Puslapio vaizdai

ABO, museum of natural history at, destroyed
by fire, 252.

Accentuation of names, 298.

Aërial spider, critique on Mr. Murray's paper
respecting, by John Blackwall, 116; critical
remarks on the ascent of the, by J. Murray,
299; reply, by John Blackwall, 396.
'shna and Libéllula, distinguished, 472.
Esop, fables of, illustrated by Bewick, 431.
Agates in dolomitic strata of new red sandstone
formation in the Mendip Hills, 381.
Ainsworth, William, on the water shrew, 483.
Air for analysis, 468.

Aix, the tertiary fresh-water formations of, 382.
Almanacks on the Continent, 248.

Animals, vertebrated, description of, 128; mam-
miferous, 131; changes in, 254; changes pro-
duced in by domestication, by Dr. Roulin, 421;
characters of, 469.

Annelides, respiration of some of, 423.
Annihilation of certain animals, 442.
A'nodon rugosus, critique respecting, 116.
Anonaceous plant of New Holland, 119.
Antelope, Indian, 63; flat-horned, 63.
Anthracite found in Rhode Island, 253.
Antirrhinum Cymbalària in Wales, 400.
Ants and aphides, 209.

Aphis on endive and lettuce, query respecting,
by Walter Henry Hill, 104; remarks on, 210.
Artesian well at Syon, 87.

Ashby, Mr. John, obituary of, 120.
Attachments formed by animals, 62.
Audubon, M., his Birds of South America, 422.
Azara's Memoirs, query respecting, 402.
Babington, C. C., distinction of sex in Papilio
Machàon, 67.

Babington, Mr., remarks on his list of rare
plants and insects, by Daniel Stock, 213.
Bakewell, Robert, an account of Mr. Needham's
original discovery of the action of the pollen
of plants, &c., 1; remarks on molecules, 213.
Ball containing bees, query by H. Gunt, 404.
Banksian Society of Manchester, 389.
Baris, ship, made of papyrus, 326.
Barmouth, insects taken at, 89.

Basil, wild, in Chile, query respecting a curious
species of, 293.

Bears of America, 355.

Beaver, ingenuity of one at Paris, 249.
Bee, leaf-cutting, 90.

Bees, on putting into mourning, 105; super-
stitions respecting, 209; nests of in the woods
of Brazil, 254; superstition respecting, 405;
swarming of, 460.

Beet-root sugar manufacture in France, 425.
Belfast, natural history in, 202.

Beudant, M., discovery in mineralogy, 410.
Bewick, life, genius, and personal habits of, by
John F. M. Dovaston, A.M., 313; continued,
Bird, call of some kind of, answer to query re-
specting, by Walter Henry Hill, 100; water,
query respecting a strange one, 101; in De-
vonshire like a humming-bird, query respect-
ing, 402; shot at Fowey, answer to query
respecting the, by Walter Henry Hill, 403.
Birds, on their forsaking their nests, by R.
Sweet, 113; critique respecting their singing
while on their eggs, by R. Sweet, 113; Euro-
pean singing, query respecting, 207; término-
logy of, arranged by Thomas Thomson, 214;
rare, account of some in the Manchester Mu-
seum, by John Blackwall, 273; in the neigh-
bourhood of Whitehaven, by J. Stanley, M.D.,
275; rare, shot in Dumfries-shire, 282; En
glish, suggestion for letters to be written on,

287; presented to the Hull Literary and Phi-
losophical Society, error respecting the de-
scription of, by Thomas Thompson, 302; of
Demerara, 370; organs of voice in, 376; of
prey, vision of, 481; on the sea coast of Gom-
rie, in Aberdeenshire, 392; rare, killed in
different parts of Ireland. 394; skins of, query
on softening, 484.

Bittern, the great American, 64.
Black, antipathy of the chameleon to, 469.
Blackcock, curious female of, 90.
Blackwall, John, account of some rare birds in
the Manchester Museum, 273; farther con-
troversy on the ascent of the aerial spider, 396.
Blainville, M. de, observations on Physàlia, 425.
Bleating of a goat, remarks on the bird which
produces the sound of, 207, 208.
Blindworm, query respecting, 402.
Blocks, rock, 471.

Blomer, Capt. Charles, the Dartmouth Warbler,
and other birds, 278; a singular nidus, 303.
Bones, fossil, caverns containing, 367; note by
J. R., 367.

Books, French, cheaper in London than for-
merly, 361.

Botanical Society of Bungay, 386.

