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herself furrounded by too many toils ever to hope for recovered liberty.

In oppofition to thofe faturnine cenfors who affirm that a genteel pair never think or act in concert, I have to relate a fcheme in which the viscount and his lady cordially co-operated, and which, though it might not terminate in an invocation of Venus's antique doves, promifed to produce a modern pigeon. The farce commenced with a visit from the viscountess to her dear friend; during which he heard with mingled furprize and grief that Mr. Fitzofborne's expectations were fo very illiberal, and his temper fo very uncomplying, that the connection was diffolved. She commended the laudable fpirit which dictated lady Arabella's refolution of fooner breaking her heart than fubmitting to unjuftifiable demands; but when she


added, that, by thus acting with proper regard to female dignity, fhe had ex

cited the refentment of her brother, the indignation of her fympathizing friend exceeded all bounds. With bitter farcafms on the indelicacy of lord Monteith's interference, she intreated her to remove directly to lord Fitzofborne's, and affured her, that offended beauty would find a protector in the viscount, who would either compel Edward to make proper conceffions, or difown him for a brother. There was fomething truly Roman in this fentiment. It was expreffed with becoming dignity; and the viscountefs, ftill farther to enforce it, added, "You will get a little more " into the world, my dear, from which, "it is certain, you have lately been too "much fecluded. We have frequently "little private parties, at which you "cannot object to taking a card, for "nobody

"nobody will know any thing about it, "fo that there cannot be any indecocrum. I proteft, I think you grow "more bewitching every hour. Your "mourning becomes you fo exquifitely "that in pity to the world I ought to propose keeping you shut up, that "other belles may have a little chance; "but I own I am malicious enough to "wish to give a little fillip to Edward's "fears. Nothing is fo animating as a ftrong fit of jealoufy, and I know that "to make fresh conquests you need "only appear." So friendship urged; and its arguments were conclufive.

The parties might now be faid to be fairly drawn up in battle array; for, not to yield to the Fitzosbornes in hospita lity, lord Monteith had infifted that Ed ward fhould become his gueft; and, though their taftes and difpofitions were by no means in unifon, he fancied himself

highly gratified with the companion he had felected; and he was much too warm an advocate for what he esteemed an injured character, to permit the countess to continue neutral. Fitz

ofborne's affected dejection foon interefted her feeling heart; and though fhe could fcarcely confider the loss of an Arabella to be a misfortune, fhe felt that great allowance fhould be made for the force of disappointment upon a mind fo ftrongly fufceptible. Still incredulous as to the reality of his attachment, fhe was inclined to believe, that after he had acceded to the propofals of his friends, a fenfe of honour and the force of habit had produced in his refined dif pofition a recurrence of the fame images, which might be almoft fuppofed equivalent to preference. The void which female caprice had left in his imagination must be at prefent painful, and


though an enlightened underftanding would foon occupy the chafm with a more brilliant fet of ideas, delicate fenfibility might be allowed to ftart at the illiberal ridicule which a cenforious world is ever ready to beftow on a jilted fwain or a forsaken damfel. Befide, without being mercenary, might not a prudent man regret the lofs of a fplendid eftablishment? To foften that regret, the exerted all the brilliant powers of her mind, and all the fafcinating graces of her numerous accomplishments. Charmed out of his pretended melancholy, Fitzofborne feemed to beflow a littlefs attention, varying the contour of his expreffions as the style of her attractions required: Sometimes terminating his filent adulation by exclaiming, "Happy Monteith !" At another, expatiating in praise of friendfhip; or, if he aimed at making the


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