" in man. But though his idea, that "the gifts of fortune are only an ac"countable stewardship, makes him " uniformly and perseveringly upright " and generous, it does not fupply those "nicer touches of the heart which na"ture never originally bestowed. Ex"clusive of what he feels for Geral"dine, I question whether his heart " ever acknowleged any fentiment live"lier than universal benevolence." "How came he to marry then?" inquired Lucy. The air of naïveté with which the spoke would have diverted Mrs. Evans at another time; but when applied to the present subject it recalled painful sensations. "It was not " a love-match," said she, after a long pause ; " and I fear lady Powerscourt "did not study to excite those senti"ments of esteem and attachment in "fir William's mind, which her en gaging attentions would have in spired. Though I believe he never " felt a stronger tie than what arose " from habit and compassion, his na"tural goodness made him behave to "her, during the trial of a long fick"ness, with so much tenderness, that " he was universally accounted a most " excellent husband. You know, Lucy, " he is not apt to make observations " on people or incidents which do not " immediately affect himself. The world "slides by unnoticed, if it do not el" bow him; and though this may con" duce to the tranquillity of his mind, " it prevents him from enlarging his "stock of information. Can you, "however, wonder, from what he has " felt and from what he has observed, " that he should suppose mutual attach"ment unnecessary in a union between "two worthy people? and you will " allow VOL. I. H "allow Miss Powerscourt and her cou" sin answer that description." "Most certainly they have the best "hearts in the world; but is not lord "Monteith too a most worthy character, and, in point of rank and fortune, a more desirable match ?" 66 "Fortune, my dear, though in most " marriages a very necessary ingredient, " is of little consequence in the disposal " of Miss Powerscourt; for her here"ditary affluence is so great, that the 66 may possess every indulgence she can "wish for, without the neceffity of " her husband's adding any thing to " the paternal stock. I am not one of " those who flight the advantages of " rank; I allow it to be desirable: but " if you balance against it the apparent " justice of bestowing a rich heiress on " her father's nearest male relation, "who is educated in the fame princi"ples, " ples, and will reside upon the same " spot where his ancestors have flou" rished, who will most probably con"tinue to diffuse the same noble bene"volence and patriarchal hospitality; I " protest, when I think of these advan tages, I can condemn nothing but fir "William's characteristical indifference "to the state of his daughter's affec"tions. But I observe, Lucy, that of "late you always feem uneasy and filent " when we talk of Henry Powerscourt; " are not you and your old friend and " playfellow upon as good terms as " ufual?" " Yes, quite so. "Then should you not rejoice at the " profpect of his good fortune ?" "So I do; but poor lord Monteith" I cannot help just now thinking of " him. I am forry at my very heart " that H2 1 " that he should be left unhappy; he is "so uncommonly amiable." "Pray," said Mrs. Evans, "how "came you to know that he is so un"commonly amiable and excellent?" Miss Evans confefsed that her informant was Geraldine. "Ah poor Geraldine!" faid Mrs. Evans, "the eye I fee has outstepped "the judgment; I hope it has not "misled it. What very amiable qua"lities could she discover in a ball"room? Does the indirect mode of "his pursuing your friend, fince her " father's rejection, argue any exalted "excellence ?" "No," faid Lucy, " indeed it does "not; but do, my dear mother, make "allowances for his very strong attach"ment. I am afraid too my sweet " friend's heart is irrevocably his; and " ought the to marry Henry Powerf66 court, |