Botany and zoology of Indian archipelago, 368
Bounties of winter, 455.

Bowdich, Mrs., anecdotes of a Diana monkey,
7; progress of natural history during 1828, 409.
Bowman, J. E., an efficacious method of drying
plants, 245; query on a singularly brilliant
golden green light, 406.

Brabant, fossi! bones in, 251.
Brain, observations respecting, 418; physiologi-
cal fact respecting, 472.

Brazil, supposed bees' nests in the woods of, 254.
Breadfruit, error in the description of, 304.
Bree, the Rev. W. T., M. A., on the arrival and
retreat of the British Hirúndines, with a table
of arrivals and departures from 1800 to 1828,
16; the dog not the only brute animal that
dreams, 21; circumstances respecting the
nuthatch, 243; circumstances respecting a
corn spring, 297; critique respecting Fritil
lària tessellata, 304; the vapourer moth, 460;
observation respecting Dadley's spring, 488.
Bristol Institution, annual meeting of, 277.
Brongniart, M. Adolphe, improvement by, in
the study of fossil botany, 413; his statement
respecting the pollen of flowers, 417.
Brown, John, query respecting spiders not
being found on chestnut timber, 291.
Bruce's observation on vessels of papyrus, 326.
Buffon, inaccuracies of, 394.

Bunting, black-headed, query respecting, 289;
answer to query respecting, 404.
Bulimus acutus and Hèlix virgàta, 303.
Butcher bird, critical observations respecting,
and query by W. Farrar, M.D., 484.
Butterflies, migration of, 370; white, of Britain
by J. Rennie, A. M., A.L.S., 224; query re-
specting the eggs of, by D. G. Kerridge, 405.
Butterfly or moth, first developement of a per-
fect one, 68; the common large cabbage, 226;
the early cabbage, 226; the small cabbage,
227; the spotless small cabbage, 227; the
green-veined white, 227; the middle green-
veined white, 228; the Bath white, 228; the
orange-tip butterfly, 228; the wood white,
229; the black-veined white, 229; the brim-
stone butterfly, 229.

Cachalot, account of the capture of a, on the
south coast, by Henry Woods, A.L.S. &c. 198.
Calendar of nature for the Carse of Gowrie,
Perthshire, 203, 285. 477 to 483.

Caley, Mr. George, obituary of, 310.
Camel, 63.

Canterbury Philosophical Institution, 383.
Capercaile, errata respecting, 483.

Carlisle, arrival of certain birds of passage in
the neighbourhood of, 89.

Carse of Gowrie, calendar of nature for, 285.
Cavern containing fossil bones, 367.
Cedar, query respecting, 293.

Centrotus Bennetii and Hardwickii, outline and
description of, by the Rev. Wm. Kirby, 20.
Chameleon's antipathy to black, 469.
Charcoal, fossil, accounted for, 466.
Chatham, Literary and Philosophical Institu-
tion of, 267; meeting of Sept. 29th, 383.
Cherokee nation, advancement of, 426.
Chevalier and Lenglumé's lithography, 410.
Chevreul, M., discovery made by, 410.
Chiff-chaff, the, the lesser white throat, 481.
Child, spotted, 455.

Chile horse, 62.

China, natural history in, 368.
Chlànius vestitus, tarsus of, 302.

Christiana and Leith, temperature of, 367.
Cimex, the genus, 459.

Circular system extended to events, 455.
Claremont, name of shrub sent from, 486.
Clarke, W. B., geological hammer, 247.
Coal-fields in Peru, 370.

Coal fossils from Clifton, near Manchester,
figured and described, 106.

Coal, vegetable remains in, 470.

Cochineal insect found in the Botanic Garden
at Cambridge, 386.

Cochineal transplanted to Java, 252.
Colour, flowers varying in, 485.

Colours in plants, Grew's theory of, 455; op-
tical influence of, 426.

Colúmba migratòria in America, 369.
Congress of the German naturalists, 79.
Continents, submergence of the, 250.
Conybeare, the Rev. W. D., F.G.S. &c. &c., on
the hydrographical basin of the Thames, 378.
Coral rocks, 371; limestone from, 297.
Cordilleras, 370.

Cork tree at Sammerstown, 91.

Corn spring, 408; circumstances respecting a,
297; supposed cause of, 488.
Cows, white, 63.

Crab, common, developement of the eggs of, 244.
Crocodile, on riding on the back of a, 13.
Crossbills, occasional visitants at Ambleside,
89; flocks of, near Worcester, 268.
Cross-hatching style of engraving, Bewick's
opinion on, 429.

