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In this calm feat he drew the healthful gale,
The happy monarch of his fylvan train;
Here, fided by the guardians of his fold,
He walk'd his rounds, and cheer'd his blest domain :
His days, the days of unstain'd nature, roll'd,
Replete with peace and joy, like patriarchs of old.

In the preceding Chapter I introduced my readers to the family of the bridegroom; but I must bestow several on that of the bride.

Sir William Powerscourt's was certainly a most singular character, and in one particular he widely differed from many gentlemen of his rank in society. His strong attachment to the feat of his anceitors was more the refult of generous philanthropy than of any lucrative confideration. It is true, he confidered

Powerscourt-house as circumfcribing within


within its domain all the beauties that fancy ever feigned; but, as he rode round his eftate, his feelings resembled those of a confcientious guardian rather than of a felf-accountable owner, and the land-, lord and master were in his beneficent bosom ever funk in the milder qualities of the protector and the friend. His hospitable doors were open to indigence; his delicacy was never hurt by the fimplicity of ruftic manners; and though the indolence of his temper sometimes prevented him from taking an active part in restraining oppreffion, or introducing merit to its deferved reward, his liberal purse was always ready to remedy the defect. "My good neighbour " Jones," said he one day, "I certainly " might write to the lord lieutenant, " and get that rogue of an adjutant "broke, who would not admit that

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" for the militia, though he swore-in "other substitutes two inches shorter; " but perhaps the man has nothing to " live upon but his commission, and, " being very poor, is forced to do dirty " actions. Here; remember me to " David; tell him, that I like a lad of "spirit; and there are the ten guineas he " was disappointed of." A little time afterward, in consequence of some nefarious proceedings being discovered, the adjutant waited upon fir Williarn to entreat his interceffion with lord W. in his behalf. He pleaded long-service and the hurry of business in his defence, and hinted at the wants of a large family. "Sir," faid fir William, " I dare say that "what you tell me is very true; but as it " is not my own affair, I don't like to "write to my kinsman or trouble him "about it. But as you seem to have " puzzled yourself a little in these army

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matters, I think you had better try " some other plan of life. I can put you " into a farm, and make you game"keeper of one of my manors; and I

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hope you won't think it an employ << beneath you, for I shall always be glad

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to fee you at Powerscourt." The offer was accepted; and fir William afterwards owned, that, beside two years' rent, he loft a confiderable sum with which he had entrusted him, to enable him to fet up: but his benevolent heart never fuffered him to wish the deed undone; " for," faid he, "though I believe the " man was no better than a cheat, his " wife appeared to be a very notable " woman, and brought up her family very well."

Sir William did not marry till he was much on the wrong fide of forty; and' even then that event proceeded from the

fame principles which governed all his


actions. The wife of a neighbouring gen. tleman delicately hinted, that one of her daughters was so deeply in love with him, that death must be the inevitable confequence of his obduracy. The good baronet was thunderstruck; he had no predilection for marriage, and certainly no preference for the young lady thus obtruded upon his choice. His con science entirely vindicated him from any wicked design of stealing the fair one's affections; neither his glass nor his flat terers had ever attributed to him the most distant resemblance to an Adonis, and he wondered much that any body should fall in love with his brown bob and Kevenhuller hat; but since it was so, (and the lady's mother protested she did not exaggerate,) he never should enjoy any peace of mind, if he could think himfelf the cause of making a fellow-creature miferable (for fir William could not give


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