aslayntyn anmey shen ta ladies I labour under, and mee lhie foue, as cocin lhiam help me for thy Mercies fake, er Graih dty Vyghinyn, as er and for the fake of Jesus my Graih Yeesey my Er-kionnee.


Pfal. li. 17. The Sacrifice of God is a broken Spirit; a broken and a contrite Heart God will not despise.

But most unfit is mine to be to God presented, until I have obtained his Pardon for the many Sins, by which it has been defiled.


Pfal. li. 17. Oural Yee She Spyrryd feaghnit eh; brisht as arryssagh cha jean Fee beg y hoiaghey jeh.

Agh feer neu - feeu ta my Chree's dy v'er ny hebbal gys Jee, derrey vee'm er chosney Pardoon voish son ny ymmodee Peccaghyn fhen ta er n'yannoo eh neu-ghlen.

Jer. iii. 12, 13. Ta mish myghinagh, ta'n Chiarn dy

Jer. iii. 12, 13. I am merciful, faith the Lord, and I will not keep Anger for ever; ghra, as cha jean-ym Jymmoofe only acknowledge thine Ini- y reayll fon dy bragh, ynrycan quity, that thou hast tranf-gow rish dty Vee-chairys, dy vel gressed against the Lord thy oo er n'yannoo Peccah noi yn God.

Chiarn dty Yee.

I do acknowledge my Sin Ta mee goaill-rish my Phecunto Thee, O God, and cah hood's, O Yee, as my Veemine Iniquities will I not chairys cha jean-ym y chieltyn: hide:

hide: I do therefore implore thy Pardon, and plead thy gracious Promise, with full Purpose of Heart, never again to return to Folly.

ta mee er-y-fa shen geearree Leih ort, as shassoo er dty Ghialdyn grayfoil, lesh Cree flane kiarit gyn dy bragh reesht dy hyndaa gys Ommijys.

Jer. xvii. 9. The Heart is Jer. xvii. 9. Ta'n Cree moldeceitful, and desperately wick-teyragh as mee-chrauee erskyned; who can know it? towse; quoi oddys toiggal eh?

I cannot, indeed, answer Cha voddym's dy jarroo for my own Heart; but freggyrt fon my Chree hene; there is no Word, O Lord, agh cha vel Fockle erbee, O impossible with Thee : In Hiarn, nagh vel ayns dty Thee I do put my Trust, let me never be put to Confusion:-Keep it ever in my Heart what an evil thing and bitter, it will be, to forSake the Lord.

1 John iii. 8. He that committeth Sin (who abandons himself to live in any known Sin) is of the Devil, -is under his Power and Govern


Preserve me, gracious God, from fo fatal a Blindness, to chuse Satan for my Lord and Governor, instead of thy Bleffed Son, who laid down his Life to redeem us from the dreadful Tyranny of the Devil.

1 John ii. 25. This is the Promise that he hath promifed us, eternal Life.

How infinitely good is God, to give us so great Encouragement to fave ourselves from Ruin! - Give me,

Phooar: Aynyd's ta mee cur my Hreishteil, ny lhig dou dy bragh ve er my choyrt gys Nearey: Freill eh dy bragh ayns my Chree cre'n Red olk as sharroo vees eh, dy breigeil y Chiarn.

1 Ean iii. 8. Eshyn ta jannoo Peccah (ta livrey harrish eh hene dy veaghey ayns Peccah er-fys da) t'eh jeh'n DroghSpyrryd,--t'eh fo yn Phooar as y Reill echey.

Freill mish, Yee ghrayfoil, veih'n Deillid Annym-ftroiagh shen, dy reih Noid ny Hanmey fon my Hiarn as my Chiannoort, ayns Ynnyd dty Vac Bannit, eh hug sheese e Vioys dy chofney shin reesht veih Tranlaase atchimagh y Jouyl.

1 Ean ii. 25. She shoh yn Gialdyn t'eh er n'yannoo dooin, dy jarroo yn Vea veayn.

Cre cha mie erskyn-insh ta Jee, dy chur dooin lheid yn. Ard-treishteil, dy reayll shin hene veih Toyrt-mow!----Cur


I beseech Thee, a firm Faith in this Promife, that no Fears may terrify me, no Pleasures may corrupt my Heart; ---No Difficulties may discourage me from ferving Thee.

Matt. xvi. 24. If any Man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his Cross and follow me.

dooys, ta mee guee ort, Credjue shickyr ayns y Ghialdyn thoh, nagh vod Atchim erbee m'y agglagh, nagh vod Eunyssyn erbee my Chree y chleayney; ---As nagh jean Seaghyn erbee m'y agglagh veih ufs y hirveish.