Crow, query respecting a curious one, 101;
answers to the query respecting one seen,

Crustacea, memoir on, 424.

Cuckoo, curious circumstance respecting the,
by W. Jerdan, 242; its species, 249.
Dadley's Spring, farther observation respecting
the, by the Rev. W. T. Bree, 488.
Dartford (read Dartmouth) warbler, 100.
Dartmouth warbler, Capt. Charles Blomer, 278.
Davies, J. H., R. M., farther Observations on
the Influence of Fresh Water on Marine Ani-
mals, com. by Jas. L. Drummond, M.D., 217.
Death-watches, 461.

Decandolle, eulogium on, 453.

Delille's description of Thelýgonum Cyno-
crámbe, 418.

Demerara, birds of, 370.
Deposits, diluvian, 253.

Detrosier, Mr., his Address to the Banksian So-
ciety of Manchester, 390.

Devil Stingaree, query respecting, 401.
Diana monkey, anecdotes of a, 9.
Diluvian deposits, 253.

Diodorus Siculus's" river boats" made from the
reed papyrus, 327.

Dissection performed by insects, 455.
Dodo, contributions towards the natural history
of, by John T. Thompson, F. L. S., 442; de-
scription of, by Leguat, 445.

Dog, not the only brute animal that dreams, by
W. T. Bree, 213; derived from the wolf, 356.
Donovan's egg of the razor-bill auk, 394; Eggs
of British Birds, query respecting, 205.
Dovaston, John F. M., A.M., some account of
the water shrew, 219; some account of the
life, genius, and personal habits of the late
Thomas Bewick, 313; remarks respecting
Stúrnus Cinclus, 400; Antirrhinum Cymba
lària in Wales, 400.

Dover, the small, query respecting, 403.
Drummond, James, figure and description of a
cork tree at Sammerstown, 91.

Drummond, James L., M.D., on certain effects
produced by fresh water on some marine
animals and plants, 121.

Drying plants, an efficacious method of, by
J. E. Bowman, 245.

Dumfriesshire, rare birds shot in, 282.
Duncan, J. S., his address at anniversary of the
Linnean Society, May the 25th, 373; his proof
of the existence of the dodo, 444.
Durability of engraver's blocks, 430.
Dutrochet, M., his new discovery in vegetable
physiology, 414.

Dyeing, discovery in, by M. Raymond, 410.
Earthworm, oviparous, 470.

Eggs of British birds, query on the best work
on, by J. D. Salmon, 205; answer to, 205; of
the common crab, developement of, 244; of
spiders, developement of, 244; of butterflies,
query respecting, by D. G. Kerridge, 405;
of the wheat fly, 450.
Endosmometer, the, 415.

Engravings, list of, 205; of birds, 114.
Epipactis latif dlia, on the spontaneous appear-
ance of, by W. T. Bree, 70,

Errata in Vol. I. 110. 299. 401; in Calendar of
Nature, 488; in the word Capucaila, 483.
Fables of Esop, illustrated by Bewick, 431.
Farran, W., M. D., critical remark and query
respecting the Butcher Bird, 484.
Fauna, French, 424.

Feelings, on educating the, 286.

Fish-banks, ancient, near Lake Ontario, 253.
Fish like a herring, mode of preparing them
for a distant market, 65.

Fish, owl feeding on, suggestion as to the cir-
cumstance, 288; hearing of, 459.

Flints, query respecting minute objects on, 296.
Flora Dánica, 472.

Flòra Virgiliana, query respecting, 401. 485.
Floras, indigenous, of London and Plymouth
compared, by W. Hamilton, 265.
Flourens, M., researches in physiology, 419.
Flowers varying in colour, 485; white, the dis-
covery of plants varying with, by Mr. Daniel
Stock, 387.

Flycatcher in November, 88.
Flying leech, 368.

Foot of a supposed dodo, 444.
Fossil Astèria figured and described, 73; bones
in Brabant, 251; like a broken nut, query re-
specting, 297; plant, a remarkable one, 376;
plants from Clifton near Manchester, continu-
ation of, 494; shell, from a quarry in Radnor
shire, figured and described, 109; shells, Bri-
tish, an attempt to form a table of the geological
arrangement of, by R. C. Taylor, Esq. F.G.S.,
26; geological arrangement of British, cor-
rections respecting the, by R. C. Taylor, Esq.,


Fossils, Blackdown, sent by J. R., names of,
294; remarks on 294; sent by Sam. Tyssen,
described, 295, 296.

