In this fair third, Cordelia's forfeit dow'r. Whom I have ever honour'd as my king, Be Kent unmannerly when Lear is mad; Thy youngest daughter Lear. On thy life, no more. Kent, What wilt thou do, old man? Lear. Out of my sight. Kent. See better first. Lear. Now, by the gods Kent. Now, by the gods, rash king, thou swear'st in vain. Lear. Ha, traitor! Kent. Do, kill thy physician, Lear; Strike through my throat; yet, with my latest breath, I'll thunder in thine ear my just complaint, And tell thee to thy face, that thou dost ill. Lear. Hear me, rash man; on thine allegiance hear me: Since thou hast striven to make us break our vow, Kent. Why, fare thee well, King; since thou art resolv'd, I take thee at thy word; I will not stay Lear. Then leave her, sir; for, by a father's rage, I tell you all her wealth. [cordelia throws herself at Lear's Feet. Away! Away! Away! [Flourish of Trumpets, &c. [Exeunt all but Cordelia. Enter Edgar. Edg. Has Heav'n then weigh'd the merit of my love, Or is it the raving of a sickly thought? Cord. Some comfort yet, that 'twas no vicious blot That has depriv'd me of a father's grace; C As it deserves; but use our father well, Edg. O heav'nly maid! that art thyself thy dow'r, Richer in virtue than the stars in light; If Edgar's humble fortunes may be grac'd Cord. Talk'd of love. Edg. Then I've offended oft; Cordelia too Has oft permitted me so to offend. Cord. When, Edgar, I permitted your addresses, And therefore study to forget your passion, Cord. This baseness of the ignoble Burgundy But, if his love be fix'd, such constant flame And cold Cordelia prove as kind as he. [Exit Cordelia. Enter Edmund, hastily. Edm. Brother, I've found you in a lucky minute Fly, and be safe; some villain has incens'd Our father against your life. Edg. Distress'd Cordelia !—but oh, more cruel! Edm. Hear me, sir; your life, your life's in danger. Edg. And yet, perhaps, 'twas but pretended cold ness, To try how far my passion would pursue. Edm. He hears me not; 'wake, 'wake, sir. No tears, good Edmund; if thou bring'st me tidings Edm. Your danger, sir, comes on so fast, Edg. Pardon me, sir, a serious thought Had seiz'd me; but I think you talk'd of danger, [Exit Edgar. Edm. Ha! ha! Fond man! Such credulous ho nesty Lessens the glory of my artifice; His nature is so far from doing wrongs, Then my designs are perfect.Here comes Gloster. Enter Gloster. Glost. Stay, Edmund, turn; what reading? Edm. A trifle, sir. paper were you Glost. What needed then that terrible despatch of it Into your pocket? Come, produce it, sir. Edm. A letter from my brother, sir: I had just broke the seal, but knew not the contents; Yet, fearing they might prove to blame, [Reads.] This policy of fathers is intolerable, that keeps our fortunes from us 'till age will not suffer us to enjoy them; I am weary of the tyranny. Come to me, that of this I may speak more. If our father would sleep till I waked him, you should enjoy half his possessions, and live beloved of your brother. Sleep till I wak'd him, you should enjoy Edm. Perhaps 'twas writ, my lord, to prove my virtue. Glost. These late eclipses of the sun and moon Can bode no less; love cools, and friendship fails; In cities mutiny, in countries discord; The bond of nature crack'd 'twixt son and father.— [Exit Gloster. Edm. So, now my project's firm; but, to make sure, I'll throw in one proof more, and that a bold one; I'll place old Gloster where he shall o'erhear us Confer of this design; whilst, to his thinking, Deluded Edgar shall accuse himself. Be honesty my int'rest, and I can Be honest too; and what saint so divine, |