Mian xvi. 24. My ta Dooinney erbee aggindagh geiyrt orrym's, lhig da eh hene y obbal, as e Chrosh y broggal, as geiyrt


O my Saviour! who pleaO my Haualtagh! nagh ren sedst not thyself, but tookest sfoiaghey jeed hene, agh ghow upon Thee the Form of a ort Cummey Sharvaant, ny Servant, let me not profess lhig dooys goaill orrym dy ve to follow Thee, without en- Eiyrtyssagh jeed's, fegooish deavouring to follow the streeu dy jeean dy eiyrt er Kefblessed Steps of thy most madyn bannit dty Vea smoo Holy Life, Thy Patience, Chasherick, ---Dty Hurranse, Meekness, and Humility: Thy dty Veeinid, as dty Injillid-aiggreat Difregard for the World, ney: Dty veggan Geill fon Euits Pleasures, Profits, and all nysssyn y Theihll, e Vaynrys, e its Idols: Thy sensible Con- Vondeish, as ooilley e Yalloonyn: cern for the Miseries of Men: ---Yn Chymmey jeean ayd's -Thy Unweariedness in do. fon Treihys Deiney:-Dty ing Good:-Thy Conftancy Yeidjys doccaragh ayns jannoo in Prayer, and Refignation Mie:---Dty Hannaghtyn kinto the Will of thy Father, jagh ayns Padjer, as dty Vial-Let me part with any lys gys Aigney dty Ayrey.---thing as dear as a right Lhig dooys ny fleaie scarrey rish Hand, or a right Eye, ra- Nhee erbee eer cha deyr as ther than not follow Thee, Laue yesh, ny Sooill yesh, na gyn geiyrt ort's.

Mat. vi. 24. No Man can ferve two Masters.---Le cannot ferve God and Mammon,

May I never fet up any Rival, O God, with thee in

Mian vi, 24. Cha vod Dooin. ney erbee daa Vaindhter y birveish.----Cha vod shiu Fee as * Mammon y hirveish.

Nagh row nouyn dooys, O Yee, dy bragh soiaghey seose

* In Seihil,


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the Poffeffion of my Heart! | Nhee erbee dy ve Ayrnagh May I never attempt to mayrt's ayns my Chree! Nagh reconcile thy Service with jean-ym dy bragh goaill ayns that World which is at Laue dy yannoo coardail eddyr

Enmity with thee! Give me, y Chirveish ayd's as y Seihll I beseech Thee, the Eyes of shen ta ec Noidys rhyt! Cur Faith that I may fee the dou, ta mee guee ort, ny SooilWorld, what in Truth it is; lyn dy Chredjue dy voddym fa-The Danger of its Riches, kin y Seihll, cre ayns Firrinys -The Folly of its Pleasures, te;---Danjeyr e Verchys,---OmThe Multitude of its Snares, mijys e Eunyssyn, --Ymmodee -The Power of its Tempta-e Ribbaghyn,---Pooar e Violaghtions, Its deadly Poison, and yn,---E. Physhoon baafoil, as e certain Danger of drawing Ghaue shickyr dy hayrn my my Heart from the Love of Chree veih Graih 'chur dhyt. Thee.

Matt. xxii. 37, 39. Thou Mian xxii. 37, 39. Ver oo Shalt love the Lord thy God Graih dư'n Chiarn dty Yee lesh with all thy Heart,-And thy ooilley dty Chree,----As da dty Neighbour as thy felf. Naboo myr dhyt hene.

O that the Love of God O dy vod Graih Yee ve Ardmay be the Commanding Prin-reiltagh my Annym; dy vod ve ciple of my Soul; and that I aym yn Prowal gerjoilagh shoh may have this comfortable | jeh'n Ghraih echey tannaghProof of his Love abiding tyn aynym, dy voddym streeu in me, that I study to please dy wooiys eh as dy reayll e him and to keep his Com- Annaghyn!-------Dy vod my mandments!-That my Love Ghraih da my Naboo ve lheid to my Neighbour may be as ta Jee er harey, dy ve giaffuch as God has command- tyllagh as leih, as Graih y choyrt, ed, that I may give and for- myr ta cooie da Eiyrtyssagh give, and love, as becomes Yeefey! a Difciple of Jesus Chrift! 1 John iii. 14. We know that have paffed from Death unto Life, because we love the Brethren.


What it is to love my Neighbour as myself, Thou, O Lord, haft taught me in

I Ean iii. 14. Ta fys ain dy vel fhin caghlait veih Baafe gys Bea, er-yn-oyr dy nhynney thien ny Braaraghyn [Creestee].

Cre te dy chur Graih da my Naboo myr dou bene, T'ou ufs, O Hiarn, er n'ynfaghey dou thy

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