Foville, Dr., his memoir on the brain, 420.
France, man in the north of, 75.

Fritiliària tessellata, critique respecting, 304.
Frogs, query respecting their winter quarters,
and on a jelly-like substance resembling the
remains of, 103; winter quarters of, 208; an-
swer to query whether they are dormant in
winter, by W. H. White, 208; answers to
query respecting a jelly-like substance sup-
posed to be the remains of, 209; query on the

[ocr errors]

distinction of sex in, and which croaks, by
W. H. White, H. M. C. S., 209; winter quar-
ters of, answer to the query respecting, 289;
shower of, query respecting, 103; suggestion
respecting, by J. Murray, 289.

Gall, Dr., his mode of studying the characters
of animals, 469.

Geese, desertion of, 65; flying, 65; wild, in
Owhyhee, 440.

Geological Society, meetings of Nov. 7., Nov. 21.,
Dec. 5., Dec. 16., and Jan. 2., 83; Jan. 16., 197;
Feb. 6., 257; Feb. 20., 259; March 6. and
April 3., 376; May 1., 377; May 15. and
June 5., 378; June 19., 381.

Geology of Palestine, critique respecting, 119;
scriptural, 108.

Germany, curious belief in, respecting the stork,


Girl, dancing, 441.

Glow-worm, 406.

Glutton, American, 356.

Gnat, stinging of a, 68.

Hollandre's Faune du Départment de la Mo-
selle, 74.

Homo, South American variety of, 456.
Horse of Dalecarlia, 62; of the Cape of Good
Hope, 63; of Africa, 62.

Humboldt, Baron, extract from his opening
speech at the congress of the German natu-
ralists, 80; suggestion for a translation of his
works, 288.

Hunter, Perceval, remark respecting Picus mì-
nor and máximus, 208; answer to query re-
specting Scolopax Sabini, 288; various ques-
tions, 402.

Incubation, effect of, in lessening the timidity
of birds, by W. Henry Hill, 64.

Indian, anecdote of, near Fort Enterprise, 355.
Indian Archipelago, zoology and botany of, 368.
Indications of spring, 127.
Indicatorial calendar, 99.

Inhumanity to insects, answer to charge of, 238.
Insect, account of a small uncommon one, 210.
Insects, dissection by, 455; leaf, 368.

Goat, Cachemire, 63; the Rocky Mountain, ac- Ireland, rare birds killed in, 394.
count of, 358.

Goats of Thibet, 251.

Goître, query respecting the cause of, 403.
Gold, washing of, 73; supposed influence of, on
sheep, 467.

Goldfinch, change of colour in its plumage, by
J. Murray, 64; natural intelligence of, 64.
Gomrie, birds on the sea-coast of, 392.
Goose, presentiment in a, by C. A. Brew, 65.
Górdius aquáticus, 211

Gorrie, Mr. Archibald, C.M. H.S., some account
of a remarkable spruce fir tree in the woods at
Braco Castle, Perthshire, 173; on the art of
deriving interest from the study of the wea-
ther, 177; a dissertation on the Hebrew names
of animals, 319; on the wheat fly, 323.
Granite in Yorkshire, 120.

Grasshopper warbler wanted, 100.
Gray's natural arrangement of British plants,
remarks respecting, 216.
Greenfinch, yellow, 64.

Grevillea punicea, figured and described, 486.
Grew's theory of colours in plants, 455.
Guillemot, sea fowl, 393.

Guinea-pig, query respecting, by C. Lamb, 205.
Gunt, H. Esq., query on a curious ball contain-
ing bees, 405.

Hailstones, peculiar ones, 252.

Halo round the sun, 468.

Hamilton, W., indigenous Floras of London
and Plymouth compared, 265.
Hammer, geological, improvement in, 247.
Hampshire, rare plants collected in, 276,
Hand, left, inferior dexterity of, 456.
Hare's throat, confirmation of the opinion re-
specting the lump attached to the, by John V.
Stewart, 300.

Harvest bug, query respecting, 290; answer to
query concerning, 404.

Hawkins, Thos., query on a species of plover,
207; account of a small uncommon insect,
210; larvæ of Lepidoptera, 211.

Hay, new-mown, query respecting smell of, 106.
Hebrew names of animals, dissertation on, 319.
Hèlix virgata and Bùlimus acutus, 303.
Heron, common, feet and legs of the, 206.
Hessian fly, 292.

