Puslapio vaizdai

the impreffive earnestnefs and indif putable fincerity with which it was delivered, the deemed it at least entitled to attention; and fhe determined to fcrutinize the principles on which the had founded her opinion of Fitzofborne.

She first reverted to the high eftimation in which his character was held by the world. Every one spoke of him as a most extraordinary man: and his inviolable integrity was confirmed by his behaviour on the difcovery of lady Arabella's attachment to him. Nay, strange as it might feem, fhe often thought that he ftill cherifhed her idea in his heart. She knew that he had preferved her picture, and he had just rejected the propofal of an advantageous alliance, with the rich heirefs of an Iflandic chieftain. This conftancy, though from the difcordance of their character fcarcely attributable

tributable to the caprices of love, proved the folidity of his virtue, and fecured Geraldine from even a poffibility of being the object of his licentious paffion. His fpeculative notions on fome points were indeed reprehenfible; but then they were merely fpeculations; and the ftill thought Mr. Evans's notions, which tended to confine opinion, were deficient in liberality, and founded on a tyrannical defire of fubjugating the free independent mind. All her own obfervations tended to convince her, that Henry and Lucy exaggerated his errors. No direct charge was brought against him, even fuppofing his companions to have been as profligate as they were described. A twelvemonth's intimacy was fome ground whereon to judge of characters; and she could not help affirming, that the innocence of his conduct was a proof

proof of the inoffenfiveness of his principles.

The change in lord Monteith could not, even by Lucy's own confeffion, be clearly traced to his influence. The fufpicion that he was acceffary to his lordship's faults only arofe from the probability of his having fome fecret feducer, and the influence which Fitz ofborne feemed to have over him. For her own part she was doubtful of the existence of a feducer, and could not perceive any certain proof of that fuppofed influence.

His marked attentions to herself formed the next accufation. But Lucy knew nothing of the manners of the great world, or the freedoms which cuftom had rendered general. The univerfal homag, which even appropriated beauty required, and the familiar intercourfe to which the cenforious

did not affix the leaft fhadow of impropriety, would shock her friend's notions, formed in the depth of retirement, and rather founded on the idea of what was prudent, than on the confideration of what is practicable.

Her thoughts then fell into a train of reflection upon the incidents of her early years, the peaceful fhades of Powerscourt, the joyous hours of playful gaiety, the endearing recollection of tender confidence, and interefting fimplicity, all rendered ftill more exquifite by the vivid glow of youthful hope, which spread a more fafcinating fplendor round the present scene, by the promife of more brilliant future enjoyments. Fallacious promife! falfified prediction Is there," faid fhe, cafting her eyes from the proud heights of Monteith castle on the fubject vale;



" is there in all this wide domain a "wretch more miferable than me?"

She started at that recollection. "Yes, <<< there are. There exifts pining pe"nury; there deftitute fickness fuffers, "and wafting infancy declines; not "only deprived of the affiftance which "former experience prompted them to "expect from their lord, but even re"fused what justice determines to be "their own. O Fitzofborne ! how ftrongly do fuch fituations demon"ftrate the truth of your opinion, that "the present order of things requires "the bold hand of fome intelligent "reformer!"

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Leaving lady Monteith's conclufion to difprove itself, I proceed with my narrative. She walked to the cabinet which stood in her dreffing-room, and, opening the cafket which contained her mother's jewels, fhe determined to di

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