Hill, Walter Henry, farther observations re-
specting ants and aphides, 209; the Picus mì.
nor, 387; on the dark-looking water bird shot
at Fowey, 403; query respecting the young of
the genus Corvus, 403; query on the small
dover, 403.

Hirundinaceæ, monograph on, 424.
Hirundines, on the arrival and retreat of, with

a table of arrivals and departures from 1800 to
1828, by the Rev. W. T. Bree, M. A., 16.
Hoeven's distinctions of Libéllula and E'shna,

Hogg, John, M. A. F.L.S. &c., on vessels made
of the papyrus, 324.

Hog, Warree, 63.

Jack snipe, figured and described, 148.
Java, cochineal transplanted to, 252.
Jennings, James, reply respecting Jennings's
Ornithology, 111; remarks on the ornithology
of London, 264.

Jenyns, the Rev. Leonard, F.L.S., observations
on a preternatural growth of the incisor teeth,
occasionally observed in certain of the Mam-
màlia rodéntia, 134.

Jerdan, W., a curious circumstance respecting
the cuckoo, 242.

John Dorée, remarks on the derivation of the
name, by S. Bowdich, 115.
John Dory, derivation of, 208.
Jukes, Frederick, an account of a new species of
trilobite, found in the Barr limestone in the
neighbourhood of Birmingham, 41; notice of
some fragments of Orthoceras annulàris and
striata, found in the Barr limestone in War-
wickshire, 231.

Junks of the Red Sea, Bruce's supposition re-
specting, 328.

Kath of the ancient Hebrews considered as the
pelican of the moderns, by David Scot, M.D.
M.W.S. F.H.S. E., 137.

Kent, Miss, an introductory view of the Lin-
nean system of plants, continued, 155.
Kenyon, Joseph, land and fresh-water shells in
the neighbourhood of Preston, 273; alteration
in his paper on British shells, 303.
Kerridge, D. G., circumstances respecting the
Zeuzera 'sculi, 291; query respecting the
eggs of butterflies, 405.

Kingfisher, remark concerning, 457; by J.

Lakes, 457; nest of the, made of fish bones, 206.
Kirby, the Rev. William, M.A. F.R.S. L.S.,
&c., an outline and description of Centrotus
Bennèti and Hardwickii, 20; answer to query
respecting the nidus on a rush, 405.
Kittiwake, sea fowl, 393.

Lamb, C., query respecting the guinea-pig,
205; remarks on the Górdius aquaticus, 211;
query respecting a remarkable spider, 290.
Langley, Mr. Larret, flora of Rotherham, 169.
Language, universal, 81.

Lapwing, remark on the food of the, 113.
Lark, white, 267.

Larvæ of the wheat fly, 450.
Lathræ a squamària, 70; answer to query re-
specting, by J. E. Bowman, 105; found near
Richmond, 294.

Laudanum, a species of dew, 298; not a species
of dew, in answer to R. S., 408.
Lead ore, 467.

Leaf insects, 368.

Leaves, their various forms figured and de-
scribed, 156.

Leeches, reproduction of, 194; breeding of, 251;
flying, 368.

Leith and Christiana, temperature of, 367.
Leguat, copy of his voyage discovered, 443; his
description of the dodo, 445.

Lepidoptera, larvæ of, 211.

Libellula and E'shna distinguished, 472.
Light, query on a singularly golden green, by
J. E. Bowman, 406.

Lightning, an oak tree struck by, 230.
Limestone from coral rocks, 297.

Linnean Society, meetings of Dec. 2., Nov. 18.,
Dec. 16., Jan. 20., Feb. 3., and Feb. 17., 82;
March 3., and April 7., 196; addition to the
library of, 256; anniversary dinner, 257;
meeting of June 2., 257. 376; June 16., 376.
Linnean system of plants, introductory view of
continued, by Miss Kent, 155.
Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle
upon Tyne, 387.

Lithography, new discovery in, 410.

Lives of certain naturalists, query as to where
they may be procured, 402.

Lizards, memoirs on, by MM. Dugèz and Ed-
wards, 422.

Loligo vulgàris, figured, 153.

London, remarks on the ornithology of, by Jas.
Jennings, 264; and Plymouth, indigenous
floras of, compared by W. Hamilton, Esq., 265.
Lump attached to the hare's throat, confirma-
tion of the opinion respecting, by John V.
Stewart, Esq., 300.

Lunel Vieil, caves of, 412.

Lymnæ a ovata, 292.

Magnetism, chemical powers of, 467.

Main, Jas., A.L.S., of winds, and the causes of
their different kinds, 175.
Maize, opinion respecting, 418.
Malaria, cause of, 468.

Mallow of Horace, critique respecting, 118;
ancient, 293.

Mammàlia rodéntia, observations on a preter-
natural growth of the incisor teeth occasion-
ally observed in certain of the, by the Rev.
Leonard Jenyns, F.L.S., 134.

Mammiferous animals, description of, 132.
Mammoth cave, 370.

Manchester museum, account of some rare birds
in, by John Blackwall, 273.
Manganese, evident traces of, in slate, 72.
Man in the north of France, 75.

Mantel, anatomy of the ventriculites of, 332.
Marine animals and plants, on certain effects
produced by fresh water on some, by James
L. Drummond, M.D., 121.

Marine animals, further observations on the
influence of fresh water on, by Lieut. J. H
Davies, R. N., 217; influence of fresh water
on, 398. 402.

Marine plants, query on, 406.
Martius, Dr., his discoveries, 293.

Mass, gelatinous, answer to the query respect-
ing, by J. Murray, Esq., 289.
Matthews, Andrew, on the Zeuzèra æ'sculi, 67.
Mearns, John, F. H.S., supposed cause of corn
springs, 488.

Menageries, travelling, and of London, query
respecting, 402.

Menzies, Mr., ascent and barometrical measure-
ment of the Wha-ra-rai mountain, in Owhy-
hee, 435.

Merganser, red-breasted, nest of the, 90.
Meslier, M., notice of his cabinet of birds, 74.
Meteorological journal, extracts from one kept
near the town of Kilkenny, during 1828, 97.
Meteorology, critical remarks on, 304.
Microscopic amusement, as a means of educat-
ing the feelings, 286.

Middlesex, plants collected in, 266.

Minerals which attract the magnetic needle, 247.
Mirbel's opinion on the vegetable ovulum, 416.
Mole, physiological observations respecting, by
M. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 420,
Mole cricket, answer to query respecting, 290.
Molecules, active, supposed existence of in mi-
neral substances, 1; remarks on, by Robert
Bakewell, 213; observed in a haddock's eye,
242; query respecting, by J. O. Westwood,
F.L.S., &c. 402; ultimate, a cloud of witnesses
in favour of the motion of, 215.

Molluscous animals, introduction to the natural
history of, 22; indirect benefits from, 148.
Moor buzzard, variety of, figured, 102.
Moth, brown-tail, attempt to naturalise, by the
Rev. W. T. Bree, 66; the death's-head hawk,
460; the vapourer, 460.

Mountain cock, critical remark respecting, 302.
Mountains, form and aspect of, 466.
Muphatamet's optical phenomenon explained,


Murray, J., answer respecting the circumstance
of a gelatinous mass like the remains of a
frog; and suggestion as to the showers [of
frogs, 289; critical remarks on the ascent of
the aerial spider, 299.

Muscle, fresh-water, young of, 469.
Museum Alexandrinum, at Petersburg, 252;
of natural history at Abo destroyed by fire,
252; at Manchester, account of some rare
birds in the, by John Blackwall, Esq., 273; of
the Canterbury Philosophical and Literary
Institution, 383; of Scarborough, 474.

Mya batàva, query respecting, 102.
Names, accentuation of, 298; of plants, changes
in, 462.

Natural history, the progress of, during 1828, by
Mrs. Bowdich, 409; collection from Pondi-
cherry, 249, in Spain, 367; in China, 368; in
Wurtemberg, 250; of vegetables, 165.
Natural History Society, advantage to be ex-
pected from a, 395; of Preston, 88; suggestion
for one, 286.

Nature, calendar of, for Perthshire, 477-483;
meteorological table and calendar of, for 1828,
from the register kept at Annat Gardens, 94.
Naútilus, query on, 102.

Nests and eggs, query respecting, 404.
Nest of a strange bird, &c., 404.
Newcastle upon Tyne, museum of natural his-
tory in, 270.

Niagara, description of the Falls of, by the Duke
of Saxe-Weimar, 369.

Nicholson, Thomas, on the red snow of the
Arctic regions, 321.

Nidus on a rush, 104; answer to query respect-
ing, by the Rev. Wm. Kirby, 405; singula.
one, by Charles Blomer, 303.

Nightingale, curiously composed nest of the, 65.
Nile, manner of passing, on reeds, 327.
Nuthatch, circumstances respecting, by the Rev.
W. T. Bree, 243; query on the peculiar smell
from, after death, 484.

Oak tree, notice respecting one struck by light-
ning, 230.

Ontario, Lake, ancient fish-banks near, 253.
Optical phenomena, 108.

Ornithology of London, remarks on the, 264.
Orthoceras annulàris and striàta, notice of some
fragments of, found in the Barr limestone in
Warwickshire, by Frederick Jukes, with a
note by J. D. C. Sowerby, F. L.S., 231.
Owl feeding on fish, suggestion as to, 288.
Ox, American, or pygmy bison, notice of an im-
posture so entitled, 218.

Palestine, geology of, critique respecting, 119.
Palmer, the Rev. S., hints respecting the lists
of plants, 212; plants collected by, in Middle-
sex, 266; in Surrey, 266; in Hampshire, 276;
in Essex, 385; in Hertfordshire, Huntingdon-
shire, and Cambridgeshire, 386; in North-
amptonshire, 387.

Papilio Machàon, distinction of sex in, 67.
Papyrus, on vessels made of the, 324.
Pearls, British, 461.

Pelican of the moderns, the kath of the ancient
Hebrews considered as, by David Scot, M.D.
M.W.S. F. H.S. E., 137.

Pentacrìnus europæ us and the star-fish, cri-
tique respecting, 114.

Perennial calendar, critique respecting, 110.
Perry, W. G., varieties of plants found in War-
wickshire, 268.

Peru, coal-fields in, 370.

Petersburg, Museum Alexandrinum at, de-
stroyed by fire, 252.

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Phala na Pýralis, remark respecting, 302.
Pheasants, answer to query respecting, 288.
Philosophical and Literary Institution of Can-
terbury, museum of, 383; of Chatham, meet-
ing of September 29., 383.

Philosophical and Literary Society of Bristol,
meeting of May 29., 391.

Philosophical Society of Cambridge, purchase
of birds made by the, 386.
Physàlia, observations on the, 425.
Physeter catòlon figured, 477.

Picus minor and maximus, remark respecting,
by Perceval Hunter, 208; minor, critique re-
specting, 110; in Herefordshire, by Walter
Henry Hill, 387.

Pied flycatcher, query respecting, 100.
Pigeon, the wild, in America, 369.
Plants collected by the Rev. S. Palmer, in Mid-
dlesex, 266; in Surrey, 266; in Hampshire,
276; in Essex, 385; in Hertfordshire, Hun-
tingdonshire, and Cambridgeshire, 386; in
Northamptonshire, 387; efficacious method of
drying, by J. E. Bowman, 245; hints respect-
ing the lists of, by S. Palmer, 212; in flower
near Bungay on the 21st of December, by D.
Stock, 88; marine, query respecting, 406; rare,
localities of, in North Wales, by Nat. John
Winch, 278; sloughing of 464, tropical re-
mains of, 81; varieties of, found in Warwick-
shire by W. G. Perry, 268.

Pliny's animals determined specifically by M.
Cuvier, 421; statement as to the papyrus ves.
sels, 325.

Plover, query on an uncommon species of, 207.
Plymouth and London, indigenous floras of,
compared, by W. Hamilton, 265.
Plutarch's statement respecting boats made of
the papyrus, 325.

Pollen of plants, account of Mr. Needham's ori-
ginal discovery of the action of; with observ-
ations on the supposed existence of active
molecules in mineral substances, by Robert
Bakewell, 1; of flowers, Brongniart's state-
ment respecting, 417.

Pondicherry, collection of nat. hist. from, 249.
Porcupine, Canada, 357.
Poultry, wild, 368.

Preservation of small birds, 458.

Preston, land and fresh-water shells in the
neighbourhood of, by Joseph Kenyon, 273.
Procellària Leáchii, query respecting, 105.
Puffins, 393.

Pupa of the wheat fly, 451.

Pygmy bison, or American ox, notice of an
imposture so entitled, 218.

Radicles, descent of, in germination, 463.
Rállus aquáticus, critique on the figure of, 302.
Rare, critique respecting plants and insects con-
sidered as, 110.

Rattlesnakes, a den of, 370.

Raven, young of the, query respecting, 403.
Ray, commemoration of, 84.

Raymond, M., his discovery in dyeing, 410.
Razor-bills, 393.

Rein deer, 63.

kath of the ancient Hebrews considered as
the pelican of the moderns, 137.
Scotland, wolves and foxes in, by J. Rennie, 457.
Sea, the blue colour of, 297.

Sea-spider, 211; an imposition, 290.

Seeds, durability of, query respecting, 106.
Shadows, double phenomenon of, explained, 496.
Sheep, broad-tailed, 63; West India, 63; Abys-
sinian, 63; supposed to be fattened by shelled-
snails, 150; black, 457.

Shells, fossil, catalogue of unpublished, 246;
British, alteration in Mr. Kenyon's paper on,
303; land and fresh-water, in the neighbour-
hood of Preston, by Joseph Kenyon, Esq., 273.
Shirreff, Mr. P., account of the wheat-fly, 448.
Shrew mole of America, 354.

Shrew, water, some account of the, by John
F. M. Dovaston, A.M., 219.
Shrike, the greater, query on the peculiar smell
from, after death, 484.

Sight, distant, 470; of the stemmatous insects,

Silver fish, query respecting, 102.
Simia tribe, the best treatise on ? 402.
Skeleton plants, query on, 106.
Skins of birds, query on softening, 484.
Skulls of brutes, answer to query respecting, by
Thos. Thompson, 288.
Sloughing of plants, 464.

Slugs, spinning, by the Rev. W. T. Bree, 69. 303.

Snail, musical sound produced by, 244.
Snake, British, new species of, 458.
Snipe, the solitary, figured and described, 147;
the common, figured and described, 147; the
Jack, figured and described, 148; the soli-
tary, correction respecting delineation of, 302.
Snipes, British, descriptive and historical notices
of, 143.

Snow, red, of the Arctic regions, 321.
Society, Natural History, suggestion for, 286.
Soil, influence of, on roots, 463.
Solan goose, 90.

Sowerby, J. D. C., F.L.S., note on a new species
of trilobite, 44; note to paper on Orthoceras
annulàris and striata, 233.

Spain, state of natural history in, 367.
Sphæ'ria fraxinea, phenomena attending, 171.
Spider, remarkable one, query respecting, by
C. Lamb, 290; aerial, critical remarks on the
ascent of, by J. Murray, 299.

Spiders not found on chestnut timber, query re-
specting, by John Brown, 291; developement
of the eggs of, 244; live and grow without
food, 459.

Spinning slugs, 303.

Spirit of Bewick's designs, 432.
Spring, indications of, 127.

Spruce fir-tree, some account of a remarkable
one in the woods of Braco Castle, Perthshire,
by Mr. Archibald Gorrie, C.M.H.S., 173.
Stanley, J., M.D., birds found in the neigh-
bourhood of Whitehaven, 275.

Starwort, answer to the query respecting, 293;
of Graham's British Georgics, 406.

Rhine and Moselle, volcanic district between, 71. Stewart, John V., respecting the lump attached

Rhodiola millegràna, corrected, 119.

Rock blocks, 471.

Rook, white one taken in full feather, 387.

Root, description of the, 165.

Rose, C. B., on the anatomy of the ventriculites
of Mantel, 332.

Rose tree, sap of the, 462.

Rotherham, Flora of, by Larret Langley, 269.
Rush, nidus on a, 104.

Salmon, J. D., query on the best work on British
birds' eggs, 205; answer to, 205.
Sand, dark-coloured, the sun's rays reflected
from a, 81.

Saxe-Weimar, the Duke of, his description of
the Falls of Niagara, 369.
Scarborough museum, 482.

Scolopax Sabini, answer to query respecting, by
Perceval Hunter, 288.

Scot, David, M.D. M. W.S. F.H.S.E., on the

to the hare's throat, 300.

Stock, Daniel, remarks on Mr. Babington's list
of rare plants and insects, 213; discovery of
plants varying with white flowers, 387; Trid-
dia procumbens, 387; error respecting the
sun-flower corrected, 464.

Stone, Robert, F.L.S., obituary of, 120.
Storks in Germany, 484.

Stourchat and wheatear,difference between, 289.
Strabo's description of the papyrus, 326.
Stúrnus Cinclus, remarks respecting, 400.
Sun-flower, error respecting, 464.
Sun's rays reflected from a dark sand, 81.
Superfotation of a pheasant's egg, 289.
Surrey, plants collected in, 266.
Swallow, query respecting a, by R. Sweet, 101.
Swallows, arrival of, 264; in this country during
the winter, 458.

Switzerland, Societies of Naturalists in, 251.

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